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Without ever having sent out EOD teams to clear the Venezuelan runways of the bomblets Tianxia had scattered across them, the bombers would in large part explode as they took off (see first post, the runways were not just cratered but filled with bomblets).  Those that did somehow magically make it off the runways would be hit as soon as they got airborne by surface to missiles before they could even come into range of the ground forces.  It was why no modern army used large munitions in drops against a modern SAM networks without significant stealth or electronic warfare capabilities, instead preferring to stick to stand off munitions.


F-15s which were left in the sky were crap shooting against drones and barely were making a dent.  The Venezuelan Air Force seemed to be displaying a kind of autism that while not challenging was getting annoying to counter.  There were several critical flaws in their plans: 1) the drones were stealth and had IR concealment technologies, making find them very hard 2) the F-15s had no protection staying up they'd be immediately be hit by F-5s and SAM batteries taking them down 3) infrared missiles required to get close.  The F-15s had time after time in the war attempted the same tactic and failed.  Now they'd be punished for good getting swarmed by final volleys of SAMs and air to air missiles to finish them off.  F-15s that attempted to retreat would be hunted down and destroyed before they could refuel and rearm.  The Venezuelan Air Force needed to seriously consider switching tactics unless the strategy was to bore Tianxia to death.


Runways that survived or had anything land or come up from them would be pounded by cruise missiles to crater them.  Unexploded bomblets would then be distributed across them and the hangars storing the aircraft and munitions would be hit by massive ordinance penetrators to finish them off.  


OOC: Really Bio, Lavo even said to switch from the advise he gave you.  This is starting to remind me of this:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKhEw7nD9C4  Now back to the program.




Non lethal directed energy and sonic weapons were used to disperse crowds as they approached.  Marine forces would continue to surge into the city followed by the army.  Acoustic boomerang devices would be used to kill off snipers and soldiers who attacked them, while broad spectrum jamming would be used to defeat IEDs. 


In the mountains and hill tops, fire would also be met by boomer rang systems, rapidly killing snipers and gun emplacements with precision.  At the same time mortars would be defeated by a combination of aerial EO/IR devices to detect an attack, ground based active defenses to intercept and destroy mortar shells, and a combination of acoustic boomerang and aerial EO/IR to direct fire onto the target and destroy them.  Rather than be given the opportunity to retreat, the comprehensive sensor suite of the Tianxia military enabled them to immediately locate an ambush force and direct precision fire onto the targets.  Broad spectrum jamming and directed energy weapons were used to quickly neutralize anti-personnel devices, and upgrades to vehicles after years of counter insurgency fighting made anti-vehicle devices considerably less effective.  


However engagement did come at a cost of the Venezuelans.  Because of overhead surveillance and a plethora of sensors it was next to impossible to engage and retreat.  This meant every engagement came with Tianxia forces pressing the attack till the enemy was annihalated by the vast array of precision fire.  Cover, camouflage, and other techniques stood little chance.  With boomer rang devices in play, the Venezuelans best shots their snipers were almost guaranteed to be killed 3 seconds after they opened fire.


Meanwhile while Tianxia would use similar tactics to defeat the missile salvos again, this time they would also be on the look out for the missile launch points.  The target areas would be immediately hit with F-6 fighters performing interdiction missions to destroy their ability to launch again. 


Tianxia signals intelligence had also pieced together multiple sourcing to give them a very good idea where the Venezuelan leadership was hiding.  Early in the morning two B-9s flew stealthily over the target emptying their loads of 2000 lbs JDAMs to carpet bomb the target and wipe out the leadership.  OOC: Spyroll from yesterday.

Edited by Triyun
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Meanwhile Tianxia Forensics had produced something of interest for the Chileans a coded transmission was sent to be delivered by the Imperial Ambassador to the Chilean President in person.  The report appeared astonishingly comprehensive and highly accurate, taken from multiple intelligence sources include signals intelligence, primary documents captured, and other materials.  In it, it laid out a plot by the Venezuelan regime to be expansionist within South America including coopting the Chilean Regime through a military coup.

Laying out the information on the Chilean President's desk, Ambassador Wang spoke, "As you can see this threat is persistent and your allies backing it is putting us into a spot where they are giving us little choice." he said.  "The Chileans need to make a decision how much is sacrificed for these people.  Our intelligence already indicates there is extremism spreading through South America, and I assure you that the Empire and its allies are quite prepared to meet it. 

