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Alliance War Resignations/Surrenders


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Originally posted by Smith.

War means resignations. Don't flood the forums, post here.

Do not reply to resignations unless you are resigning yourself.

Do not post here if you are not resigning. If you do so you will receive a warning.

This is strictly for those resigning from a current alliance conflict.

I resign from the war that illuminati dragged me into. At the same time, I also renounce my membership to that worthless alliance.

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The Dominion of Bourbon hereby resigns from the Illuminati and capitulates to the attacking forces. We have been released from our loyalty vows by an official statement (Illuminati Forum) from Illuminati Grand Chancellor Terry Howard.

All terms will be immediately meet.


Edited by Baron Roderick
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Feather of Illuminati has surrendered to Superfriends and resigned from Illuminati.

To: hans blitz From: The Feather 3/7/2008 6:46:25 AM Subject: RE: Fark Surrender Terms

I have already done all of this. I will switch to defcon 5 when I can, but I recently switched to defcon 4. Also, I can not post there since whenever I try to register on the big boards it doesn't let me. Anyhting else?

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As instructed, I, Tortured Soul, leader of the Mordgoth Empire and Commander-in-Chief of the Mordgoth Armed Forces hereby surrender, under given terms and conditions, to RoTTeN of the Bronx.

I also accept Prisoner of War Status until such times as I am directed by Private Message to release myself from such agreement by RoTTen of Bronx.

I now implore my captors to provide aid to my nation, which has been engaged and invaded by a third party, namely rainhawk of the United Socia Sepher, who is threatening to utterly annihilate my nation if I fail to join the Invictus alliance.


Tortured Soul

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I am hereby surrendering to UPN as a POW, not as an act of self-preservation, but as an example to other Illuminati members.

I have been a loyal member of The Illuminati since the 27th of February 2007, and have served in the foreign affairs department. I recently took a period of out time, due to several RL issues and stuff. I regret this as if I’d been around I could have helped prevent this war. As it stands I feel partially responsible and incredibly guilty. I cannot apologise enough as due to my absence I let my brothers down.

For now I intend to surrender and encourage others to as well, as I know we, as an alliance cannot survive for in our current state.

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