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Nukes in CN.


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I've submitted some suggestions regarding Nuclear weapons that would either make them a non-factor NS wise or remove them from the game. I personally view Nukes as a less than legit way to inflate NS. Nukes are a non-factor in the balance of power and they are not effective defensive weapons. Nations spend millions on these creatures and when the time comes to actually use them, said nations allow them to be spied away. Thus the deterrent factor of Nukes is nullified. Only 2 Alliances That I know of have ever used Nukes in battle,

They are FAN and NPO (VietFAN). They are also the only 2 alliances that do defensive nuking.

My suggestions are.

1. Relax the requirements to obtain Nukes and nullify their effect on NS (This would encourage their use and would again make them a factor in Global power aswell as remove an exploit from the Game).


2. Remove Nukes from CN altogether. They are useless weapons anyway. Just an easy way to inflate NS.

Your thoughts?

EDIT: If this is in the wrong forum, Please feel free to move it to the correct forum :)

Edited by Themistocles
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you haven't been around long if you think those are the only two alliances to ever use them.

Nukes are not the problem, the cowards who are afraid to use them are.

I promise you, if anyone ever attacks the FCC, nukes will be unloaded upon the enemy.

Hooray for the FCC. Seriously though, a good policy. You'd cripple your attackers if you were quick enough.

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Hooray for the FCC. Seriously though, a good policy. You'd cripple your attackers if you were quick enough.

well considering we are in Cit, i'd just tell you to look at the nuke numbers, i don't think anyone would want to face all of those :)

they are just another weapon, part of the overall war strategy, to ignore that is to condemn yourself to annihilation.

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I've submitted some suggestions regarding Nuclear weapons that would either make them a non-factor NS wise or remove them from the game. I personally view Nukes as a less than legit way to inflate NS. Nukes are a non-factor in the balance of power and they are not effective defensive weapons. Nations spend millions on these creatures and when the time comes to actually use them, said nations allow them to be spied away. Thus the deterrent factor of Nukes is nullified. Only 2 Alliances That I know of have ever used Nukes in battle,

They are FAN and NPO (VietFAN). They are also the only 2 alliances that do defensive nuking.

My suggestions are.

1. Relax the requirements to obtain Nukes and nullify their effect on NS (This would encourage their use and would again make them a factor in Global power aswell as remove an exploit from the Game).


2. Remove Nukes from CN altogether. They are useless weapons anyway. Just an easy way to inflate NS.

Your thoughts?

EDIT: If this is in the wrong forum, Please feel free to move it to the correct forum :)

Nukes are a large factor in the balance of power. The fact that they often cancel out one another based on deterrence means little to their overall effectiveness.

And no, FAN and NPO are not the only two to use nukes. Just off the top of my head, I recall the Legion, LUE, GATO, NPO, NpO, CDS, GGA, NAAC, and TOP, though I know there are at the very least a dozen or two more that have used them in the past.

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Considering cybernations is supposed to at least attempt to simulate reality, the idea of encouraging massive nuke-wars is idiotic. There are still nuke-wars. They happen. And they hurt everyone, as they should. They're the last-resort weapon that we turn to when we must.

As in real life, the NS boost from nukes provides a definite aura of national superiority. The nations today with nuclear weapons maintain the greatest prestige in the world--even when they elect a monkey president.

I think the CN staff did an excellent job in simulating this.

And given that the WRC lets you buy 2 nukes/day--and that defensive spy arrangements can protect your nukes, and don't forget the hidden nuke silo--they're not merely spied away in wars, even if they are the #1 spy target.

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well considering we are in Cit, i'd just tell you to look at the nuke numbers, i don't think anyone would want to face all of those :)

they are just another weapon, part of the overall war strategy, to ignore that is to condemn yourself to annihilation.

Unless your adversary outnumbers your nukes so hilariously, then it's just stupid and detrimental to your alliance(s).

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And no, FAN and NPO are not the only two to use nukes. Just off the top of my head, I recall the Legion, LUE, GATO, NPO, NpO, CDS, GGA, NAAC, and TOP, though I know there are at the very least a dozen or two more that have used them in the past.

GOON and IRON both have. I'm pretty sure \m/ did too.

I'm pretty sure every alliance that has nukes has probably used them. I have used a few, not with this nation but seriously they get used a lot.

No GPA member has ever used nukes in an inter-alliance war.

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If you attack me and I will nuke you. They are a weapon hard coded in the game. All the rest is politics and fear. They are a weapon, and to beat you I shall use it.


Nukes are important and in the case of alliances like Gramlins, TOP, OBR, or even any Citadel alliance nukes would be a very important part of there war fighting capacities. Nukes matter for the alliances who have lots of them. The alliances caught in recent conflicts have not used nuke, because generally it wasn't in their best interests GATO was nuke poor and would been owned even worse, same for most other recent wars, except for the GPA war. The GPA is of course neutral and wanted peace, so they swore off nuclear war. But if Citadel, or either of the Orders ever find themselves on the losing end of a war, nukes are gonna' fly. In fact I think any alliance which is facing total destruction and has a nuclear advantage will go down in a blaze of glory, just like FAN did.

