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The Federal Republic of Zambia


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The Federal Republic of Zambia


Government Type: Federal Republic

Current President: William Foster (Selected by the leaders of the Zambian Republic and the Sons of Liberty political parties)

Currency: Kwacha 

State Language: English

Population: 13 million

State Motto: "Liberty or Death"



Heads of State


William Foster

Title: President of Zambia


Founder of the Zambian Republic Party and head of it's independence movement from the South African Union, Foster was born and raised in England to an English father and a Zambian mother, he lived there till the age of 14 when his mother moved back to Zambia after his father passed away from prostate cancer. Foster enrolled in Mulungushi University where he majored in Social Science. He then found the Zambian Republic Party and began campaigning for an independent Zambia. He is currently the first president of the newly found nation and will be a primary candidate in its upcoming election. 




Turan Vakaar

Title: Vice President, Head of Foreign Affairs


Vakaar is a hard nosed traditionalist, originally Vakaar was head of the Blood Brothers Militia forces plotting to free Zambia in a violent uprising before being convinced by Foster to join him instead. Vakaar is rather unpopular with progressive Zambians but extremely beloved by the conservatives for his hard stance on making Zambia a power in Africa. Vakaar is surprisingly not running for the Presidency stating he has no desire to become a head of state. 




Guy Holt

Title: Commander of the Zambian Military


Holt was born to wealthy white farmers in South Africa where he enjoyed a privileged childhood, when he turned 12 his family was forced off their farm and into Zambia where they lived in poverty. He became a mercenary and traveled the world fighting war after war to pay for his family. He came home after being invited by Foster to be head of the military for a new Zambia. Holt is cold, crude, and at times ruthless, but always loyal. He's the last person any foreign dignitary should speak to due to his grown hate of some larger world powers after fighting on the losing side of several wars, but he's the best soldier in Zambia and could be a top contender for the best soldier in all of Africa. His experience has proven well paid off as the Zambian Military has been implemented quickly to retain order in the country. 



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Zambian Economic Information



Over 68% of Zambians live in poverty, despite attempts at gains in the economy Zambia cannot meet the ever growing population growth that continues to hinder proper progress in the region. The majority of Zambia's economy is based around copper, if copper was gold Zambia could buy out half of Asia, in the South agriculture plays a huge role as it is a major source of employment for the townships and villages and is still roughly owned privately by the upper class.  


Roughly yearly Zambia creates over $20.82 billion 

Unemployment rate is at 17%


Main Industries: copper mining and processing, construction, foodstuffs, beverages, chemicals, textiles, fertilizer, horticulture

Inflation: 7.1%

Main Export Partners: South African Union

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Social Demographics


Over 90% of Zambians are Native Africans

8% are of European decent

2% are Asian immigrants 


The Official Language of Zambia is English but Bemba and Nyanja are spoken in more rural areas of the country and are required by law to learn in order to obtain and keep state jobs. 

Officially Zambia is a Christian nation with over 67% of its population being protestant and another 21% being Catholic, Muslims are the biggest minority coming at 1.3% in the country. By law all religions are welcomed and free to be practiced without persecution.





Both Government and Private schools exist in Zambia, most public schools come relatively low in standards of education and funding while private schools meet some of the much higher standards met in other first world countries. The three universities for Zambian citizens to attend are Mulungushi University, University of Zambia and Copperbelt University. Several Christian private schools offer collegiate education to citizens who cannot afford to go to the major universities. 




Zambia faces a epidemic of HIV with over 13% of the population infected. However it has declined over the years and according to a public expenditure in 2010 has the lowest number of HIV cases in Africa. It's State health department has universal health care for all its citizens and a maternal aid program to assist in reducing newborn mortality rates and assisting in supplying families with the necessary information on raising their child. 




Zambia's culture is primarily a mix of Bantu and European cultures, several tribes are allowed to govern themselves as long as they don't go beyond reason. Zambia's primary sport is Rugby and is one of the few countries to not have a Football team. 

