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Myrrh and Sakura Flowers


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A warm breeze filled with the scents of Tokyo crept in through the window of the Gaimusho, Osamu Saito had gotten off the phone from his 4th conference call in half as many days being badgered about getting into contact with the nations sprouting up across the world, the Manufacturing base of Japan was back, but they needed to start selling their products globally to return to the same level of success their nation once held. The first nation to ask for a meeting upon their declaration of existence was the Kingdom of Axum, and since they had recovered enough internally to begin looking outwards they made the obvious choice to begin with.



To: Kingdom of Axum
From: Imperium of Japan Foreign Affairs Ministry

"It has been a few months and our nation has finally stabilized internally to allow for a meeting between our nations to discuss mutually beneficial relations between our two nations as you have previously requested. Should you still be interested in such a meeting please send a diplomatic envoy to Tokyo at your earliest convenience.

-Osamu Saito, Minister of Foreign Affairs.


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King Beckwith would board his royal plane, a simple Kingdom of Axum C-5B transport fitted out for diplomatic missions. Upon take off he would take his usual fare of a strong cup of Somalian coffee and a small plate of sliced vegetables. As he winged his way through the sky, his advisers brought him up to date on the various specifics of the Japanese. Once within range of Japanese airspace, the pilot of the C-5B transport would transmit a request for permission to land.

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Permission would be granted at Narita International Airport, a diplomatic party consisting of Osamu Saito and half a dozen lackeys would be waiting his arrival, the red carpet treatment given to such an honored guest.


The arrival of the King of Axum personally would come as a surprise, but Empress Hoshiko would be notified and demanded that their guest be brought to the Imperial Palace, a head of state deserved a meeting with their counterpart.

Edited by Mogar
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King Beckwith and his two assistants step off the rear ramp of the C-5B transport no worse for the wear. As they descend into the slip stream at 30,000 feet they plummet towards the earth. The two veteran airborne troopers with the King keep level with him as the three of them link arms. The air dropping into a diplomatic summit is a hold over tradition from the wilder days of Legion. The King, being a veteran of two combat air drops, has been waiting for the proper opportunity to revisit this tradition and today he does so as the three of them pull the pins on the smoke grenades strapped to their legs.


As they travel downwards, towards the reception party at Narita Airport, or at least what they think is the reception party; the smoke grenades leave long purple, yellow, red streaks behind them. The pilot on the C-5B transport begins his normal approach to land as he radios the tower at Narita to inform them the King has taken a less traditional method of arriving and tries not to laugh as he goes about his job. While the King is known for his excellent eyesight, 30,000 feet at terminal velocity for a falling body doesn't do much for the human eye in terms of picking out exact targets in a crowded airport.


Which is why the King, his two men, and their trails of smoke would find themselves landing on a nearby beach in the midst of whatever crowd is waiting. Upon landing the King would give the traditional Legion greetings for this situation as he says, "Clactu, Nictu, Veratu!"

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The showy display was far beyond anything Osamu had expected from Royality, but he did his best to hide his surprise by the time they landed. the plane was directed to a private hanger under guard.


They had managed a landing close enough to the red carpet laid out for them, Osamu smiled warmly, this was going to be a very interesting day.


"Welcome to Japan Your highness, We are honored by your personal acceptance of our invitation. I also would like to add I'm rather impressed by your display, most national leaders don't like getting their hands dirty, it's inspiring to see a leader willing to do anything he asks those underneath him. Her Imperial Majesty has suggested you be taken to the Imperial Palace to meet with her personally, we have a convoy waiting to take you there for your convenience."

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"Oi then, let's get cracking," replied King Beckwith. He then turns to one of his assistants and said, "Where is it?"


"Wot sor?" the assistant asked back.


"Don't be daft you barmy git, the present," snarled the King.


"Oi guvnor, I think me left it on the plane," replied the assistant.


"Here your grace," the other assistant said as he handed the King a thing long wrapped gift. The King then turned back to Osamu and presented it to him. 


"This is a small token of the Kingdom's esteem. Long ago, a movement was launched in Legion to craft the perfect sword. Several of our Legionnaires came here to Japan to study with your masters. They spent years here before returning home and one of the best of them respectfully wishes this Legion Saber to be presented to your government as a token of his and our respect for the great traditions of Japan," the King elaborated as he handed over the wrapped saber. 

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Osamu bowed respectfully as he accepted the sword. "Such a beautiful weapon, I am not worth for such a gift, would you like to wait and present it to the Empress personally?" He might have been a politician but he wasn't stupid enough to accept such a gift after getting yelled at by . He gestured to the line of black Lexus LS600h, slightly modified of course, up armored, bulletproof tinted windows, the usual diplomatic treatment. "Unfortunately She was unable to greet you personally," not having known the Axunian King was going to show up personally. "So lets head to the Imperial Palace, I believe Her Imperial Majesty has ensured that a meal befit of royalty will be prepared for you to partake in while we discuss things in detail."

