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Announcement From NAAC


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On 11/18/08 there was a post on NAAC's private forums from arctic concerning his inactivity. Within this post, he explained that as a professor in RL it is anything but easy to lead an online alliance and can not devote the needed time. As sad as we all were to lose such a great leader, we needed to find another one for the upcoming round.

This is where I come into the picture. Before I started TE in 2006 I joined CN:S and NAAC. It was my very first alliance and also my last before it had disband. I met friends and enemies, good alliances and bad alliances. I fought in many wars along side of my brothers and sisters and still to this day are a true blue member of the NAAC. That's why I joined TE. I have my alliance's back and I will be leading them but with a new game and new people. I will make sure we continue to be strong and I will lead as best as I possibly can.

I may not measure up to Arctic but I have faith, hope and trust in all our members. We may be your enemy, but a new round means a new beginning and hope to patch up what might have been torn. If you are our ally, expect that you will stay that way as long as I am leader. I am in my new position for the remaining days of round 2 and all of round 3.

Thank you,



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you guys have been decent rivals, Arctic deserves the break.

He does indeed. He's worked hard in NAAc and its only fair to let him take a break.

Also, as for the rivals bit..hopefully that will change next round for some time. Its a "restart" for a reason and

NAAC doesn't intend on holding grudges.

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He does indeed. He's worked hard in NAAc and its only fair to let him take a break.

Also, as for the rivals bit..hopefully that will change next round for some time. Its a "restart" for a reason and

NAAC doesn't intend on holding grudges.

as far as i'm aware we don't either.

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We at Murder Inc. dont intend to hold grudges. NAAC, we have been at war against you on 3 different occasions now. At the end of round 1 you attacked us. And this round we have warred twice. Not once have we attacked you in retaliation or plotted against you. And we dont plan on it in the future. I am looking forward to next round.

Arctic, its a shame to see you stepping down. Congrats to you Freedomville, I am sure you will do well. You are loyal to NAAC and thats what matters most.

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Congrats on your new position Freedomville, and above anything else NAAC has made this round

very interesting to say the least....... You guys are a buch of crazy SB's!!!

Good luck with next round, and tell arctic best of luck with RL.


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Oh hey it's the guy who was talking about never giving IDIOT peace during the GENIUS war and who was advocating the use of perma ZI in TE. I miss Arctic already.

I think you have me and puppet master mixed up there, perconte.

First of all: I'm not a guy, thanks.

Second of all: The past is the past, I made a mistake. Everyone does and I realized I was wrong. I didn't exactly want perma ZI, although from some of the posts MI made from time to time, I kind of wished there was. I'm sure you guys felt the same way because there was a lot of tension. I take back most of the things I said in the heat-of-the-moment and when pace was brought up, I supported it. Round 3 = new slate.

That has nothing to do with me leading next round though and I hope you don't hold that against me when you have no idea how I'm going to lead.

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