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yes, you can sure delete your improvements without paying your bills. But you'll have to pay your bills to purchase new improvements. It therefore is improtant to calculate which is the best ting to do.

Improvements only cost $500 on a daily base, but useually generate a lot more money. Make sure you also take this in your calculation.

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But you'll have to pay your bills to purchase new improvements. It therefore is improtant to calculate which is the best thing to do.

This is only partially true. You can go two days without paying bills and still be able to buy new improvements. It's only once you have go more than two days without paying bills that you can no longer buy improvements.

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Improvements only cost $500 on a daily base, but useually generate a lot more money. Make sure you also take this in your calculation.

Improvement Upkeep costs go up as you get more of them.

Edited by Itzan
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