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I Need A New Alliance


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I have been in an alliance since my nations inception, being that it was a small alliance I never made issue that none of the Start up aid promises were ever fullfilled and I have built myself up on my own, A while back my alliance was merged with another and I was assured all would be the same and better with more opportunity to make up for what was not happening with us before. I am now finding things are not better and would just prefer to Join anew alliance. Since I was initially recruited I am not sure who to go to join so I am hoping that I could be rerecruited Iwill do my best to investigate all offers and hope I can forge a good relations ship with anew team.

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Feel welcome to join The Order of the Sword.

We reward activity with a lot of aid, and we also need people to fill government positions.

At the moment we are not very big yet, but we have great plans for the future.

visit our forums here


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I would suggest OIN.They can help you by providing guides for CN,calculators,aid and of course military assistance.Also you can participate in boost programs where you can receive up to 2mil in aid.They are very organized and relatively big and they have many pacts with others to ensure their security.Their forums are here.

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I have been in an alliance since my nations inception, being that it was a small alliance I never made issue that none of the Start up aid promises were ever fullfilled and I have built myself up on my own, A while back my alliance was merged with another and I was assured all would be the same and better with more opportunity to make up for what was not happening with us before. I am now finding things are not better and would just prefer to Join anew alliance. Since I was initially recruited I am not sure who to go to join so I am hoping that I could be rerecruited Iwill do my best to investigate all offers and hope I can forge a good relations ship with anew team.

I just made an alliance but all it is, is me and we have no forums but u r welcome to join I am looking for members to fill high positions.

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I recommend The Confederation - a young and growing alliance led by experienced rulers. You'll find a place where promises are fulfilled and promising nations like yours are valued. By reading your post here, I'm confident you'd make an excellent member.

Marketing blather aside, what sort of alliance are you looking for? One that is mostly defensive, allowing you to grow economically? One that is more aggressive, supporting a habit of Tech Raiding? One that is spinning a web of inter-alliance treaties and playing politics to the full? One with lots of activity on the forums? One with active Tech Dealers and connections to Trade Guilds?

If you seek a strong, honorable, active alliance, the Applications Office is open.

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the Confederation of Allied Nations (CoAN) is looking for good members to help us grow and prosper. we have many many friends all around planet Bob and are well known for our diplomatic prowess. We currently have many positions available for a hard working player to enjoy such as ambassadorships and the Speaker of the Assembly, as well as seats on many committees. We hope that you are interested in becoming a great member of a potentially great Alliance and that your past experience can be passed on to help everyone grow a little more. We look forward to hearing from you.

if you would like to check us out, my nation link is in my sig and you can contact me there, on here, or in our forums also linked in my sig.

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The Order of Halsa is a well established alliance, sudo-neutral, (we do have two MDP's) and eagerly looking for new members. Our policy on start up aid is this: we usually don't give it, but we answer most, if not all, aid requests inside our foreign ministry. We have several activities for members to do, such as a Recruitment Council and a diplomat training school. We also allow tech-raiding, so long as the Nation you tech raid is unaligned.

70ish members

450,000ish total NS

2.25 score

Here is our forum link: http://z4.invisionfree.com/Halsa/index.php?

Come find us on IRC at #halsa on esper.net

(Here is an IRC tutorial if you need it)

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You should definately consider PLUS (Protection and Liberation of United States). We offer $500k Joining Aid, a harbor when you reach 1000 citizens, lots of active foreign aid, protection from rogue attacks and tech raids, and you can make extra $$ to build your nation by participating in the PLUS Tech Market as a middleman. Think it over, and at least come and check us out before you make a decision. Our forums are located here:



Lord Tavis, Premier of PLUS

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Join FEAR (AA is "Fellowship of Elite Allied Republics" without the quotes). We don't give initial sign on aid, but with activity you can earn 1 mil in as little as a day, and up to a total of 5.5 mil over time at FEAR. FEAR is a great alliance and an up and coming one, we are about to hit 100 members and 1 mil NS. Join FEAR today.


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