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"No problem, let's get moving," the King replied as he returned the bow, collected the saber and hopped into the waiting car. His two assistants wandered off to find the nearest bar. As with all Legion Airborne troopers they are well prepared to defend democracy in drinking establishments no matter where they are in the world. Once in the car the King begins to quiz Osuma on various Japanese television personalities and pop stars. He's greatly curious to know how many of them survived the 8th world war. 

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As the vehicle whizzes towards the Imperial palace, King Beckwith looks at the window at the ever changing montage of Japanese life and architecture. Finally, he asks, "Where are all the pink and purple haired young ladies who are wearing a cummerbund and a top hat?"

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OOC: Now I know why people try to limit diplo threads to two or three at a time.


IC: Osamu did not know much about pop culture, his aides answered most of the questions he had asked, with Osamu only interrupted to mention a Pop Idol group by the name of BABYMETAL who sung death metal alongside the typical poppy lyrics. as to his second question, "They're all still in Harajuku, unfortunately we won't be passing through there. I am pleased our fashion and financial districts have recovered so quickly, It's fortunate our people can bounce back so quickly from war." he mused as they got closer to the Imperial palace. "Everything you see has been rebuilt, even the Palace had to be rebuilt after the war, we redesigned it based upon the original design though, not the gaudy palace that the former owners had felt was appropriate."

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"I don't have a palace. The Presidential Mansion from the House of Denard is still around, its a shrine and museum to the Mad Dog and his wife Empress Sulemain. I trace my linage back to her, my father married her sister. Mostly, I camp out on the grounds of Camp Dengali, the oldest of our miltary bases. There is a nice, very private, home that was built by an Italian family that is well preserved. For diplomatic functions, we go with a few different venues, depending upon who the guests are," replied King Beckwith as he continued to observe the landscape as it passed by his window. 

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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As they had approached the Sakashita Gate, Osamu remarked, "Her Imperial Majesty feels it is a waste of taxpayers income to live in such an estate, but then she refuses to change the laws to allow her to live elsewhere, she is a woman who takes traditions very seriously I think you'll find." the usual gaggle of diplomats would be there to escort them into the Empress's Recieving Room.

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King Beckwith grunted a little as he untangled himself from the luxury vehicle. A twinge of pain from an injury taken during a long ago training exercise that resulted in him breaking his back. The steel plates installed by Legion surgeons still bother him from time to time twenty years later. Still, being able to walk has its perks, not to mention still being able to get in the occasional jump and the even more occasional fishing trip. Prior to meeting with the Empress, King Beckwith would request permission to use the facilities. He would be met by an assistant who landed with the C-5B in the traditional manner rather than jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. The assistant would help him get outfitted in his uniform, the Legion Dress uniform, which he wears unadorned of rank and only a single of his numerous medals. 


Had he worn his rank and medals he would be wearing his Senior Colonel's pips along with enough medals to cause him to permanently lean to the left. Legionnaires have never and are never issued medals for service in a theater of operations, making the majority of their medals for valor and achievements. Probably the most valued of his medals and the one he wears is the Legionnaires Medal. It is valued not for the glory but the memories attached. He was awarded the Legionnaire's Medal for his role during the General's Rebellion where he saw to the recovery of the Mad Dog's mortal remains and his Uncle Charlie's remains. 


The fourteen day engagement that he was awake and active for the majority of it, ended up with him leading his battalion right through the front gates of Camp Dengali in an assault that shattered the remainder of the General's core base of support. It was there he found his Uncle Charlie, the infamous Chargin' Charlie Beckwith. His uncle being a hero of the Kickapoo War and bringer of peace to large portions of Africa, had been disemboweled while still alive and left to die on a razor wire fence. Revenge came quickly as the King found the persons responsible for the act and personally blew their brains out. Wearing this medal never lets him forget his family and the necessity of providing stability for Legionnaires. 


Once he's dressed, he unwraps the hand made saber, gives it a quick polish with a silk cloth, and then makes himself available to be presented to the Empress. 







ooc- It will be presented in a Russian Olive wood scabbard that has a steel end cap with etchings of cherry blossoms on it. 




Here is what russian olive wood looks like polished






The sword itself has a very delicate series of etchings of cherry blossoms on the hand guard. Legionnaire's swords, even ceremonial ones are functional weapons, there is nothing about the sword that indicates it is a display item. This means no etchings and engravings allowed on the blade, dictated by Legion Military Code, other than a small mark from the Swordmaker which looks like this:





But only without the color and the red circle, just the anchor of the Legion marines, which the swordmaker is a 25 year veteran of. I've rped him somewhere else, just can't be bothered to remember where.

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Once he's dressed, he unwraps the hand made saber, gives it a quick polish with a silk cloth, and then makes himself available to be presented to the Empress. 


It will be presented in a Russian Olive wood scabbard that has a steel end cap with etchings of cherry blossoms on it.


