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Declaration of Existence




To the South American Organization, all South American nations, and the world,


We, the sovereign peoples of Paraguay, come to you today to declare our existence as the nation of Paraguay.

We are a peaceful people and wish to be able to conduct our own foreign policy, expand our economy, and work with our continental neighbors for the good of all the countries involved. We wish to have mutual understanding and a level of cooperation with all nations.




For more information about Paraguay please visit http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Paraguay

Edited by lkfht
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"Though a great deal of negotiation, patience, and mutual understanding the newly formed government of Paraguay has proven that it has risen above the incompetence of the three previous governments of Paraguay. We look forward to working closely with this better and stronger Paraguay."


- Carlos Del Fina Administrator of the Amazon Republic

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To: All South American Governments

From: Department of State

Subject: Continued diplomatic relations


To whom it may concern,


I would like to personally thank each and every one of you for your cooperation through the past summit and wish to continue diplomatic relations, Saying that, I would like to propose the idea that we exchange ambassadors to represent each others' interests, build friendships, and keep the peace. Please let me know if this prospect of a relationship is something you and your government would be interested in doing.


Thank you,


Celestina Scavo

Secretary of State

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To: Department of State of the Republica de Paraguay
From: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Glorious Republic of Arstotzka
Subject: Establishing Diplomatic Relations
To the attention of the Department of State of the Republica de Paraguay, 
The Ministry of Foreign Affrais of the Glorious Republic of Arstotzka on behalf of the Government of Arstotzka, the People's Assembly on behalf the Arstotzkan people as whole, His Excellency President Jorji Costava on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the People's Assembly and the Arstotzkan people as a whole, would like to extend official recognition of sovereignty to the Republica de Paraguay. 
While extending our Official Recognition of the independent nation state of Paraguay, and promoting the self-determination of Peoples of planet Bob, the Glorious Republic of Arstotzka offers to send a diplomatic staff and open a Consulate headed by Consul Ambassador His Excellency Aleksander Bondarenko.
Please mark this document with an Official stamp of the Department of State and the head of the Diplomatic Staff of the Republica de Paraguay in order to confirm you have received this message.
This document is signed, stamped and approved by the "Department of Stamps and Seals of the Glorious Republic of Arstotzka" for the following institutions:
The President of the Glorious Republic of Arstotzka, Jorji Costava
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Glorious Republic of Arstotzka,
The People's Assembly of the Glorious Republic of Arstotzka,
The People of Arstotzka and the Unity of the Nation represented by the President and the People's Assembly,
The Department of Stamps and Seals of the Glorious Republic of Arstotzka on behalf of the Approval Stamp below,
Glory to Arstotzka, 
Glory to the Republica de Paraguay,


Edited by President Costava
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To: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Glorious Republic of Arstotzka

From: Department of State

Subject: Establishing Diplomatic Relations


To whom it may concern,


My government would be grateful as to accept Consul Ambassador His Excellency Aleksander Bondarenko as your representative in Paraguay. We would like to send Mr. Antonio Salaz, former Director of the Paraguayan Agency for International Development (PAID), as the Paraguayan Ambassador to your country.







Celestina Scavo

Secretary of State



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To: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Glorious Republic of Arstotzka

From: Department of State

Subject: Establishing Diplomatic Relations


To whom it may concern,


My government would be grateful as to accept Consul Ambassador His Excellency Aleksander Bondarenko as your representative in Paraguay. We would like to send Mr. Antonio Salaz, former Director of the Paraguayan Agency for International Development (PAID), as the Paraguayan Ambassador to your country.







Celestina Scavo

Secretary of State



From: Ministry of Admission of the Glorious Republic of Arstotzka
To: Department of State of the Republica de Paraguay
Subject: Diplomatic Authorization No. DLB6S-M053J - Antonio Salaz

Please present this Authorization upon reaching the Customs checkpoint at the Grestin City International Airport,


Ministry of Admission of the Glorious Republic of Arstotzka



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