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logging in and captcha image


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For some reason whenever I log in to my nation I get this

You have received an error trying to view a page. Here is the detailed error code: You did not enter the validation code correctly.

When I try to login in again it gives me the captcha image but the audio differs slightly to way off of the image.

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For some reason whenever I log in to my nation I get this

When I try to login in again it gives me the captcha image but the audio differs slightly to way off of the image.

It could possibly be storing an old image in the cache and not refreshing, the audio it plays will then be the file for the new image you *should* be seeing and will work, whereas the image won't. Try clearing your browser's cache first, and make sure you don't hit the back button if you get the password wrong as that will load the previous image - instead go to the login screen again and hit refresh to be on the safe side.

But frankly this is unlikely to be the problem since from what you've said I gather the image is updating each time.

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Try clearing your browser's cache first, and make sure you don't hit the back button if you get the password wrong as that will load the previous image - instead go to the login screen again and hit refresh to be on the safe side.

Try this or try a different browser. The process tests ok for me in IE and FireFox.

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Try this or try a different browser. The process tests ok for me in IE and FireFox.

Well oddly enough with IE tab I can log in just fine, switch back to firefox and no go. What is the name of the cookie used for remembering a login so I can clear it?

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