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What wonders and in what order do you think I should get my next few in?

I was thinking about getting the Great University next. By the time I am able to buy another wonder I will have 3k+ tech.

EDIT: Current Wonders: Disaster Relief Agency, Great Monument, Great Temple, Internet, Interstate System, National Research Lab, Social Security System, Stock Market, Strategic Defense Initiative.

Edited by Compstomper
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If you'll have over 3k tech then the great university will give you +6 happiness (+2 for every 1000) of your nation's technology level over 200 up to 3,000 tech, while the national war memorial is worth +4 happiness.

GU with 3K tech gives 5.6 happiness because the 0-200 doesn't count.

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No, the National War Memorial will still be a better deal for you. By the time you reach the 11k infrastructure mark, you'll have approximately 125,000 citizens. The UHC will give you a 3% boost to population (3,750 extra citizens to a total of 128,750) and +2 happiness. Since you have all the improvement modifiers, the happiness ponts are worth $4.15 a point or $8.30 which at your tax rate is an extra $2.49 a citizen (128,750*$2.49) or $320,578.50 a day more. The NWM gives a +4 happiness which are worth $4.15 a point or $16.60 which at your tax rate is $4.98 a citizen (125,000*$4.98) or $622,500 a day more.

So it's UHC costing $100 million boosting income $320,578.50 a day or the NWM costing $27 million boosting income $622,500 a day. Choice is yours. :)

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No, the National War Memorial will still be a better deal for you. By the time you reach the 11k infrastructure mark, you'll have approximately 125,000 citizens. The UHC will give you a 3% boost to population (3,750 extra citizens to a total of 128,750) and +2 happiness. Since you have all the improvement modifiers, the happiness ponts are worth $4.15 a point or $8.30 which at your tax rate is an extra $2.49 a citizen (128,750*$2.49) or $320,578.50 a day more. The NWM gives a +4 happiness which are worth $4.15 a point or $16.60 which at your tax rate is $4.98 a citizen (125,000*$4.98) or $622,500 a day more.

So it's UHC costing $100 million boosting income $320,578.50 a day or the NWM costing $27 million boosting income $622,500 a day. Choice is yours. :)

The only problem I think(sorry, I'm tired right now, might have messed this up) is that you didn't multiply those extra 3750 citizens to the income he already has. Say he has $125 a person already. That's another 3750*125=468,750 to add on. UHC should be after Great University if you have the money.

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The only problem I think(sorry, I'm tired right now, might have messed this up) is that you didn't multiply those extra 3750 citizens to the income he already has. Say he has $125 a person already. That's another 3750*125=468,750 to add on. UHC should be after Great University if you have the money.

Agreed. I stand corrected. That what I get for typing tired. :)

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