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Unspeakable Evil

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Updated: 2009-10-09

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Updated: 2009-10-10

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Updated: 2009-10-11

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MEGA Rankings, Week-to-Today: <-- This is really huge, read me


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So, it's another boring Sunday and once again you the readers profit!

I've updated my database and parsers to extract wonder and improvement information, as per a longstanding request. I'm not doing a whole lot with it yet, but I should be able to incorporate it into regular updates from now forward. The primary limitation is that only the alliance detail views have improvement/wonder information on them, so only the top 80 alliances will get information every day.

This begs the question, what kind of improvement/wonder data would folks like to see?

As a preview, here are some trivial wonder and improvement queries:


| Alliance   | Date	   | Wonders | Avg. Wonders |
| TOP		| 2009-10-11 | 3,789   | 17.07		| 
| NpO		| 2009-10-11 | 3,183   | 7.44		 | 
| IRON	   | 2009-10-11 | 3,134   | 5.92		 | 
| NPO		| 2009-10-11 | 3,014   | 4.70		 | 
| Sparta	 | 2009-10-11 | 2,587   | 4.47		 | 
| MHA		| 2009-10-11 | 2,566   | 3.99		 | 
| FARK	   | 2009-10-11 | 2,334   | 7.63		 | 
| ODN		| 2009-10-11 | 2,002   | 5.55		 | 
| MK		 | 2009-10-11 | 1,985   | 12.18		| 
| FOK		| 2009-10-11 | 1,944   | 8.20		 | 
| GPA		| 2009-10-11 | 1,806   | 6.89		 | 
| VE		 | 2009-10-11 | 1,552   | 5.43		 | 
| TOOL	   | 2009-10-11 | 1,467   | 6.06		 | 
| Grmlns	 | 2009-10-11 | 1,458   | 17.57		| 
| WTF		| 2009-10-11 | 1,394   | 5.69		 | 
| Ragnarok   | 2009-10-11 | 1,179   | 3.93		 | 
| Umb		| 2009-10-11 | 1,114   | 15.26		| 
| Athens	 | 2009-10-11 | 1,106   | 6.01		 | 
| CSN		| 2009-10-11 | 1,061   | 5.61		 | 
| TDO		| 2009-10-11 | 1,053   | 2.20		 | 
| NV		 | 2009-10-11 | 958	 | 7.98		 | 
| GATO	   | 2009-10-11 | 949	 | 2.64		 | 
| Legion	 | 2009-10-11 | 948	 | 2.35		 | 
| MCXA	   | 2009-10-11 | 942	 | 4.06		 | 
| RIA		| 2009-10-11 | 918	 | 3.99		 | 
| Invicta	| 2009-10-11 | 891	 | 4.24		 | 
| TSO		| 2009-10-11 | 861	 | 14.84		| 
| RnR		| 2009-10-11 | 847	 | 4.07		 | 
| STA		| 2009-10-11 | 835	 | 4.26		 | 
| MonArc	 | 2009-10-11 | 833	 | 3.84		 | 
| MASH	   | 2009-10-11 | 817	 | 6.54		 | 
| GOD		| 2009-10-11 | 815	 | 10.19		| 
| UPN		| 2009-10-11 | 814	 | 3.38		 | 
| Poisan	 | 2009-10-11 | 792	 | 12.98		| 
| GR		 | 2009-10-11 | 763	 | 6.41		 | 
| LoSS	   | 2009-10-11 | 762	 | 5.37		 | 
| Val		| 2009-10-11 | 741	 | 8.62		 | 
| NADC	   | 2009-10-11 | 732	 | 4.69		 | 
| NEW		| 2009-10-11 | 725	 | 4.42		 | 
| Vanguard   | 2009-10-11 | 714	 | 10.50		| 
| TPF		| 2009-10-11 | 711	 | 6.29		 | 
| NSO		| 2009-10-11 | 703	 | 4.66		 | 
| Argent	 | 2009-10-11 | 618	 | 9.22		 | 
| TTK		| 2009-10-11 | 589	 | 4.95		 | 
| GGA		| 2009-10-11 | 580	 | 4.53		 | 
| FEAR	   | 2009-10-11 | 574	 | 5.98		 | 
| NoR		| 2009-10-11 | 561	 | 4.60		 | 
| FAN		| 2009-10-11 | 554	 | 3.74		 | 
| WAPA	   | 2009-10-11 | 552	 | 3.73		 | 
| ML		 | 2009-10-11 | 544	 | 12.65		| 
| The Intern | 2009-10-11 | 527	 | 4.83		 | 
| BAPS	   | 2009-10-11 | 516	 | 8.60		 | 
| The Resist | 2009-10-11 | 502	 | 4.92		 | 
| NATO	   | 2009-10-11 | 490	 | 2.72		 | 
| Gen		| 2009-10-11 | 483	 | 6.04		 | 
| Silence	| 2009-10-11 | 464	 | 4.42		 | 
| OG		 | 2009-10-11 | 450	 | 14.52		| 
| TFD		| 2009-10-11 | 449	 | 3.40		 | 
| GLOF	   | 2009-10-11 | 434	 | 3.34		 | 
| Uber	   | 2009-10-11 | 412	 | 6.65		 | 
| IAA		| 2009-10-11 | 402	 | 3.00		 | 
| FoB		| 2009-10-11 | 376	 | 2.71		 | 
| TDT		| 2009-10-11 | 360	 | 7.50		 | 
| FCO		| 2009-10-11 | 349	 | 4.26		 | 
| UCN		| 2009-10-11 | 345	 | 2.41		 | 
| Immortals  | 2009-10-11 | 333	 | 4.50		 | 
| Carpe	  | 2009-10-11 | 332	 | 3.91		 | 
| TGE		| 2009-10-11 | 324	 | 3.09		 | 
| GDA		| 2009-10-11 | 306	 | 2.08		 | 
| 1TF		| 2009-10-11 | 295	 | 3.93		 | 
| CCC		| 2009-10-11 | 289	 | 2.83		 | 
| VerAeq	 | 2009-10-11 | 288	 | 3.27		 | 
| Wolfpack   | 2009-10-11 | 267	 | 2.81		 | 
| WFed	   | 2009-10-11 | 264	 | 1.25		 | 
| TCI		| 2009-10-11 | 250	 | 4.72		 | 
| Seaworthy  | 2009-10-11 | 247	 | 4.57		 | 
| AGW		| 2009-10-11 | 232	 | 4.14		 | 
| USN		| 2009-10-11 | 224	 | 2.13		 | 
| UBD		| 2009-10-11 | 170	 | 1.81		 | 
| Guru Order | 2009-10-11 | 69	  | 0.28		 | 
80 rows in set (0.01 sec)


