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20 days inactive or 21 days inactive?

Conan the Barbeque

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Today My 700+ day nation was deleted for being 20 days inactive. I thought I would be able to collect today on the 20th day that I was inactive, but this was not possible, as I was deleted.

Yet here is an image of someone who was 21 days inactive, and they were then subsequently deleted.


Why is there a distance between deletions like this? I thought I would be fine collecting at 20 days, as I have done it before, and people say that going beyond 20 days is when someone will be deleted. I have not recreated my nation yet, but I am doubting that it will be recovered. Unless this is possible, in which case pretty please do bring it back so that I may collect my taxes and aid my alliance!

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The limit is typically 20 days. I am unsure as to why someone managed to squeak out 21 days, but admin does not hover over his keyboard with a stopwatch in one hand and a longhair cat in his lap imperiously watching for nations to click over to twenty days inactive.

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Unfortunately, Conan, that script is meant to include those who are 20 days inactive. There may be times when admin doesn't get the script run due to unforseen circumstances. You take quite a risk in attempting to beat the inactivity deletion script, and unfortunately it seems it won this round. I am sorry you lost your nation.

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Send me an ingame message if you recreate a nation and I'll send some money your way, I'd hate to see such a good former opponent leave Cybernations over something like this :(

Looks like this new nation might be a better place to visit, with less deaths per day ;)

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