For example the Republica's leader has publically stated now that he does not believe that China and Athens should be allowed to exist.  I'm sorry but such rhetoric cannot just simply be ignored.  Nor is it really acceptable.  No one in China or Athens has called for disbandment of the Venezuelan or any other state in this conflict.  That he said he can live with it is of no small comfort, instead it means that he can't possibly hope to prevail at this time.  That does not mean he would not be eager to join into a hostile coalition in the future.

Instead it must be met by some sort of reaction.  Tianxia has had to deal with extremists in regional blocs before, Aeon and the AUP, and Grand Papua in the OU come to mind.  We've had to deal with South American expansionists before in the form of Colombia. 

I can guarentee you that the Emperor is prepared to fight a major war over this and the Athenian Empress will do the same, because both believe that stalling will strengthen the resolve of the extremists.  Chile could intervene now by siding with the Empire and retain some degree of influence in South America, or it could go down with the rest as a martyr.  I do not believe you are an unreasonable man but I also believe that you love South America.

I therefore think that you could come to an understanding with us which both resolves the security dilemma by removing the political leadership in South America which is hostile." he paused awaiting the response.


"I require two things of Tianxia, passage rights through the Panama Canal for the ships you've surely seen by now that are heading north and access to information from you have regarding Venezuela  As for the Imperial Republic, or whatever it is they call themselves, they aren't my allies... if they wish to sow the winds they can reap the whirlwinds," replied De Juagari as he motioned National Security Adviser Del Fina and a few others to step into the room.


"Seems the Venezuelans were stupid enough to think they could plot on us. This fellow here brings some fairly convincing evidence that we were about to go to war over the Monty Python version of a South American strong man. How does that strike you?" De Juagari asked.


"I say we set that despicable little pile of rocks on fire from one end to the other if that is what it takes to bring the head of the  caudillo of Venezuela in on a pike," Del Fina replied.


"Agreed,"  De Juagari replied as he looked at the Tianxian Ambassador before saying, "I will attempt to get Argentina to back off, the future is murky on that front. However, we want Herrera, we want him dead. we don't want a trial, we don't want to give him exile, we don't want to invite that little jag off to lunch. We gave him the security his little tin pot oil fueled wannabe socialist haven needed to get peace and the little piece of crap stabbed us in the back for it. If you see him, kill him, or turn him over to us and we'll kill him for you. "


With that being said, the Tianxian Ambassador is given the Presidente of Chile's private number and informed that he should use it himself or give it to those in his government that might wish to speak with him directly. Once that is finished he is invited to take a very comfortable seat while the Chilean government prepares to shift its entire foreign policy front and throw an already troubled situation into complete chaos. Tea, coffee, and other beverages are available along with an excellent array of Cuban pork sandwiches that are ordered up for the men and women who are hard at work organizing the response to the new information. 


A message is prepared for circulation to the leaders of South America and sent:


Open Message

Chile offered to protect the Venezuelans from threats within South America so that they might have a chance to peacefully resolve their issues with the Zulians. I now have very credible information at my fingertips that shows the Caudillo of Venezuela was plotting against Chile. With that said, the government of Chile offers a 25 million dollar reward for the head of Herrera and will be declaring war on Venezuela. Any nation that stands against Chile in our drive for revenge, stands against Chile. Either you are with us or you are against us. If you are engaged in combat against Tianxia and/or Athens, it is requested that you pull back to your national borders and some of you really ought to consider apologizing for your public comments towards Tianxia and Athens as well. 

Again though, let me make this clear, blood is going to flow, it is going to be Venezuelan blood, they will pay for this, they are going to burn. Herrara's head will be displayed on a pike in front of my Presidential Mansion. You all need to pick a side right now and do what you need to do.   