| Alliance   | Date	   | Improvements | Avg. Improvements |
| NpO		| 2009-10-11 | 21,894	   | 51.15			 | 
| MHA		| 2009-10-11 | 20,994	   | 32.65			 | 
| Sparta	 | 2009-10-11 | 20,485	   | 35.38			 | 
| IRON	   | 2009-10-11 | 19,706	   | 37.25			 | 
| TOP		| 2009-10-11 | 16,264	   | 73.26			 | 
| NPO		| 2009-10-11 | 16,216	   | 25.30			 | 
| ODN		| 2009-10-11 | 15,379	   | 42.60			 | 
| FARK	   | 2009-10-11 | 14,060	   | 45.95			 | 
| TOOL	   | 2009-10-11 | 11,667	   | 48.21			 | 
| FOK		| 2009-10-11 | 11,523	   | 48.62			 | 
| TDO		| 2009-10-11 | 11,335	   | 23.71			 | 
| VE		 | 2009-10-11 | 11,191	   | 39.13			 | 
| GPA		| 2009-10-11 | 11,094	   | 42.34			 | 
| MK		 | 2009-10-11 | 10,060	   | 61.72			 | 
| WTF		| 2009-10-11 | 9,797		| 39.99			 | 
| Ragnarok   | 2009-10-11 | 9,745		| 32.48			 | 
| Legion	 | 2009-10-11 | 9,713		| 24.10			 | 
| GATO	   | 2009-10-11 | 9,586		| 26.70			 | 
| Athens	 | 2009-10-11 | 9,001		| 48.92			 | 
| MCXA	   | 2009-10-11 | 8,807		| 37.96			 | 
| UPN		| 2009-10-11 | 8,265		| 34.29			 | 
| CSN		| 2009-10-11 | 7,827		| 41.41			 | 
| MonArc	 | 2009-10-11 | 7,365		| 33.94			 | 
| Invicta	| 2009-10-11 | 7,310		| 34.81			 | 
| STA		| 2009-10-11 | 7,129		| 36.37			 | 
| RIA		| 2009-10-11 | 7,051		| 30.66			 | 
| MASH	   | 2009-10-11 | 6,804		| 54.43			 | 
| NADC	   | 2009-10-11 | 6,559		| 42.04			 | 
| RnR		| 2009-10-11 | 6,486		| 31.18			 | 
| FAN		| 2009-10-11 | 6,261		| 42.30			 | 
| LoSS	   | 2009-10-11 | 6,198		| 43.65			 | 
| NV		 | 2009-10-11 | 6,160		| 51.33			 | 
| Grmlns	 | 2009-10-11 | 6,118		| 73.71			 | 
| WAPA	   | 2009-10-11 | 5,986		| 40.45			 | 
| NEW		| 2009-10-11 | 5,892		| 35.93			 | 
| GR		 | 2009-10-11 | 5,355		| 45.00			 | 
| Umb		| 2009-10-11 | 5,176		| 70.90			 | 
| NSO		| 2009-10-11 | 5,157		| 34.15			 | 
| GGA		| 2009-10-11 | 4,973		| 38.85			 | 
| The Intern | 2009-10-11 | 4,924		| 45.17			 | 
| TTK		| 2009-10-11 | 4,838		| 40.66			 | 
| FoB		| 2009-10-11 | 4,654		| 33.48			 | 
| FEAR	   | 2009-10-11 | 4,582		| 47.73			 | 
| GDA		| 2009-10-11 | 4,569		| 31.08			 | 
| NATO	   | 2009-10-11 | 4,498		| 24.99			 | 
| NoR		| 2009-10-11 | 4,469		| 36.63			 | 
| Silence	| 2009-10-11 | 4,458		| 42.46			 | 
| TFD		| 2009-10-11 | 4,417		| 33.46			 | 
| GOD		| 2009-10-11 | 4,352		| 54.40			 | 
| GLOF	   | 2009-10-11 | 4,283		| 32.95			 | 
| WFed	   | 2009-10-11 | 4,265		| 20.12			 | 
| TSO		| 2009-10-11 | 4,194		| 72.31			 | 
| Val		| 2009-10-11 | 4,079		| 47.43			 | 
| The Resist | 2009-10-11 | 4,062		| 39.82			 | 
| TPF		| 2009-10-11 | 4,058		| 35.91			 | 
| Vanguard   | 2009-10-11 | 4,044		| 59.47			 | 
| Poisan	 | 2009-10-11 | 3,959		| 64.90			 | 
| Argent	 | 2009-10-11 | 3,903		| 58.25			 | 
| IAA		| 2009-10-11 | 3,834		| 28.61			 | 
| Gen		| 2009-10-11 | 3,684		| 46.05			 | 
| FCO		| 2009-10-11 | 3,573		| 43.57			 | 
| Uber	   | 2009-10-11 | 3,447		| 55.60			 | 
| Immortals  | 2009-10-11 | 3,381		| 45.69			 | 
| UCN		| 2009-10-11 | 3,247		| 22.71			 | 
| VerAeq	 | 2009-10-11 | 3,211		| 36.49			 | 
| TGE		| 2009-10-11 | 3,182		| 30.30			 | 
| Wolfpack   | 2009-10-11 | 3,116		| 32.80			 | 
| UBD		| 2009-10-11 | 2,855		| 30.37			 | 
| Carpe	  | 2009-10-11 | 2,803		| 32.98			 | 
| AGW		| 2009-10-11 | 2,779		| 49.63			 | 
| BAPS	   | 2009-10-11 | 2,722		| 45.37			 | 
| TDT		| 2009-10-11 | 2,658		| 55.38			 | 
| TCI		| 2009-10-11 | 2,563		| 48.36			 | 
| CCC		| 2009-10-11 | 2,548		| 24.98			 | 
| Guru Order | 2009-10-11 | 2,532		| 10.38			 | 
| ML		 | 2009-10-11 | 2,437		| 56.67			 | 
| USN		| 2009-10-11 | 2,313		| 22.03			 | 
| Seaworthy  | 2009-10-11 | 2,304		| 42.67			 | 
| 1TF		| 2009-10-11 | 2,189		| 29.19			 | 
| OG		 | 2009-10-11 | 1,993		| 64.29			 | 
80 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Basic Improvement Sanity:

