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World Trade Center - Iceland Economic Market


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World Trade Center

Kingdom of Iceland

Port Authority of Rejkyavik




Background Information


The World Trade Center in Iceland started with a few entrepreneurial individuals, most of them owners of businesses in Iceland looking to expand profits, who came together by request of King Nightfall to jump-start the stagnant economy of the rocky island. Starting out with little to offer, the businessmen, investors, and innovators of Iceland had nothing to lose. 


OOC: The way this works is simple. If you want to buy a product offered by Iceland, simply place a request and I will edit this post to reflect it if all of that product isn't already being sold. We will assume each purchase happens once an IC month which I will call 4 days (each RL day representing an IC week). If you want to sell Iceland products, then you can make an offer. If there is demand for the product, it will be approved, if not, then it wont be approved. Remember as of now, Iceland is heavily based on fishing and somewhat on metal production. Technologically backwards, you wont find to many people wanting a new iPhone or anything like that.  Have at it! Just because something is not listed as "needed" does NOT mean it isn't needed. It just means I may have not thought about it. 

 If you want to buy something, you need to buy it with my currency.  I know my economics aren't perfect, but I want a simple model that works. Here it is. 


Value of Icelandic Krona: Kr. 3.73 = $1.00





BEFORE YOU CAN SELL OR BUY PRODUCTS TO OR FROM ICELAND, YOU MUST REQUEST A WAREHOUSE. Cost: Kr. 37,000,000 Your warehouse will be in Reykjavic. If Iceland closes trade with you, your assets will not be confiscated but your warehouse can be (not including items inside).


Each warehouse allows you to either purchase or buy 10,000 tons worth of goods. You can not use one warehouse to purchase and sell. You can buy as many as you want, within reason.




Selling To Iceland

(Your Product)

(Amount of Product)

(Price in Krona)

(Name of Warehouse given to you)


Buying From Iceland

(My Product)

(Amount of Product)

(I will calculate price after I approve it)

(Name of Warehouse given to you)



There is a 5% import tax. 














Icelandic IMPORTS

Grand Total of Import Costs: Kr. 114,148,560


Needed: Textiles (clothing, blankets etc), books, foods, coal or firewood, bauxite




Currently Importing From



Faraway (4 Warehouses) 

Total Import Cost: Kr. 114,120,060

Import Tax Profit: Not yet established



Hot-rolled plate / 500 t / Kr. 2300/t
Hot-rolled coil / 500 t / Kr. 2500/t
Cold-rolled coil / 500 t / Kr. 2700/t


Eastern spruce-pine-fir / 130,000 board feet / Kr. 1500/kBf 
Western spruce-pine-fir / 45,000 board feet / Kr. 1300/kBf


DHC-2 Beaver / 12 / Kr. 5,800,000 /plane


wheat / 200 tons / Kr. 1100 /t
maize / 300 tons / Kr. 700/t
barley / 100 tons / Kr. 820/t


Bituminous /500 tons / Kr. 220/t


Agricultural Products


Sugar / 100 tons / Kr. 1,500/t     
Tobacco / 30 tons / Kr. 16,500/t
Coffee / 50 tons / Kr. 9,000/t
Milk / 20,000 liters / Kr. 1,800/kl
Butter / 
50 tons/Kr. 2,900/t


Copper / 45 tons/ Kr. 2,700/t     
Nickel / 
32 tons/ Kr. 56,000/t    


Tractor / 20 / Kr. 37,000 /tractor

Other goods

Petroleum / 1,054 Barrels/Kr. 390/barrel     


Newfoundland & Labrador (2 Warehouses)

Total Import Cost: Kr. 28,500

Import Tax Profit: Not yest established


Limestone / 75 tons / Kr. 380/t











Icelandic EXPORTS


Offered Exports


Finished aluminum [1 Ton] Kr. 6,605 

Fish (Cod) [1 Pound] Kr. 4.66

Concrete [80 Pound Bag] Kr. 13.80

Hand-Made Wooden Furniture [Per each Table, rocking chair, bed etc.] Kr. 1,678.50