-De Juagari
The CNS Dirk Diggler quietly departs for a position in the Carribean Sea where it activates its powerful radar and quietly begins collecting intelligence. It has orders to assist the Tianxians in anyway possible, at this point it seems they'll content themselves with protecting their Eastern flank for the time being. 
CSG-1 gets new orders to proceed to the Panama Canal, pass through it, and then proceed to Venezuala and hold in place for orders.
A wing of 36 B-2(G) Bombers are ordered into the air with cruise missiles for on call fire support for both the Tianxians and soon the Chilean Marines. 
The CNS Fancy Pants  is ordered to depart Guyana and join the CNS Dirk Diggler and act in concert with the Tianxians until otherwise ordered. The CNS Captain Long Member and the two destroyers that are stationed off the coast of Argentina are given orders to join with the Dirk Diggler and the Fancy Pants. These ships are put under the grouping of Task Force Deep Throat..
Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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Following the recent message from Chile the Imperatrix contacted her surviving generals and in turn they contacted their field commanders though that took some time due to the damaged command and control facilities and the Paraguay military halted their movements and plans to go abroad though they still gathered together into fighting forces. As well as this Paraguay's defenses remained active for now.


Imperatrix Domino Vasquez sent the following message to both Athens and Tianxia.

To the Emperor of Tianxia, Empress of Athens and De Juagari of Chile


 Following a recent message from Chile concerning the actions and motives of Venezuela I have decided to re think Paraguay's stance on your nation's actions and thus I wish to ask for a cease fire if not an actual full end to conflict between our nations. Paraguay holds no malice or hate for Athens or Tianxia and only defended Venezuela on what appears to have been false pretenses.


I await your replies.


The Imperatix of Paraguay. 

Edited by Kevin Kingswell
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"You'll understand when I say that the Canal Zone is not solely Tianxia territory and thus while I'm empowered to speak on behalf of the Emperor to some extent, I'm not empowered to negotiate such a [i]sizable[/i] passage for Athens." the ambassador said, "After all you must have your own political constituencies as well." the ambassador said taking a sip of his tea.  "I can perhaps convince them for a few ships at a time but the Europeans really are rather paranoid."  


"Would that be agreeable to you?" he asked the man sipping his tea.


Meanwhile the Tianxian naval Zheng He class command vessels would continue communications and share conversations with the Chilean ships in the area.  

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The Paráense armed forces had immediately been put on high alert in the advent of the Tianxian attack on Venezuela. The full force of the navy patrolled the Atlantic Ocean along the Paráense coast, vigilant for the all too real possibility that the Republic would come under attack. Within the underground network beneath the Amazon was a flurry of activity as the entire nation prepared for the threat of war on Pará's borders. The ROTHR systems, SAR capabilities, and all military satellites were put on full alert, the army mobilised its forces, and the air force began flying patrols in case of an aerial strike by Tianxian or Athenian forces.








"You're what?"

"I don't feel the need to repeat myself, Alex." The premier's voice emerged from her thin, scarred lips in a blast of frigid ice as she purposefully strode through the halls of the underground bunker system beneath the Amazon rainforest, overseeing the preparation of the armed forces there. Her expression was as cold and calculating as her voice-- her stride aggressive and intent. Major General Valverde was anything but the picture of determined calm the premier had donned-- her face was twisted into an motley amalgamation of shock, rage, and indignance, and her fists were clenched as she followed Isabel almost desperately.


"We're not going to fight those who have invaded our continent for no reason whatsoever?" Alex pressed furiously; she was so incensed that the words emerged choppily, as if she could barely control her disgust. Isabel remained coldly in control of herself. "We are not" was the curt reply.

"I can't believe this!" the marine snarled bitterly. "All that rhetoric about protecting South America-- of justice, of honour-- and now we're going to just sit by complacently as an outside force invades our neighbours!"

The premier wheeled around without warning, and the forced facade of calm was nowhere to be seen; her angular features had now contorted into an image of fury before which Alex's own rage was simply dwarfed, and the marine all but quailed. Isabel lunged forward, grabbed her niece by the collar, and all but lifted her from the ground as she pulled her up to her face.

"It's not as simple as any of that!" she spat directly into the marine's face. "It's not purely a matter of numbers, or of honour, or of South America! There are eighty million people who live or die by my choices! And there are many-- too many-- who will die, without question, violently and in agony, if I leap into a war Pará cannot hope to win. Is it unjust?" Alex opened her mouth to answer indignantly, but the premier cut her off furiously. "Yes, it is fucking unjust. That I must watch the world's superpower stomp all over a sovereign South American nation for no reason whatsoever-- that I must live with the knowledge that thousands of people are dying for no goddamn reason whatsoever, and there is nothing I can do about it. There is no justice involved in any of it. But I must face facts. If I committed Pará to fighting this war, the only thing I would be helping is the body count. And I'm not willing to make that sacrifice for the sake of taking a moral stand here."


