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Alliance War Resignations/Surrenders


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knUk23, ruler of landofthecanucks of the Wolfpack alliance, hereby surrenders to the combined forces of The Order of Righteous Nations.

As per requirements, here is a picture of not one, two, or even three...but FOUR cows and FOUR lamps. Enjoy.

Also, I still don't know the cause of the war, the leaders of Wolfpack wouldn't tell me anything. If someone would be kind enough to PM me in-game with a quick description of the cause, I would really appreciate it. Thanks.


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Honored Alliances involved in the "Puppy Wars" I request that you accept the surrender and resignation of my former alliancemate. He is unable to post on the OWF and wishes to accept the terms graciously offered by Dark Mistress.

I, Gibson, ruler of the nation Enterprise do hereby surrender to MHA in the Wolfpack conflict.

As I was in peacemode prior to the conflict I have no attackers to post this and so have asked KaitlinK to post on my behalf.

I will and have complied with all surrender terms listed here.

My Lamp:


My Cow:


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I am posting for an IRON POW as he has no account on CN:

To: Meterman From: AWhitman 3/10/2008 7:31:08 PM Subject: RE: Re: Surrender

I have complied with the terms.

If you can't post on the CN forums, inform your attackers and they will do it for you.

Please, I have no account and don't post there nor want to.

I surrender

His Nation Link: http://cybernations.net/nation_drill_displ...Nation_ID=55268

Here is his lamp submission:


Here is his Cow submission:


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I am posting on behalf of PolKat of Polukaville.

To: DarkMistress From: PolKat 3/10/2008 6:52:36 PM Subject: RE: surrender

why the picture of the lamp and the cow????I don't have access to CN or an account and don't want one, I don't use IRC.

I surrender and will put POW-IRON...do I need to do more?

To: DarkMistress From: PolKat 3/10/2008 10:18:14 PM Subject: RE: surrender

Thanks..I think the only other thing is AA...Done

To: DarkMistress From: PolKat 3/11/2008 12:07:04 AM Subject: RE: surrender

heres my pic. Cowlamp



Edited by DarkMistress
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Posting on behalf of Kaiser Willis;

As per the terms I am requesting that you put my surrender in the forums "* Publically surrender in the CN forums thread. A link must be sent to the attackers for verification. If you can't post on the CN forums, inform your attackers and they will do it for you." Here's the cow link Furthermore, according to the terms given, I am under the protection of IRON. I had better not continue to be attacked by the other IRON nation.

In compliance of all terms.


Edited by Samuel Gerard
Images too large, removed.
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I am posting on behalf of Capt. Tabor.

He's surrendering to Viridian and Pacifian forces.

He'll be treated as an VE POW.

I have tried but the valiation message is treated as spam by my service provider and I can't get valiadted..I have no account to post with.

I can login in but can't post.

Messages from CN are spam in it's purest form. :v:

His image:



In compliance of all terms.

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To: DarksaberExile From: Willow 3/11/2008 3:07:53 PM Subject: Surrender Terms

I have met all the terms for surrender, please check the torn surrender on your forum where I posted, could you also place it in the OWF Alliance Surrender and resignations thread?


I have no owf account and don't want one

posting here on behalf of Willow, ruler of Middle_Earth, who is in compliance with terms to surrender to TORN

the lamp and cow picks have been provided at the Wolfpack Surrender thread on TORN's forum

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To: welder572 From: United Nations 3/10/2008 8:58:38 PM Subject: peace

I am formally surrendering to the alliance of IRON.

I am only 20 days old and do not know how to post on the forum like they asked, so it says to message you. I have decommissioned everything and please let the war be over. Anything else I need to do let me know before attacking me again.

Posting for United Nations

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