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If you attack me and I will nuke you. They are a weapon hard coded in the game. All the rest is politics and fear. They are a weapon, and to beat you I shall use it.

Same with me and every member of my alliance, we will fight and we will use nukes in defense.

I have used nukes to defend myself ask RoK

also http://www.cybernations.net/stats_news.asp nukes get dropped everyday

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Nukes aren't effective defense weapons? Somewhere I've heard that offense is the best defense <_<

It's not as much as nukes are but what they could be. It's a policital trumpcard. Would you rather attack an alliance with 200 nukes or an alliance without any nukes? There you have it, there's always the fear that the alliance in question might use the nukes, and that's when you're up !@#$ creek without a paddle or canoe.

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Unless your adversary outnumbers your nukes so hilariously, then it's just stupid and detrimental to your alliance(s).

Nukes can't be bought fast enough to not be held in large numbers, even with a WRC. We are always prepared for a war where they will be needed. While we can max a land army in 1 day, and with the new improvements can fill out the nuke-susceptible gaps in a Navy in a day or two, maxing nukes takes at least 10 days, and 20 if we don't have a WRC.

Saying we're hurting ourselves by having them is like saying I'm hurting myself by buying an SDI instead of an economic wonder.

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GOON and IRON both have. I'm pretty sure \m/ did too.

No GPA member has ever used nukes in an inter-alliance war.

that would be correct on all three counts.

GPA kicked out the members who did, at least.

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I've submitted some suggestions regarding Nuclear weapons that would either make them a non-factor NS wise or remove them from the game. I personally view Nukes as a less than legit way to inflate NS. Nukes are a non-factor in the balance of power and they are not effective defensive weapons. Nations spend millions on these creatures and when the time comes to actually use them, said nations allow them to be spied away. Thus the deterrent factor of Nukes is nullified. Only 2 Alliances That I know of have ever used Nukes in battle,

They are FAN and NPO (VietFAN). They are also the only 2 alliances that do defensive nuking.

My suggestions are.

1. Relax the requirements to obtain Nukes and nullify their effect on NS (This would encourage their use and would again make them a factor in Global power aswell as remove an exploit from the Game).


2. Remove Nukes from CN altogether. They are useless weapons anyway. Just an easy way to inflate NS.

Your thoughts?

EDIT: If this is in the wrong forum, Please feel free to move it to the correct forum :)

1. no, they are a tool of war, and they are used, as you can see if you look at Planet Bob regulary.

2. An easy way to inflate NS? I won´t count the amount of money spend by grämlins, only, to maintain the arsenal of nukes. It´s by far not an easy way. Not to count what you have to invest to reach the 5% boarder to get nukes, or the 100 mio to buy the MP.



cool, another Ant, i´m not alone anymore :wub:

Unless your adversary outnumbers your nukes so hilariously, then it's just stupid and detrimental to your alliance(s).

well that may be an difference in our war planing. alliances like FCC, Grämlins and to an extent TOP

can´t rely on the numbers, they need another tool to secure there security. And for Grämlins, it was nukes, for nearly the whole first year of existence. We made it clear that we plan to use our nukes, and we will do it, if we ever should come into an situation where we have to fight for our survival.

But thats just our way of thinking.

Edited by necAnt
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1. Relax the requirements to obtain Nukes and nullify their effect on NS (This would encourage their use and would again make them a factor in Global power aswell as remove an exploit from the Game).

I like boosting my NS via nukes. :lol:

2. Remove Nukes from CN altogether. They are useless weapons anyway. Just an easy way to inflate NS.

Your thoughts?

Useless, you say? Nukes are easily the most devastating weapons ever to exist in CN (except, well, when your opponent has a SDI and/or FSS), and that's why it is used only as a last resort. Nuclear anarchy? Can't beat that. :awesome:

Edited by JEDCJT
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Funny I see this thread the day after I nuke someone who was ghosting my alliance and then sent insults at us for it (I let an alliance mate get the nuke in today.)

I can assure you that if MK was ever attacked, you'd see scores of nuclear attacks the next update, and GRL at 5.0 within a matter of days.


Nukes are important and in the case of alliances like Gramlins, TOP, OBR, or even any Citadel alliance nukes would be a very important part of there war fighting capacities. Nukes matter for the alliances who have lots of them. The alliances caught in recent conflicts have not used nuke, because generally it wasn't in their best interests GATO was nuke poor and would been owned even worse, same for most other recent wars, except for the GPA war. The GPA is of course neutral and wanted peace, so they swore off nuclear war. But if Citadel, or either of the Orders ever find themselves on the losing end of a war, nukes are gonna' fly. In fact I think any alliance which is facing total destruction and has a nuclear advantage will go down in a blaze of glory, just like FAN did.

GATO was effectively ZIed anyway, they should have used nukes and at least done some damage. Same with GPA, though they weren't all ZIed.

Edited by Azaghul
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Nukes are valuable. Given a choice of attacking a nation with nukes or attacking another nation without nukes, but a higher NS, I'll hit the nukeless one, all other things being equal.

There's a nation with low NS that has a Manhattan Project at war with some nations in my alliance. You betcha we asked for a sanction on him before he went a-roguing.

Keep the nukes in the game: they keep it verrrrrrrry innnnnnnnteresting.

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