| Alliance   | Date	   | Avg. Harbors | Avg. Banks | Avg. Factories |
| Argent	 | 2009-10-11 | 1.00		 | 4.70	   | 3.76		   | 
| Umb		| 2009-10-11 | 1.00		 | 4.95	   | 4.55		   | 
| Poisan	 | 2009-10-11 | 1.00		 | 4.77	   | 4.46		   | 
| TDT		| 2009-10-11 | 1.00		 | 5.00	   | 4.35		   | 
| OG		 | 2009-10-11 | 1.00		 | 4.81	   | 4.19		   | 
| TSO		| 2009-10-11 | 1.00		 | 4.91	   | 4.47		   | 
| FAN		| 2009-10-11 | 0.99		 | 4.66	   | 1.69		   | 
| MASH	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.99		 | 4.57	   | 3.81		   | 
| NV		 | 2009-10-11 | 0.99		 | 4.38	   | 3.58		   | 
| FEAR	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.99		 | 4.36	   | 3.77		   | 
| Grmlns	 | 2009-10-11 | 0.99		 | 4.93	   | 4.42		   | 
| Vanguard   | 2009-10-11 | 0.99		 | 4.44	   | 4.22		   | 
| Uber	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.98		 | 4.60	   | 4.23		   | 
| TPF		| 2009-10-11 | 0.98		 | 3.95	   | 3.58		   | 
| MK		 | 2009-10-11 | 0.98		 | 4.69	   | 4.18		   | 
| FCO		| 2009-10-11 | 0.98		 | 4.10	   | 4.26		   | 
| TOOL	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.98		 | 4.33	   | 2.95		   | 
| GOD		| 2009-10-11 | 0.98		 | 4.74	   | 4.10		   | 
| NADC	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.97		 | 4.28	   | 3.24		   | 
| Athens	 | 2009-10-11 | 0.97		 | 4.39	   | 3.27		   | 
| VE		 | 2009-10-11 | 0.97		 | 3.94	   | 3.28		   | 
| FoB		| 2009-10-11 | 0.97		 | 4.08	   | 3.17		   | 
| BAPS	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.97		 | 4.42	   | 3.33		   | 
| GR		 | 2009-10-11 | 0.97		 | 4.18	   | 3.56		   | 
| AGW		| 2009-10-11 | 0.96		 | 4.46	   | 3.61		   | 
| The Intern | 2009-10-11 | 0.96		 | 4.34	   | 3.61		   | 
| Seaworthy  | 2009-10-11 | 0.96		 | 4.02	   | 4.06		   | 
| TCI		| 2009-10-11 | 0.96		 | 4.64	   | 3.81		   | 
| TOP		| 2009-10-11 | 0.96		 | 4.77	   | 4.60		   | 
| MCXA	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.96		 | 4.17	   | 2.89		   | 
| STA		| 2009-10-11 | 0.95		 | 3.98	   | 3.05		   | 
| ML		 | 2009-10-11 | 0.95		 | 4.65	   | 2.60		   | 
| Val		| 2009-10-11 | 0.95		 | 4.17	   | 3.48		   | 
| Wolfpack   | 2009-10-11 | 0.95		 | 3.56	   | 2.92		   | 
| GGA		| 2009-10-11 | 0.95		 | 4.14	   | 3.59		   | 
| NSO		| 2009-10-11 | 0.94		 | 3.64	   | 3.13		   | 
| NEW		| 2009-10-11 | 0.94		 | 3.28	   | 2.45		   | 
| ODN		| 2009-10-11 | 0.94		 | 3.98	   | 2.77		   | 
| FARK	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.93		 | 4.06	   | 2.60		   | 
| NpO		| 2009-10-11 | 0.93		 | 4.32	   | 4.18		   | 
| VerAeq	 | 2009-10-11 | 0.93		 | 3.74	   | 2.94		   | 
| IRON	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.93		 | 3.55	   | 3.06		   | 
| LoSS	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.93		 | 3.99	   | 3.20		   | 
| WAPA	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.93		 | 3.88	   | 3.00		   | 
| Gen		| 2009-10-11 | 0.93		 | 3.91	   | 3.79		   | 
| Immortals  | 2009-10-11 | 0.92		 | 4.16	   | 3.91		   | 
| Carpe	  | 2009-10-11 | 0.92		 | 3.61	   | 3.20		   | 
| UPN		| 2009-10-11 | 0.91		 | 3.57	   | 3.22		   | 
| NoR		| 2009-10-11 | 0.91		 | 3.72	   | 3.60		   | 
| TFD		| 2009-10-11 | 0.91		 | 3.36	   | 3.02		   | 
| FOK		| 2009-10-11 | 0.91		 | 4.11	   | 3.17		   | 
| Silence	| 2009-10-11 | 0.90		 | 4.17	   | 3.37		   | 
| The Resist | 2009-10-11 | 0.90		 | 4.07	   | 2.84		   | 
| CSN		| 2009-10-11 | 0.89		 | 3.82	   | 3.49		   | 
| UBD		| 2009-10-11 | 0.89		 | 3.94	   | 2.79		   | 
| GDA		| 2009-10-11 | 0.89		 | 3.58	   | 2.41		   | 
| RIA		| 2009-10-11 | 0.89		 | 3.23	   | 2.70		   | 
| Ragnarok   | 2009-10-11 | 0.87		 | 3.20	   | 2.98		   | 
| GLOF	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.87		 | 3.42	   | 2.25		   | 
| TGE		| 2009-10-11 | 0.87		 | 3.25	   | 2.66		   | 
| IAA		| 2009-10-11 | 0.87		 | 3.11	   | 2.37		   | 
| TTK		| 2009-10-11 | 0.86		 | 3.62	   | 3.01		   | 
| MonArc	 | 2009-10-11 | 0.85		 | 3.49	   | 2.88		   | 
| RnR		| 2009-10-11 | 0.85		 | 2.99	   | 2.72		   | 
| Invicta	| 2009-10-11 | 0.84		 | 3.28	   | 2.90		   | 
| MHA		| 2009-10-11 | 0.84		 | 3.24	   | 2.88		   | 
| Sparta	 | 2009-10-11 | 0.84		 | 3.44	   | 2.98		   | 
| GPA		| 2009-10-11 | 0.82		 | 3.41	   | 3.11		   | 
| Legion	 | 2009-10-11 | 0.82		 | 2.82	   | 2.20		   | 
| WTF		| 2009-10-11 | 0.82		 | 3.47	   | 3.00		   | 
| CCC		| 2009-10-11 | 0.81		 | 3.25	   | 1.74		   | 
| NATO	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.81		 | 2.99	   | 1.82		   | 
| GATO	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.80		 | 2.91	   | 2.42		   | 
| NPO		| 2009-10-11 | 0.79		 | 2.92	   | 3.07		   | 
| UCN		| 2009-10-11 | 0.78		 | 2.83	   | 1.77		   | 
| TDO		| 2009-10-11 | 0.73		 | 2.71	   | 1.79		   | 
| 1TF		| 2009-10-11 | 0.73		 | 2.44	   | 2.13		   | 
| WFed	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.73		 | 2.74	   | 1.90		   | 
| USN		| 2009-10-11 | 0.72		 | 2.51	   | 1.80		   | 
| Guru Order | 2009-10-11 | 0.50		 | 1.43	   | 1.26		   | 
80 rows in set (0.02 sec)