Animal Feed [50 Pound BagKr. 70.87



Currently Exporting To: No exports yet listed

Edited by PresidentDavid
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To: Rejkyavik Port Authority

From: Dunois & Lemare


To whomever it concerns,


Our business is one of Faraways most notable merchants and industrialists of the Faraway realm, trading many commodities manufactured in Faraway or needed by our people to earn an honest profit from our activities. Though iceland till now has drawn little interest in our country, Dunois & Lemare would like to make the bold step forward and purchase a warehouse in Rejkyavik for the purpose of trade with Iceland. We would hope that this mutually profitable business can be established and that a stable relation can be formed.


As the Royal Bank of Faraway has been short on your recently issued currency, we would like to ask the Royal Bank of Iceland to exchange the necessary amount of currency to start operations.


With regards,

Charlotte de Dunois

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To: Rejkyavik Port Authority



From: Dunois & Lemare


To whomever it concerns,


Our business is one of Faraways most notable merchants and industrialists of the Faraway realm, trading many commodities manufactured in Faraway or needed by our people to earn an honest profit from our activities. Though iceland till now has drawn little interest in our country, Dunois & Lemare would like to make the bold step forward and purchase a warehouse in Rejkyavik for the purpose of trade with Iceland. We would hope that this mutually profitable business can be established and that a stable relation can be formed.


As the Royal Bank of Faraway has been short on your recently issued currency, we would like to ask the Royal Bank of Iceland to exchange the necessary amount of currency to start operations.


With regards,

Charlotte de Dunois





To: Dunois & Lemare
From: Rejkyavik Port Authority


Thank you for expressing interest in participation of the World Trade Center in Iceland! 


I have multiple warehouses that are ready to be sold. If Dunois & Lamare is only interested in exporting products to be sold in Iceland, then your company only requires one warehouse. However if your company also plans to import products from Iceland, then you will need a second warehouse as mandated by law. All warehouses are of equal size and accommodations. 


The foreign industrial district is located on Vider Island. The address of the warehouse assigned to Dunois & Lemare is 1001, Industry Lane, Vider Island

The cost of the warehouse is Kr. 37,000,000.


The King has authorized a "First Time" transfer of currencies. Kr. 1,000,000,000 will be exchanged for the Faraway currency to the Faraway Bank. The King said Faraway is definitely a "future trade partner and friend" which is why he authorized such a large transfer. 


Feel free to ask any other questions, 


Andrew Jonsson

Royal Director of Rejkyavik Port Authority 

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To: Port Authority of Rejkyavik

From: Donald Fordshire, Senior Member of the Island Business Council, Madagascar


Hello and sincerest greetings,


As a leading member of the Island Business Council here in Madagascar, I have been given the permission to speak on behalf of Madagascar's now booming private enterprises. In the short time we've been in operation, Madagascar has developed several industrial sectors, producing a wide variety of goods for export, and providing a growing number of jobs, building a middle class in Madagascar, which in itself drives a continued economic boom with consumer demand. We, the leading councilmen on this congress of business leaders, as well the National Transitional Council, our lawful government, seek to improve Madagascar's lot in life anyway we can, and we believe Iceland is a potential, prosperous trading partner.

Several of our businesses offer several services and products your country needs; coal, petroleum, textile production, and raw minerals ready for refinement. We feel a business relationship betters our two nations, as we can provide the textile and energy needs of your people, and you can provide refined metals and minerals for us.


Eagerly awaiting your reply!


