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Operation Vigilant Caretaker


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Peacekeeping operations had been underway for some time when somebody realized that despite there being a plan, the operation had no official name.  A problem that was quickly rectified.  All former Mexican territory east of the Mississippi and South of Michigan had been declared under the control and protection of the American Commonwealth and military forces were moving fast to secure major cities and setup operations throughout the new protectorate.  Airborne and air-mobile advance forces reported that they had all secured their assigned objectives, most of which were state capitols, major cities and military facilities further away from the Commonwealth in the more western states and Florida. Marine Expeditionary Units secured the port cities of Charleston, Savannah, Jacksonville and Miami and began pushing inland to secure the rest of the areas assigned to them.  Ground forces had secured most states adjacent to the Commonwealth and were pushing on to link up with advance forces.


Even before the operation began, there were rumors of some sort of political movement taking place, with people flocking to Raleigh, NC.  While not usually much of a concern, the timing was very suspect given its extremely rapid formation, and its organization hinted at the possibility of external influence.  Regardless, the group had to be investigated according to standard operating procedure.  The CIA had some assets in the area and was trying to find out what they could.  Contacts in Raleigh confirmed the event and forwarded a recording of the event to Langley where they began to investigate the speakers and attendants.  Perusing through all available contacts and sources of information one of the female speakers, an Ellen Richards, caught the analysts attention.  While she seemed fairly normal, a more thorough look revealed some discrepancies, according to contacts in local business and political circles, she had more or less appeared out of the blue.  She was flagged as a person of interest and a team was assigned to investigate further.


Due to the events taking place in Raleigh, several special forces units and four ranger battalions were ordered to deploy immediately to the city while a mechanized division was sent south and tasked with linking up and securing the city.  Using MV-22 Ospreys for rapid transport they were accompanied by helicopter gunships and were provided air support from Norfolk NAS.  Ranger units moved into blocking positions and set up checkpoints on all routes leading into and out of Raleigh while special forces conducted a sweep of the area with orders to detain all known persons of interest identified at the meeting for questioning.  The use of deadly force was restricted to self defense in order to appear more amicable to the populace.  In the meantime other units would bypass the city and continue south to link up with marine units.


Meanwhile, a port authority contact in Florida notified his handler about the arrival of some interesting characters.  While everything checked out fine, he was a bit suspicious of their origins, it wasn't exactly a great time to travel with the political climate after the fall of Mexico, but he didn't have the authority to investigate any further as everything was in order.  So he forwarded all relevant travel documents, visas, photos, surveillance camera footage and even DNA samples off of the paper and pens they used to his handler.  Receiving the documents, analysts agreed that the situation was somewhat strange but there were almost no leads for them to follow and the group had already disappeared.  An effort was made to reach South African authorities to further investigate the matter.

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Jade was far out of Raleigh by the time the units arrived, her guise already changed into one of her other personas. She and Lieutenant LaFollet were esconced in a sports bar in Baton Rouge, with the local news station playing back footage of the incursion of Commonwealth forces into Republican land. Jade lifted her stein to her lips, drinking back a hefty drought of the imported Belgian beer. Andrew sipped his ale contemplatively as the story played itself out, then turned to his monarch. "It looks like people here are as meddlesome and contrary as ever." He said without prompt, looking back at the television screen. "They don't even have the decency to wait until the nation has stabilized before they try to take it away from the people who are working so hard for it to exist."


"I know. I never remembered the Commonwealth being this much of a pain in the ass, especially to a fledgeling country just trying to pull itself together. That Stratton character's Marines might see action far sooner than they'd prefer, given their deployment from the port down here in Orleans. They're moving up along the interstates. Forty MBTs and several hundred combat vehicles aren't exactly un-noticeable though. Thankfully the Commonwealth won't have forward observers far enough forward to find them - yet. Though I can only imagine the fireworks when they do - the Marines' personal gear outclasses the Commonwealth's known stuff, and the Commonwealth's A2s are going to have a load of trouble with her A4s." Jade said, her attention fixed on the news report. "They're probably going to wonder where the hell they came from. Hell, I do."


"True. Still, however, I don't want to see yet another country go up in flames because a nosey group of jerkasses decide to make it their personal mission to be completely in the way. And that's exactly what's going to happen, once this convention's over and the Republic pulls itself together. The Commonwealth's bitten off quite a bit more than it can chew, for once, and I get the feeling the Republic's going to let them dig their own grave by being the aggressor in this case. 'Defend our homes' sentiment will rally an army and a shitload of money." Andrew replied, tipping back his bottle once more.


