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help im new.


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hi there

im new to cyber nations and recently regesteredto an alliance. its colour is purple but i forgot its name and it isnt in the Alliance Affiliation column. can someone help me out plz.

i also want someone to trade with, in gold rubber and gems if possible.

My recources are:




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hi there

im new to cyber nations and recently regesteredto an alliance. its colour is purple but i forgot its name and it isnt in the Alliance Affiliation column. can someone help me out plz.

i also want someone to trade with, in gold rubber and gems if possible.

My recources are:




Not really the place for this thread, but do you have the offsite forum link bookmarked? If not, check your ingame messages and find the recruitment message you decided on if you still have it, and there you'll find your answer.

Could be United Purple Nations

Could be Legion

Could be Invicta

Hope this helps.

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hi there

im new to cyber nations and recently regesteredto an alliance. its colour is purple but i forgot its name and it isnt in the Alliance Affiliation column. can someone help me out plz.

i also want someone to trade with, in gold rubber and gems if possible.

My recources are:




their are a million purple alliances but the strongest is ithink legion or if valhalla is purple like lord chris said check your messages and ask for teh link i am sure they will give it to you :awesome:

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The four largest purple alliances are:


The Legion

United Purple Nations


Other purple alliances are:

Auxiliary Army


The Avenguard Crusade

Confederation of Allied Nations


League of the Right

Ordinary Men Fighting Giants

Samurai of the Sun


Mauves Collective

(or (shamless plug :awesome:) you could just PM me in game to learn about UPN :P)

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