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From: Premier Priscila Ferreira
Addressed to: Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Hoshiko


The Confederacy has not forgotten about the tragic events that befell the Pacific region, and we wish to assist the Japanese Imperium in cleaning up the mess left behind. Over the past several weeks, we have gathered approximately 45,000 suitable volunteers from our states' reserve armies who will be sent at our expense to wherever in the Imperium they are needed. Additionally, the Congress has pledged a sizable amount of iron ore, steel, and oil from State-owned industries to be shipped via New Zealand cargo ships. Hopefully these workers and materials will assist your nation and people in their recovery.

Priscila Ferreira, Premier of the Confederacy of Brazil

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Due to the threat of piracy and the recent election of the SOCSOV movement in Greater Russia, considered an extremist party by the Imperium Government, the following is a representation of Imperium patrolled waters, ant vessels in this area are subject to random searches should the Imperium believe they contain illegal items or potential threats to the Imperium, While the majority of nations would be unaffected Ukraine and Hawaii would find every vessel of theirs moving through Imperial Waters to be searched intensively for weapons, drugs, and the like.

While the government of Brazil respects the right of Japan to patrol their own waters, we find these measures to be far in excess of that right. We furthermore resent the possibility of our vessels being subject to search by the Japanese, particularly when not destined for Japan, Greater Russia, or Hawaii, although we reserve the right to trade with any of these nations. The Congress of States therefore seeks a guarantee from Japan that its trade will not be hindered or harassed by the Japanese navy in light of these new maritime policies.

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While the government of Brazil respects the right of Japan to patrol their own waters, we find these measures to be far in excess of that right. We furthermore resent the possibility of our vessels being subject to search by the Japanese, particularly when not destined for Japan, Greater Russia, or Hawaii, although we reserve the right to trade with any of these nations. The Congress of States therefore seeks a guarantee from Japan that its trade will not be hindered or harassed by the Japanese navy in light of these new maritime policies.

No nation which is stable would be subject to searches unless there is a radiation level above average coming from it. Our policy is aimed towards preventing further spread of militant extremism in the Pacific, as we have had quite enough unstable neighbors that wish war upon us to last us a life time.

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