Isabel at last released her vice-like grip on Alex, who staggered back to the floor, looking stricken. The towering ex-colonel looked utterly disgusted-- not with her niece, but with Tianxia, with the war, and above all, with herself. "You have the luxury of looking at this as a soldier. Twenty years ago, I had that luxury. I no longer do. Now I am cursed with the cross of having to see it all the way it is, not the way I'd like it to be, with honour, with justice, with Pará taking a stand in the name of our continent and our neighbours in the face of certain defeat. You may see justice somewhere down that path, but you fail to see the blood and guts you'll be wading through on the way."


The premier had turned away to begin walking once more when Alex muttered, under her breath, "Then you really have changed."

Without turning back, Isabel answered, "Yes, yes I have. But it was never going to be easy being the leader of a nation, and it's never going to be easy to do the right thing."







"The tragic spectre of war has once again come upon South America, this time in the form of an unjust, unprovoked invasion by Tianxia. If Venezuela had done anything to provoke such violence, then Tianxia has neglected to provide such evidence, instead citing vague references to 'the revolution' as if such a farce of an excuse at all explains the bloodshed that South America is now host to.


And now Chile claims to possess very credible evidence that Venezuela was 'plotting against Chile', and therefore has deigned also to go to war against Venezuela. Meanwhile, Argentina and Zulia burn for leaping to the defence of an ally that has become the subject of an unjust and violent wrath. And all the while, such phrases as 'blood is going to flow' and 'heads will be displayed on pikes' are tossed around casually.


Let me make one thing clear as of right now: Pará is neutral in this festering cesspool of violence and death.


I am unwilling to throw the lives of my people into the flames of a pointless war that cannot be won for a nonsensical cause. For Pará to declare war on Tianxia would do nothing but spread the death and destruction to a nation that is and shall remain utterly uninvolved. One can throw around such rhetoric as 'We must defend South America!' or 'We must combat this grave injustice!', but in the end, such rhetoric only ever means sending my people to their deaths. Do I shy away from calling it a grave injustice? No-- allow me to unequivocally and unilaterally denounce Tianxia's actions as those of a warmonger and a bully-- worse than that, as those of a nation willing and capable of destroying countless lives, militant and civilian, Venezuela's as much as their own, in the name of 'the revolution'. Am I willing to ignite a war we cannot win, pile on more and more bodies to a rising death toll, and put on the line the lives I am sworn to protect at all cost, in the name of combating that injustice? I am not. Pará will have nothing to do with Tianxia, as an enemy or as anything like an ally in this war. We will remain staunchly neutral.


On the subject of Chile's accusations against Venezuela, in the advent of the wave of violence consuming South America, I find these vague allegations of a Venezuelan plot against Chile to be anything but comforting, and would instead request that Chile provide incriminating evidence if it wishes for its accusation to be taken seriously. For what reason, after all, would Venezuela be plotting against Chile at this point, as Tianxian soldiers push further into their nation with little to no real resistance? These promises of 'Venezuelan blood to be spilt' and 'heads on pikes in front of the Presidential Mansion' elicit no support from me or from the nation of Pará, and the demands that South American nations are 'with Chile or against Chile' will evoke only one reaction: Pará is neither. Let me restate it one last time: Pará is neutral. We will suffer no attack on our own sovereignty, from Chile, from Tianxia, from any nation, but Pará will take no aggressive action unless blatantly provoked. We will not welcome a Tianxian invasion in the name of justice or defending South America. We will not kill Venezuelans on a vague accusation of a plot against Chile. Pará is and shall remain neutral."


And with that, to a deafening silence, Premier Isabel Vieira stepped away from the podium, looking absolutely disgusted with all of it.