Damned ghosts. At least, I hope that's ghosts. :V

BAMF Index:

| Alliance   | Date	   | Avg. MPs | Avg. SDIs | Avg. WRCs |
| Poisan	 | 2009-10-11 | 0.90	 | 0.75	  | 0.36	  | 
| Grmlns	 | 2009-10-11 | 0.86	 | 0.80	  | 0.61	  | 
| Umb		| 2009-10-11 | 0.85	 | 0.79	  | 0.60	  | 
| TOP		| 2009-10-11 | 0.84	 | 0.83	  | 0.67	  | 
| TSO		| 2009-10-11 | 0.81	 | 0.81	  | 0.55	  | 
| ML		 | 2009-10-11 | 0.70	 | 0.67	  | 0.23	  | 
| MK		 | 2009-10-11 | 0.69	 | 0.63	  | 0.31	  | 
| GOD		| 2009-10-11 | 0.66	 | 0.46	  | 0.16	  | 
| BAPS	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.65	 | 0.45	  | 0.25	  | 
| Argent	 | 2009-10-11 | 0.64	 | 0.49	  | 0.25	  | 
| OG		 | 2009-10-11 | 0.58	 | 0.58	  | 0.26	  | 
| Vanguard   | 2009-10-11 | 0.57	 | 0.56	  | 0.38	  | 
| Val		| 2009-10-11 | 0.56	 | 0.51	  | 0.23	  | 
| NpO		| 2009-10-11 | 0.50	 | 0.39	  | 0.16	  | 
| FOK		| 2009-10-11 | 0.49	 | 0.46	  | 0.23	  | 
| FAN		| 2009-10-11 | 0.41	 | 0.12	  | 0.01	  | 
| TPF		| 2009-10-11 | 0.41	 | 0.40	  | 0.13	  | 
| Seaworthy  | 2009-10-11 | 0.37	 | 0.20	  | 0.11	  | 
| NV		 | 2009-10-11 | 0.37	 | 0.40	  | 0.17	  | 
| FARK	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.36	 | 0.37	  | 0.11	  | 
| TDT		| 2009-10-11 | 0.35	 | 0.35	  | 0.17	  | 
| FCO		| 2009-10-11 | 0.35	 | 0.15	  | 0.02	  | 
| GR		 | 2009-10-11 | 0.35	 | 0.32	  | 0.06	  | 
| The Intern | 2009-10-11 | 0.35	 | 0.20	  | 0.03	  | 
| Athens	 | 2009-10-11 | 0.35	 | 0.32	  | 0.04	  | 
| NEW		| 2009-10-11 | 0.34	 | 0.24	  | 0.04	  | 
| FEAR	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.33	 | 0.30	  | 0.10	  | 
| STA		| 2009-10-11 | 0.33	 | 0.28	  | 0.08	  | 
| MASH	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.31	 | 0.26	  | 0.03	  | 
| NoR		| 2009-10-11 | 0.31	 | 0.26	  | 0.12	  | 
| TOOL	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.31	 | 0.26	  | 0.11	  | 
| Silence	| 2009-10-11 | 0.29	 | 0.18	  | 0.07	  | 
| IRON	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.27	 | 0.29	  | 0.11	  | 
| The Resist | 2009-10-11 | 0.26	 | 0.23	  | 0.09	  | 
| Sparta	 | 2009-10-11 | 0.26	 | 0.20	  | 0.09	  | 
| Gen		| 2009-10-11 | 0.26	 | 0.29	  | 0.06	  | 
| VE		 | 2009-10-11 | 0.26	 | 0.25	  | 0.09	  | 
| RIA		| 2009-10-11 | 0.26	 | 0.22	  | 0.08	  | 
| LoSS	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.25	 | 0.30	  | 0.08	  | 
