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Hotu Matua

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Hi, I've made a calculator which will tell you what resources are best for your nation. However to perfect it i need some information from as many people as possible. Below are what I need you to fill in:

Infra upkeep per level:

Infra level:

Income Per Individual (before tax):

Current Happiness (number):

Tech level:


Your resources:

Connected resources:



In case you don't know you can get the happiness level by highlighting next to the happiness face

Your tax rate must be set to 28% for this to work

My calculator is better than MrFixit's because it tells you how much money you make from each trade combination, it's more specific.

This does not make account for military upkeep or environment and is based on the best combination for income alone.

I warn that I cannot verify that this is completely accurate, but I have done many tests and it does seem so, but dont blame me if it turns out differently (it wouldnt be by much).

I especially need to know:

1. Where do wonder bonuses apply in the list:



I am assuming they are at the end and apply after everything else?

2. Does anyone know the scale for the improvement bills? I know it increases the more you have but I don't know the figures.

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I guess it doesn't hurt for you to try:

Infra upkeep per level: $682.82

Infra level: $682.82

Income Per Individual (before tax): This? Avg. Individual Income Taxes Paid Per Day $106.53

Current Happiness (number): 63.50

Tech level: 3,070.34

Population: 99,572 Working Citizens

Your resources: lumber/silver

Connected resources: lumber/silver/wine/sugar(revamping trades)

Improvements: Banks: 5, Barracks: 5, Churches: 5, Clinics: 5, Factories: 5, Foreign Ministries: 1, Harbors: 1, Hospitals: 1, Intelligence Agencies: 5, Labor Camps: 5, Missile Defense: 5, Police Headquarters: 5, Satellites: 5, Schools: 5, Stadiums: 5, Universities: 2,

Wonders: Disaster Relief Agency, Great University, Great Temple, Internet, Interstate System, National Research Lab, Social Security System, Stock Market, Strategic Defense Initiative,

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1. It's not going to matter what order wonder bonuses are applied. Since all the modifiers are multiplied against the base, the answer is going to be the same regardless of the order it is applied.

(base value)*(modifier A )*(modifier B )*(modifier C ) = (modified base value)

You can shuffle the order of modifiers A, B, C around anyway you want and the answer will be the same.

10*3*4*5 = 600

10*4*3*5 = 600

10*5*3*4 = 600

2. You'll find the scale for improvement bills HERE

Edited by Count Rupert
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I'll help out

Infra upkeep per level: 783.48

Infra level: 13,711.99

Income Per Individual (before tax): Avg. Gross Income Per Individual Per Day: $480.00

Current Happiness (number): 91.40

Tech level: 8,770.46

Population: 159,981 Working Citizens

Your resources: Aluminum, Rubber

Connected resources:Aluminum Cattle Coal Fish Iron Lumber Marble Oil Rubber Sugar Water Wheat

Improvements: Banks: 5, Barracks: 5, Border Walls: 3, Churches: 5, Clinics: 5, Factories: 5, Foreign Ministries: 1, Harbors: 1, Hospitals: 1, Intelligence Agencies: 5, Labor Camps: 5, Police Headquarters: 5, Schools: 5, Stadiums: 5, Universities: 2

Wonders: Disaster Relief Agency, Great Monument, Great University, Great Temple, Internet, Interstate System, National Research Lab, National War Memorial, Social Security System, Stock Market, Universal Health Care,

I don't know if it makes a diff but i don't collect at 28% like you mentioned because of the SSS.


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Infra upkeep per level:$61,349.78

Infra level:4,139.99

Income Per Individual (before tax):$92.06

Current Happiness (number):59.85

Tech level:50


Your resources:Aluminum,Rubber

Connected resources: Coal, Gems, Gold, Iron, Lead, Lumber, Marble, Oil, Water, Wheat

Improvements:Banks: 5, Churches: 2, Clinics: 5, Factories: 5, Foreign Ministries: 1, Harbors: 1, Hospitals: 1, Intelligence Agencies: 5, Police Headquarters: 5, Schools: 5, Stadiums: 5, Universities: 2,


It's there a way that you can put a link to that calculator, so we can test it?

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Infrastructure Purchased 11,749.90

Daily Infrastructure Cost (Per 1 Unit) $706.54

143,575 Working Citizens

Avg. Gross Income Per Individual Per Day: $448.59 (469.35 without labor camps. I always drop labor camps when collecting.)

resources : fish and cattle

connected resources : gems iron lumber pigs spice sugar uranium water wheat wine

Improvements: Banks: 5, Barracks: 5, Border Walls: 1, Churches: 5, Clinics: 5, Factories: 5, Foreign Ministries: 1, Harbors: 1, Hospitals: 1, Intelligence Agencies: 5, Labor Camps: 5, Missile Defense: 5, Police Headquarters: 5, Schools: 5, Stadiums: 5, Universities: 2,