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On the subject of Chile's accusations against Venezuela, in the advent of the wave of violence consuming South America, I find these vague allegations of a Venezuelan plot against Chile to be anything but comforting, and would instead request that Chile provide incriminating evidence if it wishes for its accusation to be taken seriously. For what reason, after all, would Venezuela be plotting against Chile at this point, as Tianxian soldiers push further into their nation with little to no real resistance? These promises of 'Venezuelan blood to be spilt' and 'heads on pikes in front of the Presidential Mansion' elicit no support from me or from the nation of Pará, and the demands that South American nations are 'with Chile or against Chile' will evoke only one reaction: Pará is neither. Let me restate it one last time: Pará is neutral. We will suffer no attack on our own sovereignty, from Chile, from Tianxia, from any nation, but Pará will take no aggressive action unless blatantly provoked. We will not welcome a Tianxian invasion in the name of justice or defending South America. We will not kill Venezuelans on a vague accusation of a plot against Chile. Pará is and shall remain neutral."



"That is satisfactory for the time being. We'll need to get our Marines into place as quickly as possible. I will forward a message to Athens requesting passage of the entire fleet in a timely manner. " De Juagari responded.



To: Athens
cc: Tianxia
From: Presidente De Juagari

We need your permission to begin transiting a naval fleet through the Panama Canal in order to assist with removing the Caudillo Herrara from Venazuala. As a gesture of good faith we will consent to the weapons stations on the vessels being supervised by an Athenian or Tiaxian Officer during transit. As the situation seems safe enough given the security of the Canal Zone, we'll also consent to the offensive weapons of the fleet being shut down during transit as well.

Presidente De Juagari


Task Force Deep Throat


The sole member of the Task Force, the CNS Dirk Diggler, is ordered to hold it's position and keep scanning the horizons to the east. More than likely it's not needed, but given the complexity of the situation the Chilean Chief Naval Officer is reluctant to clear the ship to fire until direct request comes from Tianxia. Until then the ship's weapons will be used show solidarity until the picture is clear enough to justify opening fire.




 On the subject of Chile's accusations against Venezuela, in the advent of the wave of violence consuming South America, I find these vague allegations of a Venezuelan plot against Chile to be anything but comforting, and would instead request that Chile provide incriminating evidence if it wishes for its accusation to be taken seriously. For what reason, after all, would Venezuela be plotting against Chile at this point, as Tianxian soldiers push further into their nation with little to no real resistance? These promises of 'Venezuelan blood to be spilt' and 'heads on pikes in front of the Presidential Mansion' elicit no support from me or from the nation of Pará, and the demands that South American nations are 'with Chile or against Chile' will evoke only one reaction: Pará is neither. Let me restate it one last time: Pará is neutral. We will suffer no attack on our own sovereignty, from Chile, from Tianxia, from any nation, but Pará will take no aggressive action unless blatantly provoked. We will not welcome a Tianxian invasion in the name of justice or defending South America. We will not kill Venezuelans on a vague accusation of a plot against Chile. Pará is and shall remain neutral."


"These are not promises, these events will pass. Herrera will die and revenge will be gained. We gave that little snake's den our support when they needed it, they plotted on us. For that Herrera's rights to breathe the air on God's good earth have been revoked, permanently. If you want to see the intelligence we have, send a representative, but be warned should it be leaked by your nation to any others, consider it an act of war as the intelligence is part of an ongoing investigation in areas we will not comment on at this time."


- De Juagari






Agustin De Juagari excuses himself from the room and motions for Carlos Del Fina to follow him. The two quietly go to a private secured room and they have a conversation alone. Once door is locked, De Juagari asks, "Do you really think this evidence is legit?"



"Why didn't you say anything about it earlier?"


"Look, we've got ourselves tied to an irresponsible government in Argentina. No where in the South American Accords is a clause for mutual defense. He threw us into war without even consulting us. Further, Zulia and the Venezualans have proven that they are both about as absurd as it gets when it comes to conducting themselves. Not even a peep from our allies about attempting to negotiateI suggest this to you, this war is a very real means of us eliminating two problems at once."


"Which are?"


"If the Argentinians don't back down, we cut our ties with them. We go for a change of government there to ensure that never again do our neighbors get governed by someone so absurd as Otero."


"The other?"


"Dealing with Zulia and their little buddies in Bolivarian whatever it is."


"Explain," De Juagari demanded.


"Sometimes sir, you just need to wipe the slate clean to ensure your world is a little bit more orderly. Those governments are irresponsible, they need guidance, I strongly suggest after this war we introduce new provisions into the South American Accords to prevent this sort of thing from ever happening again. Never again should South America be afflicted with those sorts of governments. We wipe them clean, we ensure we can influence them if needed in the future without a huge loss of life."


