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GOONS: The Junta Coup of 08


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Following a lack of confidence in AppealDenied's leadership, a number of former CN-GOONS members decided to prevent their alliance's legacy from falling from its high graces. To that end, the leadership of the CNTE alliance "GOONS" has been taken over by a junta coup. AppealDenied was left as the head of government as a sign of good-will toward all the members already in the alliance.

Please find attached the alliance's new Articles of Confederation, as well as a list of current government members. We will see you on the battlefield.

Blasphemy I: Admission

Admission into GOONS is achieved in two steps. First, by laying down an offering of :10bux: to That Pig. Second, the nation must embrace the black path and become truly notorious. Upon completion of both steps, the nation shall receive protection.

Applying nations must not be a part of any existing alliance.

Blasphemy II: Government & The Closet

GOONS Closet: The Closet of GOONS is the governing body of the alliance. Any member of the Closet may ban any member from the alliance and may also reject membership to anyone. However, they must wrangle together at least two other members of the Closet to agree to these actions before they may be implemented.

El Lobster y Presidente (EP): In charge of the entire alliance. All decisions that will affect the welfare of the Goon Order of Notorious Supremacy will be made by the EP.

Optimus Prime Minister (OPM): Second in command, with similar standing and power as the EP. All legislative measures (as well as election cycles) are handled by the OPM.

Rodimus Prime Minister (RPM): Essentially just an advisor, the RPM will make an effort to attend all government meetings as well as supply their opinion when asked for it. Also is required to perform various sexual favours over the course of their tenure.

FTBRG: Coordinates and implements offensive strategies. Also tells foreign diplomats to suck on various sexual organs.

Director of Goonland Security (DOGS): Coordinates and implements defensive strategies. Also oversees the overall military structure of the alliance.

Secretary of Sekrits (SS): Responsible for maintaining and creating guides and other materials to assist member nations in the planning and execution of nation building. Is also the alliance's forum nanny and janitor.

Hurr Comm: Somehow manages to type out sentences which, hopefully, will properly instruct the alliance on how to carry out orders laid out by the Closet.

Bumblebee: Largely a ceremonial role. He is the Closet's face to the public.

Let it be known that members of the Closet are essentially on the same level as one another when it comes to decision making. However, the EP and OPM will generally get their way most of the time.

Blasphemy III: War

It is at the discretion of the Closet to determine to what extent the alliance will spread grief upon the masses. However, it is a fair assumption that it will be a great deal. Members of the alliance are expected to have educated themselves in not only the proper ways of war profiteering but also curbstomping.

El Lobster y Presidente: AppealDenied

Optimus Prime Minister: banned member

Rodimus Prime Minister: SAMulticore

FTBRG: Binny

Director of Goonland Security: LunaticFringe (aka GeneralPatton)

Secretary of Sekrits (SS): Brokyn

HurrComm: Alpert

Bumblebee: banned member

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