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Cyber Nations Alliance Statistics Depot

Unspeakable Evil

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Sweet, OMFG tier 2 in avg ns. It's like being almost famous :D

Hah, MFO's Tier 1. :)

But in three days we lose our 20th ranked member to inactivity... then we don't have twenty members to qualify! Our glory is short-lived. (On the bright side, any one we replace that person with will raise our average.)

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Updated 2009-02-01.

Unspeakable Evil, I humbly bow to you. Here's Legion in the Great April 21 Joke Projections Chart and here they are in the Alliance ranks for January 1st 2008 :v:

I thought about that chart the other day when someone brought up the futility of predictions any distance into the future. 1 out of 14 isn't half bad by my standards. :v:

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Updated 2009-02-02.

where does Nebula-X seem to be on today's update?

A good question. For whatever reason you weren't in the numbers for 2009-02-01. You weren't in the All Alliances Display pages, which is very odd. Typically that happens to alliances like OBR who are borderline 20 members and fall below the marker periodically. You're back now.

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Updated 2009-02-03.


Would I be correct in guessing that TORN is still in Tier 1 of Avg NS because there's such a close race between three alliance in tier 2?

Alliances in the top 80 by score (i.e., the first two pages of Display All Alliances) are parsed twice a day: first, from the aforementioned list. Second, I go to the alliances' Detailed Alliance Statistics page. This lets me get the stuff that isn't on the Display All Alliances page, such as soldiers, aircraft, navy and tanks.

The former list is updated at a different time than the latter, detailed view. So the average numbers may increase or decrease between the times the two ran. But both have entries in my database. When I'm querying to create each tier's XML data, I first do a query to grab one data point per alliance for the current day and sort. That gives me a sorted list of names. Then, for each alliance I query again for the data on that graph.

The data point picked in the first query is not deterministic (depends which web page parsed first into the database; in general this will be the All Alliances version of the data). When the second query runs I specifically grab the most recent data point on the current date. The effect you see is that alliances can be slightly mis-sorted day-to-day on the graphs.

The reason I don't "fix" the first query is that it may require another nested query and that might my scripts down slightly. MySQL apparently doesn't optimize nested queries very well/at all. You are the first person to have mentioned noticing the phenomenon, so as a reward I'm treating you to this barely comprehensible but accurate explanation. And a coupon for a regular soda with the purchase of a lunch sandwich at the Unspeakable Evil Café and Bär.

Edited by Unspeakable Evil
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Updated 2009-02-02.

A good question. For whatever reason you weren't in the numbers for 2009-02-01. You weren't in the All Alliances Display pages, which is very odd. Typically that happens to alliances like OBR who are borderline 20 members and fall below the marker periodically. You're back now.

ok thank you very much. keep up the good work.

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