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Tips? I am a year old


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hey, guys. Um, i was asking for a few tips on how to run my nation. Also, am i a bad player on cybernations? cause tomorrow i am a year old and i am UNDER NS 9,000. Very sad to ee my nation like this, a year old that is this NS. Am i a bad player?

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1) The main thing you should be buying at your strength is infrastructure. Make that your only purchase unless you need military or land.

2) Consider tech selling. Sell off your tech so you can buy more infrastructure

3) Having tanks and cruise missiles when you aren't at war is a waste of money.

4) Decommission your barracks and your school and buy 2 stadiums.

5) It's probably time to start improvement swapping. Ask if you need to.

In terms of building, you could use some improvement but things could be worse. Your trade set is helpful and your improvements (except the barracks) are good for now.

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I think that at this point of your nation life you need to be maximizing your population count so that you can get all those wonderful improvements which will boost your nation income significantly. Right now it seems like your environment must be pretty bad - I would rework my trades to avoid the environment penalties which would allow you to buy quite a few new improvements. Go back to this trade set when you are larger and infra purchasing costs become an issue and you have all the improvements.

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Dropped you a pm, but yeah...barracks not needed at this time...nor the tanks, etc. I'd talk to larger within your alliance on selling the tech to them...

Concentrate on infra and improvements that make money until around 3-4k infra or so. Couple months, and a little help from your friends, and you'll be twice yer size... On improvement swapping...I'd hold on trying that until 3k and when you have a minimum of 4 days of cash to pay bills with..

Remember +1 happy is usually about +2 cash per citizen; gross

Edit: Spelling is your friend...

Edited by Strykewolf
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Okay, look at my nation for example i restarted 31 days ago, have not recieved a penny in free aid but have done lots of tech deals and got to 6000NS pretty quickly try selling tech

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Eh, it's alright. I'm pretty old on this game, yet I still play like a novice. :awesome:

Get yourself into some tech-rings. Make sure to get all the happiness-boosting improvements out of the way first. Then any other boosters and then defense/offense improvements. Buy up lots of infrastructure (once you've obtained a decent accumulation of technology) and land.

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Sell tech on all of your aid slots. If you don't know what that is, it's where you sell tech to a large nation for profit, usually 3 million for 100 tech. The only limit is that it uses aid slots and you have to stay at 50 tech or below, as you make money buying tech from 0-50 and selling it. You can make 7-8 million a month if you do it on 5 slots.

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