Donald Fordshire, Senior Member of the Island Business Council, Madagascar

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To: Rejkyavik Port Authority

From: Department of Industry United Bolivia; Office of the President, United Bolivia

Subj: Purhcasing multiple warehouses'


To whomever it concerns,


We would like to request the purchase of a 1-4 warehouses in Rejkyavik. We are hoping to use these warehouses to sell refined/unrefined raw materials to Iceland and buy raw metals from Iceland. With our partnership in Madagascar for trade/industrialization we believe that together we could raise all of our economies exponentially. We also extend the invitation, post confirmation of the warehouses' purchase for Iceland to make capital investments into the United Bolivian mining industry in return for equal investments in Icelands' respective industries. Off of short thought, we believe we could provide, refined materials such as, gold, silver, zinc, tin, petrol, platinum, titanium, and steel.

 However the Treasury of United Bolivia does not have any of your currency, currently. We'd ask that we exchange the equal value of Boliviars for Krona in hopes of starting our trading relations as soon as possible. We thank you for consideration of our offer and we look forward to interaction with Iceland.



United Bolivian President Miguel Ganzado Robles.


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A group of 7 companies have bonded together to purchase a warehouse to export fabrics and clothing to Iceland.  These companies are:

OAO Victoria, a hoisery company

OOO Bonika-Trikotazh, a manufacturer of knitted products

ZAO Vostok, a manufacturer of leather shoes

OOO Rostok, another manufacturer of leather shoes

IE Ashakyan, a manufacturer of heavy cloth

OOO Birobidzhan-Trikotazh, another manufacturer of knitted products

IE Nikitina, a manufacturer of assorted cloth

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To: Rejkyavik Port Authority

From: Dunois & Lemare


With our new warehouse, we would hope to extent a range of offers to the Icelandic people. We know that currently we are limited to exports, but we shall expand our presence appropriately, once our enterprise owns the necessary Krona to conduct such affairs without help from the Royal Bank of Faraway.




Hot-rolled plate / 500 t / 2300 Kr./t

Hot-rolled coil / 500 t / 2500 Kr./t

Cold-rolled coil / 500 t / 2700 Kr./t




eastern spruce-pine-fir / 130,000 board feet / 1500 Kr./kBF

western spruce-pine-fir / 45,000 board feet / 1300 Kr./kBF




DHC-2 Beaver / 12 / 5,800,000 Kr./plane




wheat / 200 tons / 1100 Kr./t

maize / 300 tons / 700 Kr./t

barley / 100 tons / 820 Kr./t




Bituminous /500 tons / 220 Kr./t


This would be all, for now.


With regards,

Lara Henderson

Factor of Dunois & Lemare Iceland

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To: Rejkyavik Port Authority

From: Senior members of Newfound-Atlantic Mining 


As we are one of the largest mining companies and employers in Newfoundland and Labrador, we wish to expand our business to your Iceland markets. We believe that if you let us sell our products to your markets, we can let both of our nations grow in prosperity, as we will be able to hire more people from the struggling Labrador, and you would be able to make use of our resources. As such, we wish to buy two warehouses, should you need our resources. 

Resources we could provide, should you accept, are; Nickle, Zinc, Limestone, and copper.

As we don't have your currency as of now, we would like to ask to exchange the equal value of NFD (Newfoundland Dollar) for your Krona. 


We thank you for your consideration,




The Senior members of Newfound-Atlantic Mining

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To: Port Authority of Rejkyavik

From: Donald Fordshire, Senior Member of the Island Business Council, Madagascar


Hello and sincerest greetings,


As a leading member of the Island Business Council here in Madagascar, I have been given the permission to speak on behalf of Madagascar's now booming private enterprises. In the short time we've been in operation, Madagascar has developed several industrial sectors, producing a wide variety of goods for export, and providing a growing number of jobs, building a middle class in Madagascar, which in itself drives a continued economic boom with consumer demand. We, the leading councilmen on this congress of business leaders, as well the National Transitional Council, our lawful government, seek to improve Madagascar's lot in life anyway we can, and we believe Iceland is a potential, prosperous trading partner.