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Zambian News Network


President William Foster invites all the nations of the world to establish embassy in the Zambian capital of Lusaka. He hope to establish close ties with the South African Union and the Federation of Tanzania. 

The First Zambian Election will be held next week with William Foster as the huge favorite being the founder of the new nation and it's biggest political party. Commander Holt announced over 4,000 Zambian troops will be working on establishing order and working with tribal militia's in keeping poachers from the northern region of the Congo out of the nature reserves to the North. These Nature Reserves keep rare wildlife from being harmed and possibly put into extinction.

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"The Union of South Africa officially and publicly grants sovereignty to the Federal Republic of Zambia, we look forward to watching the nation of Zambia prosper after many a year as our protectorate. The South African Foreign Service will be opening an embassy on the northern end of Lusaka, and the Zambian Transition Force has officially begun its duties assisting the Zambians in getting on their feet."


South African Foreign Service Spokesperson

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Zambia welcomes the ZTF with open arms, President Foster announced that the Republic and the Union will have a close and special relationship in developing Africa. The first annual Zambian Elections are underway with William Foster of the Zambian Republic Party the clear favorite with Omar Tywin of the Sons of Liberty his only rival worth noting. 


Zambia's Senate finished their elections today seating over 50 representatives to serve the nation. Speaker of the house, Torian Rodgers of the Choma district was selected to represent the Senate. 




The Zambian military begins drills near the North Western border, training in basic combat, jungle warfare, guerrilla tactics and how to survive in long term campaigns without steady supply lines. The military has ordered over 8,000 T-64 tanks to be constructed in order to bulk the ground forces and to begin work on creating an airforce. 

Commander Holt has prepared a contingency plan in the hopefully unlikely event the country is invaded.

Over 300 tribal militia fighters have sworn loyalty to the Zambian Republic giving Zambia a small but effective group of hit and run fighters.




Military Information



Over 3000 soldiers so far in the Zambian Army

300 Tribal militia forces loyal to Zambia

2500 combat ready infantry

300 combat engineers (tank crews, network communication operators etc)

200 artillery specialist 




Zambian infantry in the 67th Battalion 


Main battle tank: T-64

Primary arsenal: AK-47,FN-FAL, RPG-7, R-700

Primary Sidearm: Glock 9mm

Artillery of choice: 10.5 cm 18/40 German made Howitzer 

Land vehicles: Willy Jeep CJ-3B/M606, Ural-4320 utility truck

Aircraft: Hind-D Mi-24A model, Kazak Mi-17

Edited by Greywall
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The Zambian elections have concluded with a landslide victory for William Foster winning over 72% of the nations submitted votes. Tywin and the Sons of Liberty only acheived 20% of the votes while another 8% went to independent candidates. Foster promised close relations with neighboring Tanzania and the South African Union being his first priority as well as establish programs for economic growth and improved infrastructure.




The Zambian army arrested a group of armed men trying to sneak across the Luangwa river from Tanzania, who they are with is a mystery but their armament is the main concern. Over 250 various assault rifles, 45 grenades, 34 homemade explosives and several million in kwacha. Commander Holt has suspected these men were former members of the ITC rebellion now turned smuggler and selling their wares to the independent tribes within Zambia for their own private militias. 

The President is expected to send state representatives to the nearby tribes and make it clear that gun smuggling will no longer be tolerated. The large shipment was brought over by boat and the four men running the operation were detained.



A stockpile of smuggled Ak-47s 



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New Airforce brings need firepower to Zambian military


Commander Holt stressed the Senate to the point of harassment, "helicopters and tanks aren't enough, I need some goddamn planes in the air", the Senate finally approved a bill giving him two squadrons of Mig-21 fighters. The two squadrons are the first of 5 planned fighter and bomber squadrons for the Zambian airforce. 