"We'll see. In the meantime, I think it's best we recycle identities after every appearance." Jade said, finally moving her eyes from the screen. "Now, let's get back on the plane to Mexico City."

Edited by Mara Lithaen
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Even though Jade slipped through, the operation netted a large amount of attendees who were detained and held in moderately comfortable accommodations for the time being.  However, intel was gathered about the mystery speaker and a thorough investigation confirmed her identity to be false.  A more extensive investigation revealed she had only just recently arrived from the Confederacy of West Africa.  Due to the similarities and circumstances the investigation was combined with the incident in Florida and awaited a response from South African authorities on the matter.


Meanwhile the political climate was beginning to cool down and the local populace began to welcome Commonwealth troops as protectors.  Extensive interaction with the civilian population revealed that the Raleigh conference was not representative of the population as a whole.  In fact, the state legislatures of Georgia, Florida, North Carolina and South Carolina presented a joint petition to join the Commonwealth, seeing it as the oldest and most stabilizing force in the eastern US.  Congress approved the move not long after receiving it and the states were formally joined as a part of the Commonwealth.


In the west, Commonwealth forces had secured  their parts of the protectorate and began coordinating with local governments in rebuilding and keeping law and order.  Because of the incident in Florida, recon units extensively patrolled the protectorate while a information network was created with the help of local civilians.  Fighter, UAV and reconnaissance squadrons were deployed by the airforce at major airports and air force bases that the Commonwealth had secured.  The collection of MQ-9 Reapers, RQ-4 Global Hawks, E-3 Sentries and E-8 JSTARS would be able to provide constant surveillance for the established protectorate.

Edited by MostGloriousLeader
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Unfortunately for those fighters, sixty of the vehicles in the mercenary convoy were anti-aircraft units, ranging from THEAD units to LORAD, MEAD and SHORAD systems, complemented by sixteen Centurion CIWS platforms for missile defense. The mercenaries had no intentions of fighting a war, but they did have a duty to protect the citizens of the new country forming here. But all that firepower was utterly wasted, as the convoy was deep in the heart of Mississippi, nearly to the Tennessee border..

Edited by Mara Lithaen
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Although the South African National Police was embroiled in ongoing cooperative operations in Mozambique with the South African Armed Services, that were aimed at containing an increasingly violent insurgency, the request that was forwarded through South African Customs and Border Patrol and the Foreign Service would be quickly investigated. In cooperation with authorities from security personnel from the Unified Northern Territories, the South African National Police would forward a response that confirmed to the American Commonwealth that footage and evidence pointed to an Elizabeth Stratton, the former President of the Confederacy of West Africa, being one of the individuals in the provided evidence.

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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Meanwhile, Hudson Bay Armed Force commanders in the southern sector of the Great Plains security sector would be expanding their CAP flights throughout the Mississippi River region as forces solidified holdings east of the Mississippi River.  Contact would be made to various elements of American Commonwealth forces operating west of the Mississippi on closing further security gaps as needed. 


OOC: I highly suggest that the ninja editing discontinue.

Edited by Tanis777
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The Russian Empire hopes that our Edisto Beach Joint Operations Base/vacation spot in South Carolina will be respected by the North Americans. It would be a shame to spoil Russo-American relations over a small parcel of land.


ooc: just wanted to let all parties Russia has a military base in South Carolina that I took from Isaac.

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Intelligence sources reported the movement of a large force in Louisiana heading to Missouri, Louisiana being the only area not fully secured by Commonwealth forces.  Several RQ-9 Reaper UAVs operating out of the recently secured Keeler AFB were conducting search missions and pinpointed the large movement of troops and vehicles.  Advance ground recon teams confirmed sightings and worked with UAVs and other recon assets to track their movement while a response was formed.  One mechanized and two armored divisions were ordered to consolidate and attack.  While that was underway a strike was ordered to hit just before the ground units made the attack.  24 B-2s and 36 B-1s flew out from Dover while 48 F-15SEs were sortied from various bases, all laden with standoff smart munitions.  Two F-35 squadrons that had recently arrived at Maxwell AFB were tasked with a SEAD mission as the presence of heavy anti-aircraft weaponry was confirmed. 


The strike was timed to take place almost simultaneously and less than 30 minutes before ground forces would make contact.  The F-35s were able to get closer due to their stealth and opened up with long range anti-radiation missiles to disrupt enemy radar coverage, coming in from multiple directions to confuse enemy defenses.  A half dozen EF-21s moved in quickly to provide a jamming screen as the F-35s withdrew.  Not long after, the main strike force, also striking from multiple directions, released their weapons at standoff range, using AGM-158 JASSM-ERs containing a mix of combined effects and smart munitions, out of range of enemy air defenses.  The mercenary force was encircled by over 600 missiles, all closing fast.  A followup strike of 24 F-35s was refueling with tanker support while awaiting the results of the damage assessment or for the ground battle to begin.