| NSO		| 2009-10-11 | 0.25	 | 0.20	  | 0.13	  | 
| IAA		| 2009-10-11 | 0.25	 | 0.13	  | 0.09	  | 
| RnR		| 2009-10-11 | 0.23	 | 0.16	  | 0.04	  | 
| CSN		| 2009-10-11 | 0.22	 | 0.23	  | 0.11	  | 
| MonArc	 | 2009-10-11 | 0.22	 | 0.18	  | 0.02	  | 
| AGW		| 2009-10-11 | 0.21	 | 0.09	  | 0.00	  | 
| GGA		| 2009-10-11 | 0.21	 | 0.23	  | 0.02	  | 
| NPO		| 2009-10-11 | 0.21	 | 0.29	  | 0.07	  | 
| ODN		| 2009-10-11 | 0.20	 | 0.30	  | 0.11	  | 
| FoB		| 2009-10-11 | 0.20	 | 0.08	  | 0.01	  | 
| Invicta	| 2009-10-11 | 0.20	 | 0.21	  | 0.06	  | 
| MHA		| 2009-10-11 | 0.20	 | 0.17	  | 0.07	  | 
| TTK		| 2009-10-11 | 0.19	 | 0.18	  | 0.06	  | 
| VerAeq	 | 2009-10-11 | 0.19	 | 0.13	  | 0.00	  | 
| TCI		| 2009-10-11 | 0.19	 | 0.15	  | 0.06	  | 
| Ragnarok   | 2009-10-11 | 0.18	 | 0.21	  | 0.03	  | 
| NADC	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.18	 | 0.14	  | 0.04	  | 
| Wolfpack   | 2009-10-11 | 0.18	 | 0.06	  | 0.00	  | 
| Carpe	  | 2009-10-11 | 0.16	 | 0.16	  | 0.04	  | 
| Immortals  | 2009-10-11 | 0.16	 | 0.15	  | 0.01	  | 
| TFD		| 2009-10-11 | 0.15	 | 0.19	  | 0.05	  | 
| MCXA	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.15	 | 0.16	  | 0.02	  | 
| GATO	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.14	 | 0.13	  | 0.03	  | 
| WAPA	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.14	 | 0.07	  | 0.02	  | 
| UPN		| 2009-10-11 | 0.12	 | 0.15	  | 0.02	  | 
| GLOF	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.12	 | 0.15	  | 0.03	  | 
| WTF		| 2009-10-11 | 0.12	 | 0.20	  | 0.11	  | 
| 1TF		| 2009-10-11 | 0.12	 | 0.15	  | 0.03	  | 
| UBD		| 2009-10-11 | 0.12	 | 0.02	  | 0.00	  | 
| TGE		| 2009-10-11 | 0.11	 | 0.10	  | 0.03	  | 
| Legion	 | 2009-10-11 | 0.10	 | 0.11	  | 0.02	  | 
| GDA		| 2009-10-11 | 0.10	 | 0.05	  | 0.01	  | 
| UCN		| 2009-10-11 | 0.10	 | 0.11	  | 0.03	  | 
| USN		| 2009-10-11 | 0.10	 | 0.07	  | 0.02	  | 
| NATO	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.09	 | 0.13	  | 0.03	  | 
| CCC		| 2009-10-11 | 0.09	 | 0.10	  | 0.05	  | 
| GPA		| 2009-10-11 | 0.08	 | 0.17	  | 0.05	  | 
| WFed	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.08	 | 0.03	  | 0.00	  | 
| TDO		| 2009-10-11 | 0.08	 | 0.08	  | 0.01	  | 
| Uber	   | 2009-10-11 | 0.06	 | 0.10	  | 0.02	  | 
| Guru Order | 2009-10-11 | 0.00	 | 0.01	  | 0.00	  | 
80 rows in set (0.01 sec)

