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Player seeking alliance


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I am seeking an alliance that is made up of purely active members. This alliance must also have a good communication network inplace, i.e IRC... not including external forums. The leadership must aslo be made up of experianced players that know how to organise an alliance effectively.

Facts about me.

*New to this game.

*Have played other games that have a similar idea to this one and been successful.

*Very Active.

*Have plenty of experiance in leading/running alliances in other games.

*Experiance with setting up external forums.

*Use IRC regulary.

These are the things i am looking for. Im not interested in a "mass recruiting" alliance tbh. Advice would be much appreciated from experianced the members within such an alliance.



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then you are looking for the NFL! we are fairly small-ish but make up for it with our awesome-ness :awesome:

1. we give tons of aid (3 mil just for joining :o and tons more)

2. we are protected by the NPO (the big cheese)

3. we have very experienced leaders (quinpin and slicer845695 and then our retired (banned) co-founder Deputy Dangle)

4. We love new members

5. we do have mass recruiting but only to the newbs and some oldies and we havent recruited much lately

6. we have great prorams to build you up also

7. We have great mentors to teach you all the fundamentals of this game

Come see us on THESE FORUMS. hope to see you soon :D

Edited by lawrence893
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I am a member of the DSJ.Would you like to join my alliance?

As a member of the DSJ you get millitary defense and aid.

The most successful people are part of alliances and we would love start building your nation to be larger and more powerful than the rest!

We only pick the best members by not offering money to the new members

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Welcome and I hope you ejoy cybernations =)

Our allaince (United Federation of Outcasts - UFO) is pretty small at the moment but we are a fun loving comunity with an excellant forum - www.unitedoutcasts.net.

We would love to have you.


Rebel Republic

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JOIN HALO - Holy Axis of the Loyal Order


We are protected by MCXA (large sanctioned and coolest alliance).

We are a blue alliance, but we allow you to stay on other colours.

We are very active.

We are very friendly and helpful.

We like aiding our smaller guys.

There are a lot of opportunities to advance in ranks in our alliance.

We're based on HALO.

We have cool members.

We're a month old.

Come check us out here: www.halocn.co.cc

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then you are looking for the NFL! we are fairly small-ish but make up for it with our awesome-ness :awesome:

1. we give tons of aid (3 mil just for joining :o and tons more)

2. we are protected by the NPO (the big cheese)

3. we have very experienced leaders (quinpin and slicer845695 and then our retired (banned) co-founder Deputy Dangle)

4. We love new members

5. we do have mass recruiting but only to the newbs and some oldies and we havent recruited much lately

6. we have great prorams to build you up also

7. We have great mentors to teach you all the fundamentals of this game

Come see us on THESE FORUMS. hope to see you soon :D

i second this motin join us

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United Purple Nations

'nuff said

your sig makes more since than what you posted :wacko:


Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations is the way to go... :awesome: we hold honor and celebrate with beer and caek...

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Join the Imperial Confederation of Empires. We are an alliance with around 20 members, and are lead by experienced leaders. We are also protected by the Orange Defense Network; one of the oldest, wisest, and strongest alliances in the game. http://ice-cn.net/forums/index.php? Join us!

CSN has 100+ members and we're good friends with ODN and Franklin still owes my orange juice, now that i remember :jihad:

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Join IngSoc today thought crminal! If you do not serve the Party, you will... Disappear, so no worries about activity. Our members are both new and experienced, I myself have been here since PW2, with a 3 month brake between GW1 and GW2.

We have a well planed economic growth system designed to bring new nations like your own to about 4k infra in just a few (usually 2) months.

Join the Party and know victory!

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judging from my experiences I'd say you are looking for e-x-p-e-r-i-e-n-c-e, and well, Phantom has that.

Our Royal Presidium were all at one time once government members of a large 100 man alliance called The Aquatic Brotherhood, with our Emperor serving as a triumvir.

Don't ask us though, ask our friends on IRC at TCB, SPAAA, TAB, Ragnarok, IPA, and =WE= how we do things.

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Greetings from Valhalla, and welcome to the game.

I do so love these threads scrabbling for a new member who is forum active.

I'd suggest you have a really good look through these threads and try and find an alliance that

1. Suits you as a person

2.Has members posting who you can relate to in some way

Look round the forums, and best of luck out there.

Regards Pansy

ps. if you want any further info about anything, just hit me a Personal Message, I am always happy to help


I see you Joined up with TORN, gotta say thats a good choice

o/ Bigwoody and Crew

Edited by The Pansy
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