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Looking for a new alliance


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You could join MERC. We are a small black team alliance where color change is not required. We have a few openings in our government so if that is your interest you may want to join. We are an active, dedicated group and would like to have any new members that would want to join.

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I would have appeared more of an appealing prospect for recruitment - given that my nation was 20 days old - and I had acquired 790 Technology (the maximum actually possible for that given length of time; full Aid each slot continually, and two $20 Donations) and over 3000 Infrastructure, a full fleet of 60 Level 9 Aircrafts, and was literally unblemished and profound. Also, this was maximized in every way possible, given that I got a decent (perfect) Eight Bonus Resource Trade Circle within the hour of creation. I had 17,152.00 NS, with an efficiency rating of 857.6.

Deleted due to RL mania though, and am currently waiting out the time with mindless posts before this forum account is deleted.

I recommend you go and join Nebula-X, Paragon Ascendancy or Grand Peace Order. All three are FTW.

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I would have appeared more of an appealing prospect for recruitment - given that my nation was 20 days old - and I had acquired 790 Technology (the maximum actually possible for that given length of time; full Aid each slot continually, and two $20 Donations) and over 3000 Infrastructure, a full fleet of 60 Level 9 Aircrafts, and was literally unblemished and profound. Also, this was maximized in every way possible, given that I got a decent (perfect) Eight Bonus Resource Trade Circle within the hour of creation. I had 17,152.00 NS, with an efficiency rating of 857.6.

You conducted in donation scams with other nations. You were untouched because you were in peace mode since your inception, and you sent a PM to a member of MCXA, asking him to attack Corwin. This does not include what you did in your original account.

I won't say anything else.

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You could join Americas Army.

We are a fast growing blue alliance (altho color is not really required) but we have MANY spots available. Like if you are interested in war, you can be Co-leader of all battalions and help out the Colonel of Defense (aka captain of all battalions)

or you if you like internal affairs or foriegn affairs. or even if you like recuiting. We have MANY positions available. We have a great support staff AND we are protectorates of The Legion :).

So does that sound interesting enough?

Ask me if you have any questions or go to our forums :)


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