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Huzzah! :D

I'd say we can promote UE from King of Stats to God Emperor.

Maybe do a Space Wonders one?

Space Wonders in the 21st and a half century:

| Alliance   | Date	   | Space Wonders | Mars Base | Mars Colony | Mars Mine | Moon Base | Moon Colony | Moon Mine |
| IRON	   | 2009-10-11 |			61 |		11 |		   2 |		 3 |		29 |		   4 |		12 | 
| Grmlns	 | 2009-10-11 |			48 |		 5 |		   2 |		 3 |		21 |		   9 |		 8 | 
| NpO		| 2009-10-11 |			47 |		 8 |		   1 |		 4 |		26 |		   1 |		 7 | 
| TOP		| 2009-10-11 |			42 |		 3 |		   1 |		 1 |		24 |		   5 |		 8 | 
| FARK	   | 2009-10-11 |			39 |		 5 |		   0 |		 1 |		22 |		   3 |		 8 | 
| MHA		| 2009-10-11 |			38 |		 6 |		   0 |		 3 |		21 |		   3 |		 5 | 
| NPO		| 2009-10-11 |			37 |		13 |		   2 |		 3 |		11 |		   2 |		 6 | 
| GPA		| 2009-10-11 |			32 |		 8 |		   2 |		 5 |		11 |		   2 |		 4 | 
| WTF		| 2009-10-11 |			27 |		 1 |		   0 |		 0 |		16 |		   3 |		 7 | 
| TOOL	   | 2009-10-11 |			22 |		 3 |		   2 |		 3 |		10 |		   1 |		 3 | 
| Ragnarok   | 2009-10-11 |			20 |		 4 |		   0 |		 1 |		 9 |		   1 |		 5 | 
| VE		 | 2009-10-11 |			19 |		 6 |		   0 |		 2 |		 8 |		   1 |		 2 | 
| MCXA	   | 2009-10-11 |			18 |		 4 |		   2 |		 2 |		 8 |		   0 |		 2 | 
| FOK		| 2009-10-11 |			18 |		 6 |		   1 |		 3 |		 6 |		   1 |		 1 | 
| OG		 | 2009-10-11 |			18 |		 3 |		   0 |		 0 |		 9 |		   2 |		 4 | 
| TDO		| 2009-10-11 |			17 |		 4 |		   0 |		 2 |		 5 |		   2 |		 4 | 
| GR		 | 2009-10-11 |			17 |		 4 |		   1 |		 2 |		 6 |		   1 |		 3 | 
| ODN		| 2009-10-11 |			17 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 |		12 |		   1 |		 4 | 
| MK		 | 2009-10-11 |			16 |		 1 |		   0 |		 0 |		11 |		   2 |		 2 | 
| GOD		| 2009-10-11 |			16 |		 1 |		   1 |		 1 |		 7 |		   4 |		 2 | 
| RIA		| 2009-10-11 |			15 |		 2 |		   0 |		 0 |		 8 |		   2 |		 3 | 
| Umb		| 2009-10-11 |			14 |		 2 |		   0 |		 1 |		 5 |		   3 |		 3 | 
| RnR		| 2009-10-11 |			14 |		 4 |		   0 |		 2 |		 5 |		   1 |		 2 | 
| Invicta	| 2009-10-11 |			14 |		 4 |		   1 |		 3 |		 4 |		   1 |		 1 | 
| NADC	   | 2009-10-11 |			13 |		 2 |		   0 |		 1 |		 6 |		   1 |		 3 | 
| NSO		| 2009-10-11 |			13 |		 4 |		   0 |		 3 |		 5 |		   0 |		 1 | 
| Sparta	 | 2009-10-11 |			13 |		 3 |		   0 |		 0 |		 8 |		   1 |		 1 | 
| CSN		| 2009-10-11 |			11 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 |		 6 |		   2 |		 3 | 
| NV		 | 2009-10-11 |			11 |		 1 |		   0 |		 0 |		 8 |		   0 |		 2 | 
| MASH	   | 2009-10-11 |			10 |		 3 |		   0 |		 0 |		 4 |		   0 |		 3 | 
| Athens	 | 2009-10-11 |			10 |		 1 |		   0 |		 0 |		 6 |		   2 |		 1 | 
| MonArc	 | 2009-10-11 |			10 |		 3 |		   0 |		 1 |		 4 |		   1 |		 1 | 
| Val		| 2009-10-11 |			 9 |		 3 |		   0 |		 0 |		 5 |		   0 |		 1 | 
| The Intern | 2009-10-11 |			 8 |		 2 |		   1 |		 1 |		 2 |		   0 |		 2 | 
| STA		| 2009-10-11 |			 8 |		 1 |		   0 |		 1 |		 3 |		   1 |		 2 | 
| GATO	   | 2009-10-11 |			 8 |		 1 |		   0 |		 0 |		 3 |		   2 |		 2 | 
| UPN		| 2009-10-11 |			 8 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 |		 5 |		   1 |		 2 | 
| UCN		| 2009-10-11 |			 8 |		 1 |		   0 |		 0 |		 4 |		   1 |		 2 | 
| ML		 | 2009-10-11 |			 8 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 |		 4 |		   2 |		 2 | 
| Silence	| 2009-10-11 |			 7 |		 2 |		   0 |		 0 |		 3 |		   0 |		 2 | 
| TTK		| 2009-10-11 |			 7 |		 1 |		   1 |		 0 |		 2 |		   1 |		 2 | 
| Argent	 | 2009-10-11 |			 7 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 |		 4 |		   2 |		 1 | 