National Wonders: Disaster Relief Agency, Foreign Airforce Base, Great Monument, Great University, Great Temple, Internet, Interstate System, National Research Lab, National War Memorial, Social Security System, Stock Market,

happiness : 83.66 (88.66 when dropping labor camps)

tech : 2355

Edited by Thorr
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Eh, this won't hurt:

Infra upkeep per level: $311.38

Infra level: 4,699.99

Income Per Individual (before tax): $314.15

Current Happiness (number): 54.44

Tech level: 641.45

Population: 54,347 Working Citizens

Your resources: Iron, Spices

Connected resources: Aluminum, Cattle, Fish, Iron, Lumber, Marble, Pigs, Spices, Sugar, Uranium, Water, Wheat

Improvements: Banks: 5, Churches: 5, Clinics: 5, Factories: 5, Foreign Ministries: 1, Harbors: 1, Hospitals: 1, Intelligence Agencies: 5, Labor Camps: 5, Missile Defense: 4, Police Headquarters: 5, Schools: 5, Stadiums: 5, Universities: 2,

Wonders: None


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Hopefully mine confuses :v:

Infra upkeep per level: $121.73

Infra level: 2,436.99

Income Per Individual (before tax): $346.14

Current Happiness (number): 60.04

Tech level: 1,741.86

Population: 47,775

Your resources: Lead + Pigs

Connected resources: Marble + Water + Uranium + Wheat + Lumber + Spices + Sugar + Iron + Cattle + Aluminum

Improvements: Banks: 5, Churches: 5, Clinics: 5, Factories: 5, Foreign Ministries: 1, Harbors: 1, Hospitals: 1, Intelligence Agencies: 5, Labor Camps: 5, Police Headquarters: 5, Schools: 5, Stadiums: 5, Universities: 2

Wonders: Great Temple, Social Security System, Stock Market

Edited by LJ Scott
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i lost where i had this written down but im 90% sure that land increases population by .2 for every mile without multipliers



Infra upkeep per level: $529.25

Infra level: 6,507.99

Income Per Individual (before tax): $442.24

Current Happiness (number): 72.54

Tech level: 631.13

Population: 65,730

Your resources: [Furs][silver]

Connected resources: [Coal][Fish][Gems][Gold][Marble][spices][sugar][uranium][Water][Wine]

Improvements: Banks: 5, Barracks: 5, Border Walls: 1, Churches: 5, Clinics: 5, Factories: 5, Foreign Ministries: 1, Harbors: 1, Hospitals: 1, Intelligence Agencies: 5, Labor Camps: 5, Missile Defense: 5, Police Headquarters: 5, Satellites: 4, Schools: 5, Stadiums: 5, Universities: 2,

Wonders: Great Temple, Internet, Social Security System, Stock Market,

Edited by Scorp
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There's been a resource calc around for a long time free for everyone:


They keep it updated.

Besides, the "best resources" for your nation is mostly dependent on your native pair. It has far less to do with current nation stats. Switching out resources because one seems better today than yesterday is a fine way to find yourself without trade partners. It's far, far better to work up a best combo based on your native pair, finding reliable trade partners, and trying to keep it together as long as you can.

A well structured trade set that lasts for many months is the optimum result.

Switching for momentary need is the worst reason to switch trades.

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His calculator is more than a trade calculator.

Infra upkeep per level: $364.76

Infra level: 5,969.99

Income Per Individual (before tax): $353.55

Current Happiness (number): 61.84

Tech level: 1,347.27

Population: 65,663 Working Citizens

Your resources: [Fish][Pigs]

Connected resources: [Aluminum] [Cattle] [Fish] [Gold] [iron] [Lumber] [Pigs] [spices] [sugar] [uranium] [Water] [Wheat]

Improvements: Banks: 5, Barracks: 5, Border Walls: 3, Churches: 5, Clinics: 5, Factories: 5, Foreign Ministries: 1, Harbors: 1, Hospitals: 1, Intelligence Agencies: 5, Labor Camps: 5, Missile Defense: 5, Police Headquarters: 5, Schools: 5, Stadiums: 5, Universities: 2,

Wonders: Interstate System, Social Security System, Stock Market,

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can't hurt:

Infra upkeep per level: $335.45

Infra level: 5000.00

Income Per Individual (before tax): $354.94

Current Happiness (number):65.85

Tech level: 832.51

Population: 65,522 Supporters

Your resources: [Furs] [Wheat]

Connected resources: [Aluminum] [Cattle] [Fish] [Furs] [iron] [Lumber] [Marble] [Pigs] [spices] [sugar] [Water] [Wheat]

Improvements:Banks: 5, Border Walls: 4, Churches: 5, Clinics: 5, Factories: 5, Foreign Ministries: 1, Harbors: 1, Hospitals: 1, Intelligence Agencies: 5, Labor Camps: 5, Police Headquarters: 5, Schools: 5, Stadiums: 5, Universities: 2,

Wonders:Great Monument, Social Security System,

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