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Trade Circle Generator


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Well, this is something I've been working on for awhile, and its finally at the point where it can be released for a public beta test. Basically, all you do is sign up (read the info on the main page first) and, unless you want a custom circle, forget about it. Then, when the program finds you a circle, you'll be contacted with the ruler names of everyone in the circle, and the resources involved (in case you forget). The rest is up to you ;)

Like I said, this is still beta, and there are bound to be a few glitches (the one mentioned on the main page is from months ago, don't worry about that one ;) ). I'm also not 100% confident that the custom circle generator works as advertised, but the only way to find that out is to get some good tests running. And the only way to do that is to get a decent-sized user base. So, use it and enjoy? Let me know how well it works or doesn't work, and report any bugs to me somehow (here, PM, or otherwise).

It doesn't look that pretty, but its not made to look nice ;)

One last thing. Please please please please please please PLEASE read everything on the main page before registering. That means no using your CN password (or any other password you use elsewhere for that matter) to register, and seriously consider using a different e-mail than your main one (I'm 95% sure that there shouldn't be any more e-mail bugs, but I can't guarantee it at this point).


Oh, if anyone would be interested in hosting this, and making its location a little more permanent, feel free to contact me ;)

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1) your link is broken, 2) it sounds like this is a violation of the site TOS in that its doing some kind of scan in the game for resources and ruler names, and 3) based on your description the application is not secure at all. I hope you fix #1 and I hope I'm wrong about #2 and #3.

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I did build a TC generator, it works generally like this, you need a list with nations and there resources.

The programm checks 1 million combinations a second, when a possible TC is found, it saves the ruler names in a text file. The tool is still in beta, and does not violate the rules, since it does not connect in any way to CN.

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1) your link is broken, 2) it sounds like this is a violation of the site TOS in that its doing some kind of scan in the game for resources and ruler names, and 3) based on your description the application is not secure at all. I hope you fix #1 and I hope I'm wrong about #2 and #3.

I think he does the check based on the users registered there, so he does not 'scan' CN. However because of that, I doubt the Calculator will get many circles together.

I currently have all the resources I need, but thats no real circle, so I gave it a try.

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1) your link is broken, 2) it sounds like this is a violation of the site TOS in that its doing some kind of scan in the game for resources and ruler names, and 3) based on your description the application is not secure at all. I hope you fix #1 and I hope I'm wrong about #2 and #3.

Sorry for the (very) late reply, I've been busy with moving into university and starting classes this past week.

1) The link still works for me. Would anyone else be able to confirm or deny the link working?

2) The application has no interaction with CN at all. Any users interested simply sign up, and it creates circles from those users.

3) The application should be fairly secure. The more likely explanation is that I just have a poor description. If you're referring to the password thing, they're inaccessible to anyone on the outside, but there's no harm in taking a little extra care in picking a password unique from any of your others (just like when signing up for anything else).

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