"That's just... I don't know... just..."




"Yes, that, but we'll need a bit more ammuntion to make a good sale in the international community."


"I think I know what you mean, let me consult some of our... specialists. I think I know just the right approach to this and given Herrera's fanaticism with his socialist agenda we might be able to paint him as a potential terrorist on top of everything else," replied Del Fina.


With those decisions made, Del Fina quietly leaves the Presidential Mansion and makes a short trip to the nearby Operation Watchtower offices. Once there he contacts a person who he knows to be one of the best forgers inside of Chile, if not South America. A quiet conversation later, Del Fina leaves and the forger sets about his work of creating the documents needed to frame the debate regarding Herrera in the best light possible. A coup inside of Chile is certainly damning, but something a bit more is needed to make the entire thing hit close to home for everyone. With that in mind the forger, who is using the identity Major Carlos Chavez, puts in a request for samples of Venezualan stationary and documents to give him an effective baseline for comparing his final product. The search for this is mostly conducted within the public realm but a small team of Operation Watch Towers are put on a Carrier bound flight and sent to Carrier Strike Group 1 where they'll gather what they need from Venezuala itself.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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With the recent revelations Chancellor Delgado has decided that the Tianxian actions were warranted. Though they should have opened a dialogue with South America beforehand to express their concerns. We rescind our previous comments and apologize. The Chancellor admits he acted in the heat of the moment and nearly made a grave mistake. We must however insist that no Tianxian or Athenian presence be found over IR skies or oceans.



The three submarines that were on the way to the gulf would be called back, should any omnipresent satellite system be watching them. They would also note that the UAV's that were tracking their boats have also been called back and satellites resumed normal scanning orbits. The mainland defenses however would continue to be on high alert.

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Where the Hellenic Forces had opted to go for an especially aggressive offensive doctrine the one against Zulia would be much more restrained. From bases in the Dominican Republic 50 ER-CVS401s were launched, these missiles were pretty much the Perseus with an extended range. Being actively guided by satellite imaging and drone high altitude drone surveillance these missiles would head for the Zulian land in general where they specifically targeted facilities used in communication such as television stations, air traffic control towers and other facilities of immediate significance to the command and control the Zulians had over their military and population. As the normal Perseus each missile had two additional effectors. Employing their stealthy airframe and an initially sea-skimming flight path they would most likely go undetected until it was too late. To ensure the damage was absolute the missile and its effectors would strike in a linear fashion to effectively turn every missile into three. 




This targeting of civilian structures was a shock to the population. Most public broadcasting centers and television stations became inoperable. Radio stations and television stations reporting evacuation routs and safe zones for civilians were cut off and the people were left stranded without instruction. A total of 400 civilian casualties were reported before the blasts, the reports of the deaths in the blasts was estimated to be in the thousands. All communication with air traffic control was suddenly cut off from commercial airliners. The air over Zulia became a chaos of planes crashing into each other trying to land in the same runway and planes in bad weather conditions clashing in the air. Hundreds would die simply because of human error and lack of communication with the ground and with other planes. The civilian factor was devastating, the military factor was indeed a tragedy for the air force as well. Passive RADAR depending on stronger Zulian frequencies would have to use frequencies coming in from other countries. The military would compensate for the incident by going into regional command centers, not depending on command from the HQ in Zulia. Civilians however would have more trouble coping for the loss of life which is estimated to be in the thousands. The people of Zulia ran in terror and the military was ordered to disband at the sight of all of the unwarranted death.

To: The Tianxian Military Command

From: The Zulian government

Subject: Surrender

Sirs, we accept total and complete surrender at the sight of your forces. Please, show our peoples mercy.

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Following the collapse of Argentina, the unconditional surrender of Zulia and the surrender of Paraguay the Athenian Federation considers all three fronts closed and will suspend all planned military engagements against these states. The Athenian Federation however will remain in support of Tianxia and engage anyone who enters on the Venezuelan side.


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Following the recent message from Chile the Imperatrix contacted her surviving generals and in turn they contacted their field commanders though that took some time due to the damaged command and control facilities and the Paraguay military halted their movements and plans to go abroad though they still gathered together into fighting forces. As well as this Paraguay's defenses remained active for now.


