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Mysterious Income Drop


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Yesterday after Nueva Vida's kind $3million Aid, my Income per Citizen rose to $42.49. This would have given me $511,000 a day before bills. But now it has sunk to $41.43, and I cannot decipher why. I have not changed a single setting since the NS increase yesterday when it hits its peak. My happiness is dropping by the day, and again, I have no idea why. That used to be as high as 35.43.

Can any of you experts decipher the reason for these strange drops in income and happiness?

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2 of my events expired a while ago, so I believ this bears no cause to last night's drop.

None of my trade partners have changed their teams.

No outgoing offers have been accepted since 3 days ago.

How will GRL affect my happiness? Some sort of formula attached?

Not that it matters, Global Radiation Cleanup has cut that to 0.27.

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2 of my events expired a while ago, so I believ this bears no cause to last night's drop.

None of my trade partners have changed their teams.

No outgoing offers have been accepted since 3 days ago.

How will GRL affect my happiness? Some sort of formula attached?

Not that it matters, Global Radiation Cleanup has cut that to 0.27.

GRL affects enviroment, which in turn is linked directly to happiness. As such if you are seeing very slight happiness changes, it could be due to the currently rising levels of GRL.

Assuming a 28% tax rate, you've lost about a point of happiness I reckon. Your population haven't switched their desired religion or government have they?

(PS: Regarding your government position on nukes, unless you are trading for Uranium it should be set to signing the treaty. Gives an enviroment, ergo Happiness boost. Just something I spotted while checking your nation.)

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If that's the sole source of the reduction, yes. That's not likely to occur for some time since the CIS/NpO-FPI War has gone nuclear which was the source of the GRL increase from yesterday to today. In fact it's liable to continue to increase before it starts to decrease again.

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OK, for now I would like to keep this topic open until I know that the Global Radiation is the cause of the drop. Thanks for the assistance guys.

There are times like these when you hate the different things that Admins put in the game to make it more interesting... <_<

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  • 1 month later...

OK, new scenario of the same criteria.

Yesterday, my Income/Citizen was $50.43 and I had 15,200 Citizens.

Now, my Income/Citizen is $49.67 and I now have 14,037 Citizens.

I'm currently not collecting taxes until my 1 year anniversary that is in 2 days, so I use my happiness bonus to get more money on that day. I don't think that should make any difference, should it?

Any explanations that may explain the problem?

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Yes, it looks like something to do with environment. When did you lose the trades? You had the radiation cleanup before and you no longer have it. What were the trades you lost? Also did you purchase and soldiers recently? Your soldier efficiency is above 60% of your citizens which causes a one point hit to environment.

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Just spotted that one of my trades had gone, but there was no notification of the Trade being cancelled.

I'd be correct in assuming that's the reason for the drop. There was a nation called Humppasonni, and his alliance *UNH) just disbanded and he musty have deleted his nation because of that.

By the way, if you know anyone who has the resources of Marble and Wheat, refer them to me as soon as possible about a Trade Circle option.

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