Several of our businesses offer several services and products your country needs; coal, petroleum, textile production, and raw minerals ready for refinement. We feel a business relationship betters our two nations, as we can provide the textile and energy needs of your people, and you can provide refined metals and minerals for us.


Eagerly awaiting your reply!


Donald Fordshire, Senior Member of the Island Business Council, Madagascar


To: Donald Fordshire of Madagascar 

From: Rejkyavik Port Authority


Mister Fordshire, 


Thank you for taking interest in the Icelandic Market! I believe trade with Madagascar would definitely bring benefits not only to Iceland but to the the Atlantic region in general. What quantities of "coal, petroleum, textile production, and raw minerals" can you provide and what would the cost be in Kronas? Also I encourage you to look into purchasing products from Iceland. 


I'll approve two warehouses for you once you provide the funds.


I look forward to working with you,


Andrew Jonsson,
Royal Director of Rejkyavik Port Authority


OOC: Refer to the Format in the beginning for giving me prices and what not. Thanks! :) 

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To: Rejkyavik Port Authority



From: Department of Industry United Bolivia; Office of the President, United Bolivia

Subj: Purhcasing multiple warehouses'


To whomever it concerns,


We would like to request the purchase of a 1-4 warehouses in Rejkyavik. We are hoping to use these warehouses to sell refined/unrefined raw materials to Iceland and buy raw metals from Iceland. With our partnership in Madagascar for trade/industrialization we believe that together we could raise all of our economies exponentially. We also extend the invitation, post confirmation of the warehouses' purchase for Iceland to make capital investments into the United Bolivian mining industry in return for equal investments in Icelands' respective industries. Off of short thought, we believe we could provide, refined materials such as, gold, silver, zinc, tin, petrol, platinum, titanium, and steel.

 However the Treasury of United Bolivia does not have any of your currency, currently. We'd ask that we exchange the equal value of Boliviars for Krona in hopes of starting our trading relations as soon as possible. We thank you for consideration of our offer and we look forward to interaction with Iceland.



United Bolivian President Miguel Ganzado Robles.


To: Department of Industry United Bolivia; Office of the President, United Bolivia

From: Rejkyavik Port Authority


I would like to thank you in expressing interest here in Iceland! I already have four warehouses secured for you. Each warehouse will cost Kr. 37,000,000, bringing the total to Kr. 148,000,000.  I am also happy to see that you have interest in purchasing products from Iceland. While I am not sure if there is a huge demand for gold or platinum, steel may be an option. Let me know what the cost of those items will be in Kr. per ton and how much of what Icelandic resources you would be interested in purchasing per month. 


I will wire over Kr. 500,000,000 from the Royal Bank of Iceland in return for the equivalent. 


I look forward to working with you in the future,


Andrew Jonsson,
Royal Director of Rejkyavik Port Authority


OOC: Refer to the Format in the beginning. Thanks! :)

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A group of 7 companies have bonded together to purchase a warehouse to export fabrics and clothing to Iceland.  These companies are:

OAO Victoria, a hoisery company

OOO Bonika-Trikotazh, a manufacturer of knitted products

ZAO Vostok, a manufacturer of leather shoes

OOO Rostok, another manufacturer of leather shoes

IE Ashakyan, a manufacturer of heavy cloth

OOO Birobidzhan-Trikotazh, another manufacturer of knitted products

IE Nikitina, a manufacturer of assorted cloth


The companies would be reserved a warehouse once they pay Kr. 37,000,000 for it and specifically say what the cost of their products are and how much they can ship to Iceland to be sold, that way the Port Authority could contact them back and let them know how much money they would be making, how much of their product they could ship, and what the import tax would be. 


OOC: Refer to the Format in the beginning. Thanks! :)

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To: Rejkyavik Port Authority



From: Senior members of Newfound-Atlantic Mining 


As we are one of the largest mining companies and employers in Newfoundland and Labrador, we wish to expand our business to your Iceland markets. We believe that if you let us sell our products to your markets, we can let both of our nations grow in prosperity, as we will be able to hire more people from the struggling Labrador, and you would be able to make use of our resources. As such, we wish to buy two warehouses, should you need our resources. 