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In a show of support for the people of North America, the 1st and 2nd Chilean Navy Submarine Squadrons leave their berths and begin to head south before taking a hard left and then again turning north as they head towards the contested area to assist the American Commonwealth.


To: The American Commonwealh
From: Presidente Juagari of Chile
Classified- Most Secret


It has come to our attention that your attempts to bring peace and stability to your own backyard is seemingly being curtailed by what appears to be outsiders. It grieves all of Chile for this to transpire. I've dispatched a complement of Chilean Navy Submarines to the north, they have orders to place themselves at the disposal of the military authorities of the American Commonwealth. 

​It is possible that further forces can be made available up to a full division or two, should you request them.

Presidente Juagari
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Although the South African National Police was embroiled in ongoing cooperative operations in Mozambique with the South African Armed Services, that were aimed at containing an increasingly violent insurgency, the request that was forwarded through South African Customs and Border Patrol and the Foreign Service would be quickly investigated. In cooperation with authorities from security personnel from the Unified Northern Territories, the South African National Police would forward a response that confirmed to the American Commonwealth that footage and evidence pointed to an Elizabeth Stratton, the former President of the Confederacy of West Africa, being one of the individuals in the provided evidence.

After thanking and receiving the information from their South African counterparts, the FBI and CIA began piecing together what they had. 




Meanwhile, Hudson Bay Armed Force commanders in the southern sector of the Great Plains security sector would be expanding their CAP flights throughout the Mississippi River region as forces solidified holdings east of the Mississippi River.  Contact would be made to various elements of American Commonwealth forces operating west of the Mississippi on closing further security gaps as needed. 


OOC: I highly suggest that the ninja editing discontinue.

The extension of support was appreciated by the Commonwealth military which reciprocated in offering support if needed.  For now Commonwealth troops were fine but efforts were made to coordinate with Hudson Bay forces in patrolling the Mississippi and border crossings.


The Russian Empire hopes that our Edisto Beach Joint Operations Base/vacation spot in South Carolina will be respected by the North Americans. It would be a shame to spoil Russo-American relations over a small parcel of land.


ooc: just wanted to let all parties Russia has a military base in South Carolina that I took from Isaac.

We can assure the Russian Empire that the status quo of its naval facility in Edisto Beach will be maintained.


-American Commonwealth State Department


In a show of support for the people of North America, the 1st and 2nd Chilean Navy Submarine Squadrons leave their berths and begin to head south before taking a hard left and then again turning north as they head towards the contested area to assist the American Commonwealth.

The American Commonwealth thank's Chile for its show of support but we have no real need of assistance in this matter as of the moment.  We are open to receiving Chilean naval vessels at our own naval facilities as a sign of goodwill.  We are also open to discussing future friendly relations between our countries if so desired.

-American Commonwealth State Department

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The American Commonwealth had conducted several peacekeeping operations in neighboring areas before but this time government and military officials recognized it wouldn’t be the same smooth transition as it was before.  While most of the population was either in favor of or apathetic to the Commonwealth’s presence, for the first time there was a major subversive element that opposed peacekeeping efforts.  It was recognized that steps had to be taken quickly to prevent the situation from worsening.  

Military facilities and munitions stockpiles were among the first sites secured by Commonwealth forces, usually by special forces or air assault/airborne units.  Stocks were cataloged and either secured or disposed of safely to ensure accurate tracking of weapons and ammunition and to prevent their falling into the wrong hands.  This also provided the Commonwealth military with an advantage in military infrastructure and in conducting their operations.  

Another advantage was the Commonwealth’s control of the governmental infrastructure throughout the protectorate it administered.  State capitols and government facilities were also among the high priority targets for initial operations and the Commonwealth secured virtually all of them.  This provided the peacekeeping force with the means to effectively administrate necessary and vital government and civil services for the population of the protectorate.

One of the first steps was the establishment of the Civil Identification Program.  The CIP would be the new standardized ID system for the protectorate, replacing all previous forms of identification.  The new ID would be provided to the population at no cost and would include a photo along with pertinent information about the person, such as a basic biometric description, finger print, driving qualification status, and address, as well as a scannable tag for easier processing and fraud prevention.  All gathered IDs and information would be stored on secure servers in the Commonwealth.  The new ID would be required for virtually all financial and governmental activities including bank transactions, utilities, traffic checkpoints, travel, etc.

