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What are your dreams and goals in CN?

gray mage

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Well Met Everyone On Planet BoB!

Are any of you a nation in CN with less than 1,999.99 levels of Infrastructure or someone who has less than a 100 levels of Technology? Are you struggling to get trades or the necessary bonus resources to further boost your economy? Perhaps you are a senior CN player who just wants a change of scenery? Maybe you want yourself to be in charge of your nation's sovereignty instead of others? Do you feel alone in the multiverse of CN? Do you want your voice to be actually heard?

Would you like your nation to grow faster than you imagined possible? Would you like to reach the infrastructure level of 4,999.99 or more in a matter of a few short weeks rather than in several months or a year or more? Would you like to get Technology consistantly instead of using your current and other unreliable channels? Would you like to get those trades you need? Would you like to be included in a trade circle which is actually beneficial? Would you like to get those bonus resources to boost your economy? Would you like to have a nine digit number amount of cash in your surplus weekly? Would you like to have friends who look out for you? Would you like to have friends who will listen to what you have to say?

How does someone accomplish all of these things, you ask?

Well you have come to the right place to find out! The M. Carter Brown Alliance (MCB) will help you achieve all of this! MCB does not offer simple one time bribes of mundane cash! MCB follows offers more than just idle trinkets for signing up to become a member. MCB helps you accomplish the three main things CN has to offer. First, MCB gives you the necessary means to make your nation grow and expand beyond the horizon of what you thought imaginable in a short amount of time! Second, each of its members stands beside you as your equal not as your lord, master, or emperor of disdain! Members of MCB treat you with courtesy, respect, and the solidarity you find in a true brotherhood. Finally, MCB offers you the best experience you will find anywhere on Planet BoB! This is truely what CN is all about growing your nation, making friends, and most of all having FUN!

The M.Carter Brown Alliance helps all of its members reach an infrastructure level of 4,999.99 in a short span of time, hooks you up with as much levels of Technology as you can get, helps you find the trades you want, helps you get the bonus resources you need, helps you boost your economic standard, helps you maintain a nine digit number amount of cash on hand, will be your brother at arms in times of peace or war, listens to what you have to say, and most of all will be there with you having a fun time!

How do I become a member?

First, you go to the MCB Forums via this hyperlink:


Second, you register a username and then login. Thirdly, you go to the public forums fill out an application for membership. You will then be contacted shortly after filling out the application for membership. It is simple as that. Once you have become a member, the MCB Alliance will be there for you as a friend and help you reach your goals within Cybernations.




Gray Mage

Edited by gray mage
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Exept for your banner and 2 videos i dont see much past work there

Okay we have our alliance recruitment video:

I've just finished a video for the NAHA:

Our forum banner, codes and setup on our forum: http://z9.invisionfree.com/UnitedAlliance/index.php?

Our alliance logo:



Another banner I've made (3 variations of colour):




There are some examples of my work and I hope they give you a valid idea of what my work is like.

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