Resources we could provide, should you accept, are; Nickle, Zinc, Limestone, and copper.

As we don't have your currency as of now, we would like to ask to exchange the equal value of NFD (Newfoundland Dollar) for your Krona. 


We thank you for your consideration,




The Senior members of Newfound-Atlantic Mining





To: Senior members of Newfound-Atlantic Mining
From: Rejkyavik Port Authority


King Nightfall specifically wanted me to tell him once a request from Newfoundland came in. His Majesty is looking forward to conduct business with Atlantic nations in particular. 


The cost of the two warehouses will be Kr. 74,000,000. While I can say there isn't a large demand for Nickel or Zinc, Limestone and copper could definitely be used around the island. Please respond with the price per ton and how much of each product your company can send per month (in tons). 


I look forward to us working together!


Andrew Jonsson,
Royal Director of Rejkyavik Port Authority


OOC: Refer to the Format in the beginning. Thanks! :)

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To: Rejkyavik Port Authority

From: Hershey Global Industries


With the opening of trade and investment opportunities in Iceland, Hershey Global Industries Inc would like to inquire as to the possibility of acquiring a majority share holding of the Nói Síríus confectionery company as a subsidiary of Hershey Chocolates.  We are prepared to negotiate for the cost of obtaining the majority of the company's shares as well as near term plans for expansion of production and marketing.  We would also like to look into the possibility of another one of our subsidiaries, the Alcoa, to invest in the creation of aluminum manufacturing facilities as well.  We eagerly await your reply.


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To: Reijkyavik Port Authority

From: Dunois & Lemare


With our newly acquired reserves of Krona, we would inquire into the possibility of obtaining 3 new warehouses, in order to increase trade and also to possibly start importing goods from Iceland. Please notify us once your country exports more than cod and aluminium.


Additionally, we would like to place the following offers.


Agricultural Products:


Sugar / 150 tons / 1,500 Kr./t

Tobacco / 30 tons / 16,500 Kr./t

Coffee / 50 tons / 9,000 Kr./t

Milk / 20,000 litres / 1,800 Kr/kl

Butter / 100 tons / 2,900 Kr./t




Copper / 200 tons / 2700 Kr./t

Nickel / 50 tons / 56,000 Kr./t




500 ton freighter / 10 ships / 300,000,000 Kr./ship (one-time offer)

fishing trawler / 55 ships / 15,000,000 Kr./ship (one-time offer)

Tractor / 20 / 37,000 Kr./tractor


Other goods:


petroleum / 300,000 barrels / 390 Kr./barrel


With regards,

Lara Henderson

Factor of Dunois & Lemare Iceland
Edited by Evangeline Anovilis
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To: Rejkyavik Port Authority

From: South Africa Foreign Service Economic Liaison Bureau


To whomever it may concern,


Greetings, on behalf of the South African nation and the industries therein, we are pleased to see Iceland opening its doors to trade and encouraging imports and producing exports for the world at hand. As a fellow Atlantic community nation, and on behalf of our economy, we would like to see South Africa engaging in trade with Iceland in a respectful and mutually beneficial manner. For that reason, we would like to purchase the use of three warehouses to begin with to start our engagement of trading with your nation.


We hope to hear from you shortly, and send our best regards to your new found nation and sovereignty.


Jennifer van der Sloot

Economic Bureau Chief

South African Foreign Service

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Selenarctos corporations would like to offer the latest in electronics. Our factories are second to none in terms of automation thanks to the Artega Group's Advanced Manufacturing Techniques, allowing us to produce bulk consumer and industrial grade electronics at very competitive prices. We export all of the latest consumer computers, phones and electronic devices (cerca 2031) in a variety of form factors for consumer and light military use. For industrial electronics, Luzon Electronics, one of the oldest continuous corporations in the world, offers world-class consulting and installation to improve your industrial manufacturing processes and speed time-to-market in nearly any field.