Communications control was also established and implemented.  Peacekeeping forces had control over most telecommunications facilities, radio/tv stations and cellular services.  The Commonwealth military Cyber-Warfare Command also began a program to restrict and control internet usage and website availability while FBI and CIA analysts began to actively search for sites with possible insurgent connections.  Airborne and ground based jammers were available for deployment to trouble spots if required.

To assist in efforts to combat the insurgency, intelligence agencies began to develop widespread information networks using a combination of military and civil assets.  Available HUMINT resources included their own agents, sympathizers in the population and informants.  The information coordinated and collected by various agencies and were disseminated to military commanders through a joint task force organized specifically for the purpose.  Aerial recon provided by UAVs and other manned reconnaissance aircraft were also able to track large scale movements as well as individuals of interest.

The Commonwealth military was making a two pronged effort with their operations, first to secure and interact with the local population, second to go on the offensive and actively destroy insurgent activity.  In regards to the former, Commonwealth forces conducted regular patrols to protect and interact with the communities they were operating in.  Patrols and convoys operated up-armored vehicles with countermeasures designed to protect against both basic and advanced IEDs as well as small arms and rocket propelled grenades.  Commonwealth forces also operated mobile jamming devices, both by vehicles and individual soldiers, that would disrupt wireless IED detonation signals.


The Commonwealth Navy and Coast Guard conducted patrols to secure ports as well as to prevent the smuggling of weapons and other illegal materials.   The Navy's carriers and amphibious assault ships and their task forces were usually on station to provide air support and shore bombardment capabilities if required.

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It wasn't necessarily that there was a "major subversive element opposed to peacekeeping efforts" as there was a group of people who simply wanted the power to decide their own fates, and as the Commonwealth went progressively further West they would find that element was more prevalent than any other in the region, to the point that Commonwealth patrols would be turned away at the gates, in a manner of speaking. Sympathy for the Commonwealth pretty much ended in Tennessee, with small elements of favorable folk stretched up through Kentucky into Ohio.

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With troops freed up from peacekeeping operations in the South and CSA assistance with operations in the Carolinas, the military was able to shift most of its attention to a much more narrow area of operations.  Primarily, the states of Kentucky and Ohio.  There was little to no organized opposition to speak of but with what was happening up in Wisconsin it was decided it was better to be safe than sorry.  Seven more divisions were deployed to the two states, joining the ten already in place on the ground.  In light of recent events martial law was declared in the two states and a 6pm curfew was put into effect.  Gatherings of 12 or more people were banned with exceptions made for qualifying businesses and state legislatures.  Peaceful protests were tolerated unless they broke curfew or group limits, then violators would be detained by non-lethal means.  Riot gear and non-lethal weapons/munitions were issued to all military units and all soldiers had gone through training on such weapons as well as counter-insurgency/peacekeeping during their basic training.  In the meantime extensive efforts were poured into intelligence gathering on movements with the potential for violent insurrection.


In order to crack down on weapons smuggling as well as to further extend protection to shipping on the Mississippi and Ohio rivers, the military established the Riverine Defense Force, a joint command of the Army and Navy responsible for patrolling both rivers.  Its operating force consisted of a dozen and a half SOC-R boats as well as six CB90s, half of the available stock of such vessels!  Operating bases were established at Wickliffe, KY, Owensboro, KY, Louisville, KY and Cincinnati, OH.  Crews consisted of a mix of army and navy personnel, often accompanied by special forces operators.  Efforts were made to coordinate with Hudson Bay Federation and Faraway authorities to deal with smuggling and other enforcement issues.


On Lake Erie the goal was the same but forces in place were deemed to be mostly sufficient.  The navy maintained three fast attack missile boat squadrons of six boats each at Erie, PA and the force was more than capable of patrolling the Ohio coastline and chasing down smugglers.  The only additions to the force were six Cyclone class patrol ships moved up the New York Canal system to the lake and the establishment of operating bases in Cleveland and Sandusky.  Again, efforts were made to cooperate with Faraway authorities to better coordinate efforts against smuggling. 