Holt then stressed the need for more advanced armament but the Senate abstained from hearing anymore requests from the military stating the fighters were a heavy cost already. 



A Mig-21 fighter in Galm Squadron 




President Foster meets with Mwata Kanyembo V 


William Foster and a caravan of officials arrived at the city of Chipata to meet with Mwata Kanyembo head of the Tribal Council, Kanyembo represents all of the independent tribes living in the rural countryside of Zambia and discussed several growing issues with President Foster including the recent incident with the smugglers. Foster told media officials that the meeting went well and that the tribes will procure weapons from the Zambian army in legal transactions in the future.

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[b]Public Announcement from the South African Foreign Service[/b]


"In an effort to assist our partners in Zambia, the South African Air Force, with the approval of the Union's government, has pledged to provide two, twelve-plane squadrons of [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embraer_EMB_314_Super_Tucano]Super Tucano[/url] aircraft to the Zambian Air Force. These superb prop-driven aircraft will assist with the training of the fledgling Zambian Air Force, as well as provide it with a light attack aircraft that is useful in dealing with insurgencies and support for internal security. The South African Air Force will also provide a small team of instructors for both flight and maintenance of aircraft, from members of South Africa's elite Arms Research and Development Corps.


If further assistance may be required in developing your armed forces, or other important facets of your nation, do not hesitate to send word to our embassy in Lusaka, or directly to our government in Cape Town."

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To: South African Union
From: Zambian Federal Republic
Thank you for your continued support, we graciously accept your forces in assisting in the defense of Zambia. As of now we do not require anymore military assistance, but after this we will not hesitate to send word if we need aid. President Foster has come to call the Union vital to Zambia's growth and that our two nations have a special relationship. Zambia will not forget this kindness, once again thank you.




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New Bus transit system brings praise over Zambia


Zambia's Senate passed a new bill authorizing over 14 million Kwacha towards a new public transit system. Over 130 buses will be used throughout the Federal Republic bringing in over 295 new jobs for Zambians and a much needed cross country and inner city bus system. Citizens can purchase bus fair for 5 kwacha per ride or purchase a year pass for 50 kwacha. South African Union workers and members of the ZTF can ride for free.


Tougher restrictions on welfare bring anger towards Foster administration


President Foster handed down one of the toughest welfare cuts in the nation's history yesterday causing several Zambians to call out in anger. Over 67.9 million kwacha is being pulled in order to cut costs to the state, making the monthly welfare check given to single parents, disabled workers, veterans of the military and mentally impaired citizens at 325.45. Some argue that the cuts were necessary as the country prepares to move forward into creating more jobs and industry while others dispute that the monthly check simply no longer meets living requirements especially in Lusaka where taxes are the highest anywhere in the nation. Foster stated "These cuts are necessary for Zambia, we found the original welfare expense to be too high and we adjusted it".


Copper industry explodes


Zambia could well be on it's way in being the richest nation in copper in the world, several mines and processing facilities are sprouting up all over Zambia. Copper trade is being proposed in the Senate today with the South African Union, Tanzanian Federation, Merina Empire, Sudan and even Athens being the first to be offered the large quantity of copper being mined and produced in Zambia. Several analyst state Zambia is worth over 14.5 billion yearly in copper and simply needs to export it as it could become one of the wealthiest nations in Africa.




The Zambian military move to secure and build an outpost on the Luangwa river in order to secure trade going up and down the river, this outpost will be manned by 50 armed men and equipped with 6 patrol boats and a Hind-D helicopter for patrols near the Tanzanian border. The outpost's primary function will be to monitor traffic in the river and provide protection for merchant vessels entering and leaving the river.


An additional six Mig-21 fishbed fighter jets have been commissioned into the Zambian Airforce and began flying patrols alongside South African forces in securing Zambian airspace.