As always, Selenarctos is looking for new trade partners willing to supply our industrial base. We need an every increasing supply of rare earth metals, industrial chemicals, and and food goods including wheat and grains that our climate is poorly suited to grow.
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To: Reijkyavik Port Authority
From: The Senior members of Newfound-Atlantic Mining
We are glade to hear that you have been looking forward with doing business with us as much as we have with you. Feel free to let us know if you wish for other resources that we can get for you.
As requested, here's our prices and how much we can send a month.
175 tons
380 KR/ton
3,000 KR/ton
250 tons



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To: Rejkyavik Port Authority



From: Hershey Global Industries


With the opening of trade and investment opportunities in Iceland, Hershey Global Industries Inc would like to inquire as to the possibility of acquiring a majority share holding of the Nói Síríus confectionery company as a subsidiary of Hershey Chocolates.  We are prepared to negotiate for the cost of obtaining the majority of the company's shares as well as near term plans for expansion of production and marketing.  We would also like to look into the possibility of another one of our subsidiaries, the Alcoa, to invest in the creation of aluminum manufacturing facilities as well.  We eagerly await your reply.







To: Hershey Global Industries

From: The Office of The Foreign Ministry of The Kingdom of Iceland


To whom it may concern,


This is a subject that will need to be brought up directly with King Nightfall who is unfortunately out of the capitol at the moment. Upon his return, we will pas along your request to him and he will take over the discussion. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.


Office of The Foreign Ministry of The Kingdom of Iceland

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To: Reijkyavik Port Authority




From: Dunois & Lemare


With our newly acquired reserves of Krona, we would inquire into the possibility of obtaining 3 new warehouses, in order to increase trade and also to possibly start importing goods from Iceland. Please notify us once your country exports more than cod and aluminium.


Additionally, we would like to place the following offers.




With regards,

Lara Henderson

Factor of Dunois & Lemare Iceland



From: Port Authority 

To: Dunois & Lemare


Agricultural Products

Reduced Sugar / 150 tons / 1,500 Kr./t     (100 tons/Kr. 1,500/t) 
Approved Tobacco / 30 tons / 16,500 Kr./t 
Approved Coffee / 50 tons / 9,000 Kr./t
Approved Milk/ 20,000 litres / 1,800 Kr/kl
Reduced / 100 tons / 2,900 Kr./t     (50 tons/Kr. 2,900/t)



Reduced Copper / 200 tons / 2700 Kr./t     (45 tons/ Kr. 2,700/t)
Reduced Nickel / 50 tons / 56,000 Kr./t     (32 tons/ Kr. 56,000/t)



Approved 500 ton freighter / 10 ships / 300,000,000 Kr./ship (one-time offer)
Approved Fishing trawler / 55 ships / 15,000,000 Kr./ship (one-time offer)
Approved Tractor / 20 / 37,000 Kr./tractor


Other goods

Reduced petroleum / 300,000 barrels / 390 Kr./barrel     (1,054 Barrels/Kr. 390/barrel)




Thank you for your trade offers! The amounts offered were either approved, reduced, or rejected based on demand from Icelandic economy. Once officially processed, your new shipments will be approved and put into the system. Also, new products are open for mass shipment from Iceland. 


​Happy to do business, 


Andrew Jonsson

Royal Director of Rejkyavik Port Authority

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To: Rejkyavik Port Authority

From: South Africa Foreign Service Economic Liaison Bureau


To whomever it may concern,


Greetings, on behalf of the South African nation and the industries therein, we are pleased to see Iceland opening its doors to trade and encouraging imports and producing exports for the world at hand. As a fellow Atlantic community nation, and on behalf of our economy, we would like to see South Africa engaging in trade with Iceland in a respectful and mutually beneficial manner. For that reason, we would like to purchase the use of three warehouses to begin with to start our engagement of trading with your nation.


