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Nuclear Power Plant

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Uranium – Reduces infrastructure upkeep cost -3%. Allow nations to develop nuclear weapons only if that nations government preference supports nuclear weapons. If a nations government preference favors nuclear technology for the use of nuclear power plants but does not support nuclear weapons then the nation will receive +$3.00 per citizen and +$0.15 for every level of tech purchased up to level 30 but loses -1 population happiness. If a nation owns nuclear weapons but does not have uranium the cost to maintain nukes is doubled. Lowers Submarine and Aircraft Carrier navy vessel purchase and upkeep cost -5%.

All right. The bolded part means that, if you have the right preference and tech level, you get +$7.50, -1 happiness, so basically +$5.50 (before modifiers).

Nuclear Power Plant - $75,000,000 - The nuclear power plant allows nations to receive Uranium financial bonus (+$3 citizen income +$0.15 per technology level up to 30 technology levels. Requires an active Uranium trade.) even when maintaining nuclear weaponry. The nuclear power plant by itself, even without a Uranium trade, reduces infrastructure upkeep -5%, national wonder upkeep -5%, and improvement upkeep -5%. Requires 12,000 infrastructure, 1,000 technology, and a Uranium resource to build. Nations that develop the Nuclear Power Plant must keep their government position on nuclear weapons set to option 2 or 3.

The NPP doesn't include the -1 happiness part. Does this mean that it's actually $7.50, or is the -1 happiness still there, making it equivalent to about +$5.50?

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I would assume it's without the happiness decrease because, this is what I think the mods are thinking.

If you use Uranium for power and not weapons, but you don't have a nuclear power plant to actively show the public you are doing what you said, the public would become unhappy, thus the -1 happiness. If you build a Nuclear Power Plant, you would show your population you are sticking to your words of using Uranium for power, thus negating the happiness decrease.
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I would assume it's without the happiness decrease because, this is what I think the mods are thinking.

I think you're going way too far in-depth.

The NPP doesn't include the -1 happiness part. Does this mean that it's actually $7.50, or is the -1 happiness still there, making it equivalent to about +$5.50?

If the index is written expressly correct, its +$7.50.

Since it doesn't mention the -1 happiness, and it says bonus only.

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