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Does War Increase Money?


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I am new in this game and i want some help!!!

Does winning wars earns money?

You can steal money from your opponent up to a cap of 1m, assuming he has any money to begin with

However you can also loose money in failed ground attacks, essentially giving it to your opponent, up to the same cap

Most people however raid for tech and land as what you can obtain is more valuable than the cash

However be warned, if your opponent fights back he will destroy more that whatever you stole is worth,

Also if he is in an alliance / has friends, you may find yourself on the end of some heavy reparations demands, or the wrong end of a 4 way beat down

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You can steal money from your opponent up to a cap of 1m, assuming he has any money to begin with

However you can also loose money in failed ground attacks, essentially giving it to your opponent, up to the same cap

Most people however raid for tech and land as what you can obtain is more valuable than the cash

However be warned, if your opponent fights back he will destroy more that whatever you stole is worth,

Also if he is in an alliance / has friends, you may find yourself on the end of some heavy reparations demands, or the wrong end of a 4 way beat down


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You can steal money from your opponent up to a cap of 1m, assuming he has any money to begin with

However you can also loose money in failed ground attacks, essentially giving it to your opponent, up to the same cap

I can personally vouch for how easy it is to lose money from failed ground attacks. When I've gained money from successful ground attacks, it has rarely been enough to even begin to offset costs. As others have said, it's seizing land and tech that make ground attacks painful for the losing side.

Also if he is in an alliance / has friends, you may find yourself on the end of some heavy reparations demands, or the wrong end of a 4 way beat down

I think the player may soon learn more about alliances. He's currently 2 days old, on Blue, and has "New Pacific Order" set in his Alliance Affiliation.

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If you plan in tech raiding or attacking for fun, there is a chance that your victim is sitting on a big stockpile of cash, or has friends. If that happens, be prepared to be blasted back by your "victim" and/or your victim's friends. If you are losing in war against your victim because you tech raided your "victim", do not be stubborn, because in the past, there was one joyful attacker who got almost ZIed (Zero Infrastructure) by me.

By the way, many alliances does NOT allow tech raiding or attacking without orders. Alliances that allows random attack and tech raiding were, completely destroyed and dissolved when their members attacked a member of a larger alliance, or a smaller alliance that is protected by a larger alliance.

There was one time this one nation attacked my nation for "fun". The attacker did make some money from looting my land and money, and throwing my nation into chaos. At that time, I was in an decent alliance, and I received few war aids. With the war aids, I managed to crush my enemy nation with my beefed up attacking army. After about 4 days from battling, I sent a PM telling my enemy that he or she can either accept my peace offer, or to be destroyed. My enemy refused, saying that he or she can defeat me, which didn't work because my enemy attacking army was out numbered from 1 to 10. I then received another war aid, which was far more than enough for me to completely destroy the attacker. 3 days before the war expired, my enemy finally asked for peace, and I accepted it, seeing that the attacker finally learned his or her lesson.

Moral of this story, never underestimate what your enemy can do, and never EVER attack any CN nations that are in an alliance.

Edited by HHAYD
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