| Gen		| 2009-10-11 |			 7 |		 2 |		   0 |		 0 |		 3 |		   1 |		 1 | 
| TGE		| 2009-10-11 |			 6 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 |		 3 |		   0 |		 3 | 
| FEAR	   | 2009-10-11 |			 6 |		 2 |		   2 |		 0 |		 1 |		   1 |		 0 | 
| Uber	   | 2009-10-11 |			 6 |		 3 |		   0 |		 1 |		 2 |		   0 |		 0 | 
| Immortals  | 2009-10-11 |			 5 |		 2 |		   0 |		 0 |		 2 |		   0 |		 1 | 
| Legion	 | 2009-10-11 |			 5 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 |		 4 |		   0 |		 1 | 
| 1TF		| 2009-10-11 |			 5 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 |		 3 |		   0 |		 2 | 
| GLOF	   | 2009-10-11 |			 5 |		 1 |		   0 |		 1 |		 2 |		   1 |		 0 | 
| NATO	   | 2009-10-11 |			 5 |		 2 |		   0 |		 0 |		 2 |		   0 |		 1 | 
| Carpe	  | 2009-10-11 |			 5 |		 2 |		   0 |		 0 |		 2 |		   0 |		 1 | 
| NoR		| 2009-10-11 |			 5 |		 1 |		   1 |		 1 |		 2 |		   0 |		 0 | 
| GDA		| 2009-10-11 |			 4 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 |		 3 |		   0 |		 1 | 
| TSO		| 2009-10-11 |			 4 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 |		 3 |		   0 |		 1 | 
| The Resist | 2009-10-11 |			 4 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 |		 2 |		   1 |		 1 | 
| TPF		| 2009-10-11 |			 4 |		 1 |		   0 |		 0 |		 2 |		   0 |		 1 | 
| NEW		| 2009-10-11 |			 3 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 |		 1 |		   1 |		 1 | 
| LoSS	   | 2009-10-11 |			 3 |		 2 |		   0 |		 0 |		 1 |		   0 |		 0 | 
| WAPA	   | 2009-10-11 |			 3 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 |		 3 |		   0 |		 0 | 
| FoB		| 2009-10-11 |			 3 |		 1 |		   0 |		 1 |		 1 |		   0 |		 0 | 
| TFD		| 2009-10-11 |			 3 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 |		 2 |		   1 |		 0 | 
| IAA		| 2009-10-11 |			 2 |		 1 |		   0 |		 0 |		 1 |		   0 |		 0 | 
| GGA		| 2009-10-11 |			 2 |		 1 |		   0 |		 0 |		 1 |		   0 |		 0 | 
| TDT		| 2009-10-11 |			 2 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 |		 2 |		   0 |		 0 | 
| CCC		| 2009-10-11 |			 2 |		 1 |		   0 |		 0 |		 1 |		   0 |		 0 | 
| Poisan	 | 2009-10-11 |			 2 |		 1 |		   0 |		 0 |		 1 |		   0 |		 0 | 
| UBD		| 2009-10-11 |			 2 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 |		 2 |		   0 |		 0 | 
| Vanguard   | 2009-10-11 |			 2 |		 1 |		   0 |		 1 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 | 
| USN		| 2009-10-11 |			 2 |		 1 |		   0 |		 1 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 | 
| WFed	   | 2009-10-11 |			 1 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 |		 1 |		   0 |		 0 | 
| Wolfpack   | 2009-10-11 |			 1 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 |		 1 |		   0 |		 0 | 
| FCO		| 2009-10-11 |			 1 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 |		 1 |		   0 |		 0 | 
| FAN		| 2009-10-11 |			 1 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 |		 1 |		   0 |		 0 | 
| TCI		| 2009-10-11 |			 0 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 | 
| BAPS	   | 2009-10-11 |			 0 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 | 
| AGW		| 2009-10-11 |			 0 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 | 
| VerAeq	 | 2009-10-11 |			 0 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 | 
| Guru Order | 2009-10-11 |			 0 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 | 
| Seaworthy  | 2009-10-11 |			 0 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 |		 0 |		   0 |		 0 | 
80 rows in set (0.01 sec)

