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Does yellow exist?

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Is there a strong yellow alliance? I noticed there was none in the sanction race for that sphere. The two strongest seem to be IDK and FAN. Are they organized with a government and have a forum set up? If so, what are the politics between them?

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Is there a strong yellow alliance? I noticed there was none in the sanction race for that sphere. The two strongest seem to be IDK and FAN. Are they organized with a government and have a forum set up? If so, what are the politics between them?

idk about IDK. But FAN:TE is not the real FAN. FAN:TE is TOP's CN:TE alliance.

I'd imagine they use the TOP forums.

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idk about IDK. But FAN:TE is not the real FAN. FAN:TE is TOP's CN:TE alliance.

I'd imagine they use the TOP forums.

Zac the sage of TOP runs FAN:TE. It is TOP's CN:TE alliance.

Edited by Emperor Tiberius
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I did try and research both alliances and found out that FAN isn't the CN FAN. But that doesn't really bother me. I just want a true alliance with a forum and gov., the name doesn't really matter. I looked for a public charter stating what each alliance stands for and could not find one.

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I did try and research both alliances and found out that FAN isn't the CN FAN. But that doesn't really bother me. I just want a true alliance with a forum and gov., the name doesn't really matter. I looked for a public charter stating what each alliance stands for and could not find one.

I used to be in TE FAN, I also play Astro Empires as FAN (FAN AE is CN FAN, they even use the same forum).

I call FAN TE the Faux FANboys. I consider FAN TE an Insult to everything FAN is/stands for.

MCXA has a TE alliance and a forum.

FAN CN has no plans as of yet of setting up shop in CN:TE.

If you join MCXA TE, you can keep your yellow trades.

Edited by Emperor Tiberius
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I am really interested in the development of this nearly non-existent color sphere. I am determined to make this color work and prosper. But in order to do such, I need to hear from both of these alliances.

I don't want this thread to become advertisements for alliances, for there are so many of those already that it makes me sick. I just want for all of us on planet ... carl?... to exchange our opinions about the yellow sphere and the alliances within it. It has been good for the most part so far, but I do see the possibilities of digression, which I want to caution against beforehand.

PS I hate the name planet carl, but no comments here on that.

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IDK = Independent Devouring Kangaroos :D

we're somewhat organized.

There will be 3 triumvirate, myself, and 2 others :D

We're mostly all TPF OPP current and former members, but it's not a requirement.

So do you have a special forum for IDK? irc?

What is the goal of IDK? (e.g. grow in peace, yellow domination, world domination, etc.)

What does IDK believe in? (e.g. alliance before individuals, individuals before alliance, diplomacy, war, fun, winning, etc.)

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So do you have a special forum for IDK? irc?

What is the goal of IDK? (e.g. grow in peace, yellow domination, world domination, etc.)

What does IDK believe in? (e.g. alliance before individuals, individuals before alliance, diplomacy, war, fun, winning, etc.)

Special forum? No

IRC? yes, #opp

What is the goal of IDK? Um, as of now, to have fun. First, taking over yellow, then we'll see what's left after that :D

What does IDK believe in? The designated hitter, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the yeti.

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with no seperate forum how do you plan to keep members of your alliance up to date. Are you going to mass message everyone updates, say when you go to war?

Inorder to dominate the yellow sphere, there should probably be a merger of the major yellow alliances. Unless you take them by force which will be nearly impossible. If you do not want to discuss these over a public forum, I can understand and we can move this into a PM.

So you don't have a charter?

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Honestly, not yet. With CN being busy, and still dealing with the STA war, haven't had time to. Most likely we'll make one in the near future, but as for now, no.

We're just a collection of allies from CN that have banded together in TE......for at least the time being.

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My yellow alliance, Atlantic Unity Federation, is determined to grow, and it's run by CN veterans.

We're currently in the process of collaboratively making our charter. You can, of course, have considerable input if you come join us.

Our forums are located at obb.ipbfree.com

Edited by mattmag
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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, I completely forgot about this thread. figured it was dead along with this sphere.

So now that all of yellow is under attack, will the yellow sphere come together to fight its oppressors, or give in/up? To be 100% honest, I don't think yellow or brown could come together to win this, but... I do believe this is the perfect opportunity for yellow to unite and create a dominant alliance in the yellow sphere. It can be done, but I don't think anyone else shares my vision.

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IDIOT!!! You totally missed my point. I acknowledge that fact that yellow is plummeting, and have intentions of fixing it, not just running away cause I am scared of getting my nation ZIed. If that were the case, I would have already done so like so many others. matter of fact, I wouldn't even be on TE.

I like challenges. IDIOT is a great challenge, but making something out of nothing is even tougher.

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