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Cyber Nations Alliance Statistics Depot

Unspeakable Evil

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Updated 2009-01-05.

Seems I was partying too hardy the other day, and I missed a collection. Oops.

Thanks. It looks great (even in spite of it missing some MHAwsome numbers :) )

Sorry about that. When y'all got Sanction and changed your AA, it spawned a new row in my Alliance database. Next year you shall be among the chosen, I am sure of it.

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Updated 2009-01-05.

Seems I was partying too hardy the other day, and I missed a collection. Oops.

Sorry about that. When y'all got Sanction and changed your AA, it spawned a new row in my Alliance database. Next year you shall be among the chosen, I am sure of it.

Well if all goes to plan we will merge with ze Grämlins this year. Buahahahaha! :lol:

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Updated 2009-01-09.

Dude... how long does it take you to update?

Most days, about a half hour start-to-finish. Sometimes as little as 15 minutes, if I'm focused.

It actually takes longer to run the scripts that make the XML files for the graphs and upload them than it does to collect the data and make the posts. Sometimes the aforementioned distractions will have me sitting with a window waiting for the uploads to finish before I click 'complete edit' -- and I'll forget to click until hours later when I notice it's still open.

Edited by Unspeakable Evil
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Updated 2009-01-09.

Most days, about a half hour start-to-finish. Sometimes as little as 15 minutes, if I'm focused.

It actually takes longer to run the scripts that make the XML files for the graphs and upload them than it does to collect the data and make the posts. Sometimes the aforementioned distractions will have me sitting with a window waiting for the uploads to finish before I click 'complete edit' -- and I'll forget to click until hours later when I notice it's still open.

Well nice work! This is awesome

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Updated 2009-01-14.

10^7, boys and girls!


| NAME   | DATE	   | STRENGTH   |
| NPO	| 2007-05-12 | 10,068,538 | 
| GPA	| 2007-06-05 | 10,002,931 | 
| GOONS  | 2007-07-10 | 10,088,244 | 
| IRON   | 2007-08-07 | 10,047,412 | 
| NpO	| 2008-04-28 | 10,008,808 | 
| MCXA   | 2008-07-22 | 10,005,920 | 
| MHA	| 2008-12-06 | 10,039,656 | 
| Sparta | 2009-01-07 | 10,014,705 | 
| TOP	| 2009-01-14 | 10,005,167 | 

a list of alliances that crossed 10M, and the date they first did it*.

Edited by Unspeakable Evil
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