Imperatrix Domino Vasquez sent the following message to both Athens and Tianxia.



The planes of the Chilean Air Transport Command take to the sky to begin an extended relief operation to bring vital materials to Paraguay to get their power and communications back on line. Logistical Specialists, Engineers, and small teams of Chilean Rangers for protection are on the first wave along with bottled watered and rations for distribution to the public. Once the more or less exact needs of the Paraguayans are determined the Chilean Air Transport Command will begin flying in the equipment and manpower needed to install it. 

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OOC:  Bio says he's out of the fight so.


Triyun: Bio are you out of the fight

[12:23pm] Biohazard: mhm.
[12:23pm] ChairmanMeow[Phone]: You arent the Noob BIO, I mean me.
[12:24pm] Triyun: is that a yes to me
[12:24pm] Biohazard: si.
[12:24pm] Triyun: Ok


I'm referring to my successful spyroll in this post.




[b]Military Dispatch from the Empire of Tianxia:[/b]


Imperial Forces have carried out a decapitating strike killing most of the Venezuelan Leadership, including their President.  Additionally we've confirmed that most of the highest level national security archive records were also completely wiped out in the bombing, both destroying the Venezuelan ability to organize, but also unfortunately leaving in tact the ability to uncover any more plots.  The Empire will begin allowing 2 ships to transit the Panama Canal at a time to get to Venezuela, in the mean time our forces will begin a brief occupation as soon as other forces are in place will prepare to depart back for the Empire.


The Horde has yet again prevailed, let it not be called here again.


-Emperor Yuan Jia

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To: TianxiaPeru

From: Chile


It makes more sense at this time that Peru takes up the mop up with the Venezualan leadership destroyed. Chile will standby and assist Peru as needed. CSG-1 will be ordered to return to port, Task Force Deep Throat, now at full strength will be ordered to hold position, and all further support required from Chile will be air transported directly from Chile to Venezuala. 


-De Juagari




The special operation under the command of Major Carlos Chavez of Operation Watchtower is ordered to prepare to depart for Venezuala under the official guise of observers. Their orders come directly from National Security Adviser Del Fina and no written records of their orders exist. 

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The planes of the Chilean Air Transport Command were met with open arms and wide smiles by the Paraguay people, the food and water brought was accepted gladly though it was admitted that as so few of it was urgently needed most would be put into storage for emergencies. Of most importance were the specialists and engineers as a lot of the Paraguay electronic infrastructure was still crippled by the EMP strikes and the Paraguay authorities alone had little if any real chance of restoring it any time soon.

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Private to Chile
We shall immediately send a Corp sized force to secure the rest of Venezuela. 
The immediately activated 11th Corp which would include the already deployed 4th Peruvian Guard Division "Bogota" and 31st Motorised Division was sent to relieve the Tianxian Forces in Venezuela. Within an hour the lead units had entered into Caracas and begin to initiate Humanitarian and Security Operations. The first Federal Peruvian Air Force C-130H Hercules Transport Aircraft carrying supplies for the Venezuelan population would begin to arrive during that afternoon,
The newly christened "Peruvian Venezuela Peacekeeping Force" was to provide security until a new government took power in the area.
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The engineers and logistics specialists quickly set to work determining the needed equipment to restore Paraguay's power and communications. The food and water are distributed by the plane crews before they depart. The next arriving planes bring more food and water along with small numbers of troops who set up command posts at the airports to coordinate with the Paraguayan Military. The bulk of the work in distributing the relief supplies are left in the local hands. The damaged power and communication grid is quickly surveyed and the extent of the damage is categorized as severe and a long list of necessary components are sent back to Chile. 





Major Carlos Chavez and his observers arrive and present themselves to the Peruvian and Tianxian officials as observers. Their official orders, which they have hare copies of, are to watch and speak with surviving members of Venezuela's government about the exact fate of Herrera. Their unofficial orders, known to only Major Chavez, are somewhat more complicated.

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Major Chavez and his men set to work observing and collecting documents that would give them more information as to the exact demise of Herrera. Further, they take several intact computers, printers, and supplies of official stationary for what they phrase as electronic forensics analysis. 