The sword itself has a very delicate series of etchings of cherry blossoms on the hand guard. Legionnaire's swords, even ceremonial ones are functional weapons, there is nothing about the sword that indicates it is a display item. This means no etchings and engravings allowed on the blade, dictated by Legion Military Code, other than a small mark from the Swordmaker which looks like this:


But only without the color and the red circle, just the anchor of the Legion marines, which the swordmaker is a 25 year veteran of. I've rped him somewhere else, just can't be bothered to remember where.

OOC: Damnnn, let's actually say hi first, but I am genuinely impressed by that sword.


IC: After allowing him the needed time to get dressed he would be allowed into the throne room, The Empress sat wearing traditional robes upon the Chrysanthemum Throne, upon the honored guest entering the room she would stand, Welcome to Japan, most honorable King Beckwith, I was told your arrival was quite incredible." she said, extending her right hand as per normal to non asian guests.

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"Empress, only for those we want to show the most regard, do we jump out of a perfectly good airplane. I have a small token from one of our humble swordmakers. If I may, allow me to present you with this 1862 Union Army pattern cavalry saber that is hand crafted and with metals from sources near and dear to the heart of all Legionnaires.


The steel of the blade comes from the frames of a helicopter shot down in combat insertion that cost the lives of 13 Legionnaires. Their blood quenched the steel of the blade and gives it properties we believe to be mystical as it resonated with their aura. The wood, Russian Olive, comes from a tree found in the former Empress Suleiman's garden. 


As the story goes, her husband, the Mad Dog Denard, used to fall asleep under the tree during his recovery from a serious heart condition. As he lived, she refused to let the tree be cut down and it still grows to this day and is harvested for its wood with the greatest care. The brass hand guard is made with brass taken from shell casing gleaned from the butchery that was heaped upon my fellow Legionnaires during their war against the Germans in our service of the Austrian Empress Maria Theresia. Finally, the steel for the end cap on the scabbard comes from the hood of the humvee that I personally had blown out from underneath me in the General's Rebellion. 


We present these tokens to you as a living vibrating weapon that is yours to wield as you see fit," King Beckwith concluded as he carefully presented the saber to the Empress. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Empress, only for those we want to show the most regard, do we jump out of a perfectly good airplane. I have a small token from one of our humble swordmakers. If I may, allow me to present you with this 1862 Union Army pattern cavalry saber that is hand crafted and with metals from sources near and dear to the heart of all Legionnaires.


The steel of the blade comes from the frames of a helicopter shot down in combat insertion that cost the lives of 13 Legionnaires. Their blood quenched the steel of the blade and gives it properties we believe to be mystical as it resonated with their aura. The wood, Russian Olive, comes from a tree found in the former Empress Suleiman's garden. 


As the story goes, her husband, the Mad Dog Denard, used to fall asleep under the tree during his recovery from a serious heart condition. As he lived, she refused to let the tree be cut down and it still grows to this day and is harvested for its wood with the greatest care. The brass hand guard is made with brass taken from shell casing gleaned from the butchery that was heaped upon my fellow Legionnaires during their war against the Germans in our service of the Austrian Empress Maria Theresia. Finally, the steel for the end cap on the scabbard comes from the hood of the humvee that I personally had blown out from underneath me in the General's Rebellion. 


We present these tokens to you as a living vibrating weapon that is yours to wield as you see fit," King Beckwith concluded as he carefully presented the saber to the Empress. 

The Empress listened in awe to the story of the sword, impressed at the historical significance of such an artifact, taking it carefully into her hands, she ran her left hand across the scabbard, right hand holding onto the hilt. After a few moments she slide the scabbard off setting it down upon her throne, grabbing one of the grapes from the bowl next to her, taking a few steps to the side to ensure that Beckwith wasn't in range of her potential swing she threw it in the air, the blade a blur as the grape fell, ending up in half on the floor, she turned back and smiled at King Beckwith, "An impressive sword, I will use this as my personal weapon, such an artifact should be displayed proudly. I am thoroughly in awe of the historical significance of every piece that went into making such a work of art.


I feel unworthy to receive such a gift," she said, bowing respectfully to him, "I shall guard it with my life, and I believe it will serve me well in these troubling times." wiping any juices off of the blade she returned it to its scabbard, attaching it to her waist. "Now, on the subject of the Indian Ocean.... What did Axum wish to discuss?"

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"The Indian Ocean is a vital trade route for both of us. By extension, so is the Suez Canal. The Kingdom offers its service is ensuring the Suez Canal always remains open for you, providing you are not in armed conflict with Alexandria. Further, we believe that the possibilities of trade and commerce exist and would like to create a formal trade association between our two regions. Japan representing Asia as one of the more mature and forward thinking nations of your region and the Kingdom of Axum representing Africa. 


Of course, with time, our positions within such a formal organization would rapidly change. We also wish to create a structure for the security of the trade lanes that would hopefully grow to include the Indians, their massive economy should not be ignored, far from it, it should be included. The plucky Phillipines ought to not be forgotten and neither should the jovial Australians. Both those nations have places at the table and should be included. At this time though, we feel the Chinese are far too volatile be relied upon for admission to such a partnership," replied King Beckwith. 

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