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Updated: 2009-10-12

Rank by Nation Strength:


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MEGA Rankings, Day-to-Day:


MEGA Military, Day-to-Day:


MEGA Rankings, Week-to-Today: <-- This is really huge, read me


MEGA Military, Week-to-Today:


Bloc Statistics:


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Updated: 2009-10-13

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Rank by Score:


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MEGA Rankings, Day-to-Day:


MEGA Military, Day-to-Day:


MEGA Rankings, Week-to-Today: <-- This is really huge, read me


MEGA Military, Week-to-Today:


Bloc Statistics:


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The International withdrew from Power Rangers: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=71178

Cool, thanks for the heads up. The bloc stats for today are updated, too.

Updated Bloc Members: http://uevil.maybe.net/blocstat/bloc_members.txt

As always, bloc statistics are courtesy of Viewers Like You ®.

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Updated: 2009-10-14

Rank by Nation Strength:


Rank by Score:


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MEGA Rankings, Day-to-Day:


MEGA Military, Day-to-Day:


MEGA Rankings, Week-to-Today: <-- This is really huge, read me


MEGA Military, Week-to-Today:


Bloc Statistics:


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Updated: 2009-10-15

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Rank by Score:


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MEGA Rankings, Day-to-Day:


MEGA Military, Day-to-Day:


MEGA Rankings, Week-to-Today: <-- This is really huge, read me


MEGA Military, Week-to-Today:


Bloc Statistics:


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Updated: 2009-10-16

Rank by Nation Strength:


Rank by Score:


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MEGA Rankings, Day-to-Day:


MEGA Military, Day-to-Day:


MEGA Rankings, Week-to-Today: <-- This is really huge, read me


MEGA Military, Week-to-Today:


Bloc Statistics:


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Updated: 2009-10-17

Rank by Nation Strength:


Rank by Score:


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MEGA Rankings, Day-to-Day:


MEGA Military, Day-to-Day:


MEGA Rankings, Week-to-Today: <-- This is really huge, read me


MEGA Military, Week-to-Today:


Bloc Statistics:


Edit: Quick shout out to FAN; they're back in the Top 15 by nukes again.

Edited by Unspeakable Evil
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Edit: Quick shout out to FAN; they're back in the Top 15 by nukes again.

Grats. Quite an achievement.

Heh, just noting that on the 14th of October 2009 The Order of the Paradox was the alliance with the highest average. NS :P

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Updated: 2009-10-18

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MEGA Rankings, Day-to-Day:


MEGA Military, Day-to-Day:


MEGA Rankings, Week-to-Today: <-- This is really huge, read me


MEGA Military, Week-to-Today:


Bloc Statistics:


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Updated: 2009-10-19

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Rank by Score:


Color Codes





MEGA Rankings, Day-to-Day:


MEGA Military, Day-to-Day:


MEGA Rankings, Week-to-Today: <-- This is really huge, read me


MEGA Military, Week-to-Today:


Bloc Statistics:


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Updated: 2009-10-20

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Rank by Score:


Color Codes





MEGA Rankings, Day-to-Day:


MEGA Military, Day-to-Day:


MEGA Rankings, Week-to-Today: <-- This is really huge, read me


MEGA Military, Week-to-Today:


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i dont seem to see CRAP anywhere in the mega rankings >_>

You've been abbreviated 'CORAP' for a while (since I changed your abbreviation from the default, which was probably 'Coalition '). In retrospect, I probably could have guessed the other potential abbreviation was purposeful. I've changed it, from henceforth you shall be deemed 'CRAP' on any and all charts or graphs.

Edited by Unspeakable Evil
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Updated: 2009-10-21

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Rank by Score:


Color Codes





MEGA Rankings, Day-to-Day:


MEGA Military, Day-to-Day:


MEGA Rankings, Week-to-Today: <-- This is really huge, read me


MEGA Military, Week-to-Today:


Bloc Statistics:


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