We hope to hear from you shortly, and send our best regards to your new found nation and sovereignty.


Jennifer van der Sloot

Economic Bureau Chief

South African Foreign Service


To: South Africa Foreign Service Economic Liaison Bureau

From: Rejkyavik Port Authority


Greetings and thank you for expressing interest in the Icelandic Economy! I have approved three warehouses for you which will come to a one-time cost of Kr. 111,000,000 (total). I look forward in seeing the goods you offer to Iceland sent here, and South Africa importing goods from this Kingdom.


Best Regards,


Andrew Jonsson

Royal Director of Rejkyavik Port Authority

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Selenarctos corporations would like to offer the latest in electronics. Our factories are second to none in terms of automation thanks to the Artega Group's Advanced Manufacturing Techniques, allowing us to produce bulk consumer and industrial grade electronics at very competitive prices. We export all of the latest consumer computers, phones and electronic devices (cerca 2031) in a variety of form factors for consumer and light military use. For industrial electronics, Luzon Electronics, one of the oldest continuous corporations in the world, offers world-class consulting and installation to improve your industrial manufacturing processes and speed time-to-market in nearly any field.

As always, Selenarctos is looking for new trade partners willing to supply our industrial base. We need an every increasing supply of rare earth metals, industrial chemicals, and and food goods including wheat and grains that our climate is poorly suited to grow.


To: Selenarctos Corporations

From: Rejkyavik Port Authority


As of now, The Kingdom of Iceland has no demand for civilian electronics or electronic devices. In the future, the military may step in that direction but for now we are limited with our current budget and resources. 


Best Regards,


Andrew Jonsson

Royal Director of Rejkyavik Port Authority

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To: Reijkyavik Port Authority
From: The Senior members of Newfound-Atlantic Mining

We are glade to hear that you have been looking forward with doing business with us as much as we have with you. Feel free to let us know if you wish for other resources that we can get for you.
As requested, here's our prices and how much we can send a month.


To: The Senior members of Newfound-Atlantic Mining
From: Reijkyavik Port Authority

We are sad to inform that the demand for copper has already been filled by another foreign nation at a lower price. However your request to export limestone to Iceland has been approved and will be processed shortly. We are happy to do business with you and will continue to extend our offer of local products from Iceland for companies in Newfoundland to purchase.

Approved Limestone:
75 tons
380 KR/ton

Rejected Copper:
3,000 KR/ton
250 tons
Andrew Jonsson
Royal Director of Rejkyavik Port Authority




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To: Selenarctos Corporations
From: Rejkyavik Port Authority
As of now, The Kingdom of Iceland has no demand for civilian electronics or electronic devices. In the future, the military may step in that direction but for now we are limited with our current budget and resources. 
Best Regards,
Andrew Jonsson
Royal Director of Rejkyavik Port Authority


While Selenarctos is surprised Iceland does not need any cell phones, computers or microwave ovens, we hope you will keep our services in mind for the future.
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To: Reijkyavik Port Authority

From: Dunois & Lemare


We would like to buy the following:


12,000 tons of cod

10,000 tons of aluminium


We would like to sell the following:


Bauxite / 80,000 tons / 741 Kr./t


With regards,

Lara Henderson,

Factor of Dunois & Lemare iceland

Edited by Evangeline Anovilis
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 From: Republic of Newfoundland&Labrador 

To: Reijkyavik Port Authority 


We were curious if we could use the warehouse that Newfound-Atlantic Mining bought awhile ago for our own purposes. (They said they didn't care, but we just want to be sure we don't accidentally break any of your laws.) If we can't, then we could buy another one, but if we can, let us use theirs. 

The purpose for use using said warehouse would be so we could import some resources from your Iceland, our needed resources and such that we'd like to import being;




50 of your 80lb. bags a month. 




250 tons/month




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