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A small abandoned farm well away from the majority of the fighting is found. It is isolated and very few of the locals seem to be around.  Two of Major Chavez's men, in plain clothes, begin preparing it for the role it will play in selling the narrative. The two men were born in Venezuela and were chosen for their part in this operation due to their ability to pass themselves off as natives. With a careful eye for detail, an eye honed into them through their work and training with Operation Watchtower, they begin to shape the part of the story they are responsible for.  

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Occupied Venezuela


Major Carlos Chavez snapped awake as the faint thump of helicopter blades clattered their way though the walls of his sleep. A sheen of sweat was painted across his face as he sat up and took a long drink of water from a handy bottle. His eyes darted over to the table that made up the center of the large hotel suite he had been in for the last week and he beheld the magnificent fruits of his labors that laid among the sprawl of a forger's professional paraphernalia.


He muttered as he pulled on his wetsuit ,special mask, hood, and a pair of non-powdered surgical gloves. With great care he opened the containment door to the  containment room that his men had made out of rolls of plastic. They had spent hours cleaning every inch of the inside of the containment room, the equipment, and the materials before sealing it and declaring it ready for Chavez's Amazement didn't cover what Chavez felt as he watched them work wearing the same equipment he was wearing to contain the majority of their hair and skin cells to prevent contamination of the documents.



With great care he cycled through the airlock and moved over to the table the consisted of his work space to examine his work. The documents had completed the artificial aging process that he had started sometime last night. Using powerful lamps and a few discrete chemicals he had aged the documents just enough to give them extra little shade of legitimacy. The walls gave testament to the other masterful ploys that he brought from his arsenal of tricks as hundreds of examples of Herrera's signature on bits of paper are scattered unevenly as if they were placed by the hands of a lunatic.


Chavez was no lunatic, perhaps a bit of a junkie, but his faculties are first rate and his hands steady as a rock. He used those steady hands to slid the documents into a plain manila envelope. He then slid the entire envelop into a plastic pouch. With that taken care of he changed into his street clothes, pulled on a pair of leather gloves taken fresh out of the wrappings they were bought in, and carefully affixed a computer printed delivery label onto the plastic pouch. With the sort of paranoia that normally left a man to crippled to even take a piss without a .45 in his free hand, he eased his way down the stairs and out onto the curb.



The hotel he was in had been chosen for its high  of foot traffic and no security cameras as it was the sort of place frequented by drug pushers, prostitutes, and communists. In other words, a completely disreputable dive that no decent human being other than a low life or an intelligence officer would frequent if they had another choice. Once on the curb another one of his men took the pouch, his hands covered in gloves as well, and he placed it in a shopping bag.


The bag was exchanged once more and then the plastic pouch deposited in an overnight delivery kiosk where the intended recipient would be the commanding officer of the Peruvian Peacekeeping Force. No doubt once the pouch had been x-rayed, sniffed by large angry dogs, and eyeballed by a irate security officer the contents would reveal the intimate details of, “Operation Vampire,” which would reveal the specifics of a planned and prepared for attempt by Herrera's government to bomb the peace summit proposed by De Juagari in a bid to eliminate the leadership of most nations in South America.



If the documents were read in full they'd no doubt find that the training center, involved persons, and equipment were in the center of one of the heavier attacks by the Tianxian Battleships and not much more than fragments of bodies, shreds of equipment, and the debris of the folly of mankind would be found. As for the hotel room used to create the forged items, it was given a special sort of cleaning, in the form of 10 gallons of bleach.


The computer and printer are left on the curb, in different places, and the locals quickly disposed of them by taking them home. The paper was burned, the writing samples burned, and the plastic thrown in four different dumpsters in different parts of the city. The clothing they had used dumped in various charity donation bins around the city. Chavez and his men were relying on the average civilian not being all that tuned into their environment to escape detection.



Yet should that prove to fail, it would be noticed that during the team's stay in Venezuela they used local identification cards, paid in cash, and regularly switched hotels. Further, they routinely altered their appearances as well. Certainly the techniques used weren't foolproof, but as an additional fail safe the men had flown in from Chile, they left by quietly slipping across the border into the South American Protectorate and taking a series of buses and trains to Argentina where they took up their final identities and assimilated into the Provisional Combat Engineering Group where the commander knew better than to ask questions and kept his mouth tightly shut.

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