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Intra-alliance tournament


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War slot filling

Intra alliance war drills are not permitted. This is deemed as war slot filling and nations involved will recieve in a ingame warning. Alliances are only permitted to declare war on individual nations flying the same affiliation as themselves if they have a legitimate in character reason. Military drills with allied alliances are permitted if both alliances are currently uninvolved in any inter alliance wars. If nations are caught fighting nations in an alliance they are allied to in the course of an inter alliance war they will recieve an ingame warning for illegal war slot filling.

Could I have a war with another alliance member if one of us added 'Tournament Player' to our AA tag? If that is not a warnable offense could we engage in fighter battles only?


Nation 1 AA: Order of the Dark Knights

Nation 2 AA: Order of the Dark Knights - Tournament Player


Nation 1 AA: Order of the Dark Knights - Tournament Player 1

Nation 2 AA: Order of the Dark Knights - Tournament Player 2

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I seem to remember on previous threads about this matter, wars between allaince tags are provided so long as actual attacks are taking place, as so long as it is a real war.

E.G - Two grounds batters, Two CM's and Two bombing runs would be allowed, a token CM in each direct every day would be seen as war slot filling.

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Military drills with allied alliances are permitted if both alliances are currently uninvolved in any inter alliance wars.

That implies any level of damage is fine (and a fighter only war is essentially no damage), so long as neither alliances are in an alliance war. My question is can my alliance members be counted as seperate if they add 'Tournament Player' to the end of their AA.

Edited by Myalam
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Generally speaking, if attacks are made and the war appears genuine then you should not have a problem. You get into trouble if you declare and then make only one or two minor attacks, or none at all.

So a nation won't be recognised as being part of a different alliance if their AA has "Tournament Member" added to it?

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you would actually have to fight each other...

you can declare on your alliance mates and fight each other... IF you are actually fighting each other... token attacks (a single cruise missile or single air run, etc) don't count, and will get you flagged. You must actually attack each other with the same ferociousness as you would another alliance you are at war with...

My alliance has been holding these tournaments for a while and because we follow the rules to the T... we have never had a problem...

the rules we lay down for the tournaments are:

1) both players must agree to the battle (obvious)

2) battles must happen daily and must include at least 5 attacks (2 ground, 2 air, 1 CM etc.)

3) the battle is won when one of the nations is put into anarchy, but both nations must continue the daily attacks through the full 7 days

we obviously have people betting on who will win, and portions of the "bet" money go to rebuild the other players, who may also get sponsors to aid them back to health afterwards...

by following those rules we have never gotten a warning for slot filling or otherwise... as each nation is actually battling each other... with real loses and real battles you are not breaking the rules by the way they are written...

EDIT: Spelling FTW

Edited by Franziskaner
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