When asked if the Zambian army would ever upgrade from the AK-47, Commander Holt stated "upgrade? you mean it being cheap, near indestructible and capable of operating in rough terrain coated in mud and the foulest sludge man can find isn't good enough? no I think we're fine with the old Soviet assault rifle".

A Congolese man was arrested after entering the border with handgun and threatening border officials when he was denied entry for not having a passport.

The handgun was a Makarov pistol and the man also had a kitchen knife stained in blood, it is unclear if the man is wanted up North by the Congo protectorate but is being held in custody for threatening a border official and attempting to smuggle in a firearm into the Federal Republic.

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New Political party attracts Afrikaners to Zambia


The Democratic Alliance of Zambia is the newest political party to come into the political scene of Zambia attracting several Afrikaners to their cause, the DAZ promises to push for economic stability and a stronger military all while keeping the racial equality laws. Being a largely white organization it has support in the Southern border region where several farmers from South Africa have settled. The leader Ellen Theron states she will run for the Presidency in the next race. 


Zambian citizens worried about rising tension


The arrival of a large fleet of warships doesn't go unnoticed, and Zambians working up and down the Luangwa river have been hearing rumors well before the news started reporting it. Tianxia had sent a fleet of ships to Zanzibar, for what purpose no one in Zambia knows yet. Commander Holt has ordered the army to be on alert and President Foster has addressed the nation that they are simply taking steps out of caution but will not stand by if a fellow African state appears threatened. 



Members of the 54th Infantry Corps near the outskirts of Lusaka in full combat gear





The Federal Republic of Zambia recognized the Empire of Merina and invites one of their delegates to the Republic for talks of trade between the two countries.

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Economic Surge


With aid from the ZTF and open trade with Merina, Zambia is finally turning a profit from it's raw mining economy. Several copper companies are putting in high annual reports and stating that the need for more workers might soon come. Mining is one of the few jobs in Zambia that pays well above the nations' minimal wage of 5.50 an hour. Success for the mining companies often mean success for Zambians.


Health care reform coming


Zambia's health care is one of the few things that attracts foreign immigrants to come to the country, it basically underlines that all Zambian citizens are able to receive the proper care, medicine and medical procedures to live a healthy life. But the Senate could make things harder for unemployed Zambians and anyone crossing the border hoping to pose as a citizen to receive the free health care. A new bill proposed by the Vice President would have Zambians who currently hold jobs, have disabilities, members of the military or retired from the military or state services to receive the benefits of Zambia's health care. That leaves a good 14% of the nation without health care whom are incapable of finding a job because of the economy. Vakaar stated "This new bill would bring an end to abuse within the system, we have a net loss of 5.46 million kwacha just using this health care system which is already too generous as is." Zambia's healthcare has been the subject of criticism due to poorly funded hospitals and a low income for doctors who tend to leave the country for better pay.


Zambian Police want raise, better funding and better training


Zambian police officers appeared before the senate asking for betting funding, training and raises. "Right now standard police officers only receive a week of training at best and are given out of date revolvers. One the first day of patrol some of these men are put in situations they are simply not prepared for. Since this Republic's founding, the Lusaka police department which employed over 345 officers which of whom patrol and keep the peace within the capital have had to use outdated equipment, confront dangerous criminals, and receive little in pay to do so." - Chief Donald Kuanda 

Most police officers only receive 8.95 an hour pulling over 45 to 60 hours a week to do shifts. The Senate agreed to increase funding for training and to procure better equipment but relented that pay raises are out of the question. 

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TO: Federal Republic of Zambia

FRM: Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs

SUBJ: Arms

BODY: Comrades of Zambia,


We have noticed news releases featuring your military operating with the outdated AK-47. While not a bad weapon by any means, we wish to inquire of the Zambian military would like to purchase Soviet stocks of AK-74M rifles, which have been retired from Soviet service. We can guarantee these weapons are still in working order and have plenty of parts available to repair and maintain them. Should this offer be reasonable, please contact us at your convenience.

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[b]Private Dispatch to the Federal Republic[/b]


"In preparation for an incoming military assistance transfer package, arranged by officials within the Zambian Transition Force, the South African Air Force has begun the deployment of a full squadron of Tawny T-Model Fighter Aircraft to the Zambian Air Force. These aircraft will bolster the training capabilities within the Zambian Air Force to pre-adjust to the arrival of sixty high-performance Tawny Multirole Fighter Aircraft. These sixty aircraft will be delivered within the next calendar quarter, fully outfitted with sophisticated avionics, electronic warfare and sensor systems, and the ability to utilize a variety of armaments. They will be able to fully integrate with South African Air Force craft, and perform cooperative missions.


The current group of pilots and maintenance experts from South Africa's Arms Research and Development Corps, will assist in providing training on these aircraft. They are looking forward to putting your forces through the motions of training on these aircraft, and we hope that this show of cooperation will eventually provide a model that the continent can look to."

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Classified to South Africa
We welcome this continued support, we look forward to the advances that our air defenses will make within the year.





Former Athenian Federation officer arrested on charges of assassination. Jordan Furcal was arrested last night on suspicions to assassinate the Zambian President. Police found a SVD sniper rifle and several notebooks where Furcal jotted down his near insane plans to kill President Foster and as many Zambian officials as possible. Psychiatrist believe Furcal is suffering from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and a number of other mental problems. He will be tried and possibly executed within the Zambian court system. 







The Zambian military is on red alert and President Foster has the nation in defcon 2 due to rising tensions between the Merian Empire and Tianxian Empire. 

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Safari Cigarettes expands beyond Zambia


The Safari Cigarette company has announced that over 4.3 million cartons will be shipped across the globe for sale this weekend expanding the company's retinue. The Cigarette company has enjoyed success in Zambia with its light tobacco laws and restrictions. The company is projected to make over 34.5 billion kwacha this coming year.


New military vehicle storms into production 


The new Hellcat combat jeep has become Zambia's first big military innovation since its independence. The Hellcat was designed specifically for the jungle and rough terrain, capable of going up to speeds of 120 miles an hour on flat way and 60 in rough terrain. It was created to replace the aged and almost defunct Jeep model the army has been using so far. Over 350 models are in production as of now, the Hellcat will be equipped with a 7.62 mm mounted machine gun and be used primarily in scouting missions, patrols, supply missions and even escorts. vbl_cat2g.jpg






Zambia has deployed most of the 45th armor division to the Southern border to be on stand by from orders carried down by President Foster. 

They are to assist the South African forces if requested. Most of Zambia's airforce has also been committed to the defense of South Africa when requested. 

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[b]Private Dispatch[/b]


"Under South Africa's security relationship with the Federal Republic, the South African Armed Services has respectfully requested the Zambian Air Force deploy two to three squadrons of fighter aircraft to support the aerial defenses of the Union's State of Mozambique. Barracks and tarmac space have been cleared for the Zambian Air Force at Mondlane Air Force Base, west of Nampula.


We intend for your aircraft to serve as patrol and intercept aircraft for the Mozambican Coastline, encompassing the entirety of the Nampula District, supporting the forces of South Africa's 5th Fighter Wing, currently operating in the region. With the potential for a long campaign in Merina, the potential that the squadrons will be assigned to escort missions for tactical strike aircraft moving on Merina. If your government allows for involvement, your aircraft could be potentially assigned for ground attack as well, as the conflict drags on. There will be potential cooperation with forces from the American Commonwealth, that are currently deploying into the region, and liaison personnel will be assigned to your unit to assist in command and coordination.


We appreciate your support throughout this conflict, and reiterate that we hope it is ended with as little bloodshed as possible. Your contribution to the overall coalition can assist in that endeavor by presenting a common front against those in Merina who seek to embroil the area in conflict."

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