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Intelligence sources reported the movement of a large force in Louisiana heading to Missouri, Louisiana being the only area not fully secured by Commonwealth forces.  Several RQ-9 Reaper UAVs operating out of the recently secured Keeler AFB were conducting search missions and pinpointed the large movement of troops and vehicles.  Advance ground recon teams confirmed sightings and worked with UAVs and other recon assets to track their movement while a response was formed.  One mechanized and two armored divisions were ordered to consolidate and attack.  While that was underway a strike was ordered to hit just before the ground units made the attack.  24 B-2s and 36 B-1s flew out from Dover while 48 F-15SEs were sortied from various bases, all laden with standoff smart munitions.  Two F-35 squadrons that had recently arrived at Maxwell AFB were tasked with a SEAD mission as the presence of heavy anti-aircraft weaponry was confirmed.

The strike was timed to take place almost simultaneously and less than 20 minutes before ground forces would make contact.  In the meantime the force was under constant surveillance from UAVs and RF-21s and contact was attempted with the unknown force. 

Military Broadcast

Attention unidentified elements traveling through Mississippi.  You are in violation of Field Order 173 issued by the American Commonwealth Peacekeeping Command.  Your possession of these weapons systems and your organization constitutes an hostile armed force traveling through an area declared under the protection of the American Commonwealth.  You will halt all movement and operations immediately and you will surrender your weapons, vehicles and yourselves.  Any continued movement or attempts to disperse will be met with utter annihilation.  You have 5 minutes to comply or you will be declared hostile and destroyed.

OOC: My attempt at mutual cooperation

Edited by MostGloriousLeader
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The commander of the mercenaries' eyebrow rose, as the officious-sounding voice came over the radio. At the same time, the air-defense emplacements in the mercenary camp activated, radars pulsing, while a pair of surveillance blimps fired up their own down-looking radar. He harrumphed, reaching for the radio.


This is Major General Bradford Redding of the Dinochrome Brigade. We are on contract to provide military training and support to one of your new nations in the area. We are also not in the American Commonwealth - we are in the Confederate States of America, the last I checked a map. Our weapons are stood down.

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The commander of the mercenaries' eyebrow rose, as the officious-sounding voice came over the radio. At the same time, the air-defense emplacements in the mercenary camp activated, radars pulsing, while a pair of surveillance blimps fired up their own down-looking radar. He harrumphed, reaching for the radio.


Activating the air defense radars was a wrong move on part of the mercenaries.  As soon as they began radiating, the SEAD mission aircraft received radar warnings.  While no launches were confirmed the ROEs were clear and the mission lead ordered his aircraft to select their targets and fire, not wanting to wait for enemy missiles to start flying.  Each F-35 in the SEAD force carried 4 AGM-88F HARMs externally with a mixed internal loadout of two AIM-120E AMRAAMs and eight GBU-53C bombs.  The HARMs were launched at active radars while enemy anti-aircraft weapons and launchers were targeted by GBUs.  The blimps, both the active ones and any others in the vicinity, were targeted with AMRAAMs.  The force mad the attack from all directions to degrade the effectiveness of the enemy's defenses and once weapons were released they withdrew quickly under heavy jamming support.  The HARMs homed in on active radars, even if they were switched off the seeker would remember its location and use its INS to hit the target anyway.  The GBUs used a combination of laser guidance from recon UAVs or their own millimeter band radar/infrared seekers to hit their targets.


After the SEAD strike hit, UAVs and recon aircraft conducted BDA and continued surveillance while the primary strike was ordered to move to jump off positions outside the enemy's radar range. 


Military Broadcast
Any other attempt to initiate hostile action will force us to initiate another response and will result in your complete annihilation. Continued efforts to operate weapons systems or movement will be construed as a hostile action.  Your force will be detained and processed by American Commonwealth troops who will arrive in less than 15 minutes.  Any further resistance will not be tolerated.

The Commonwealth vanguard was formed by the first brigade of the 3rd Armored division.  Upon arrival they established initial overwatch positions while the rest of the 3rd Armored as well as the 5th Armored and 28th Infantry Divisions moved into place surrounding the mercenaries.  Once positions had been established Commonwealth troops began moving in to disarm and detain the mercenaries.

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The missiles came on, and the automatic defense systems replied, the Centurion CIWS platforms blasting half the missiles from the sky. As soon as the roaring of incoming missiles stopped, the commander of the mercenaries commed the jerk-tastic people on the other end of this ordeal. Unfortunately, half of the incoming missiles did get through, blotting away an thirty of the SAM platforms.


You initiated hostile action. You fired on us, even though our offensive weapons are unloaded. What, exactly, are you trying to prove?

Edited by Mara Lithaen
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  • 2 weeks later...

Activation of your air defense radars was deemed a hostile action and our forces responded in self defense.  You will stand down your forces and weapons immediately and surrender yourselves to American Commonwealth troops.  There will not be another warning.

Under the watchful eyes and collective firepower of three divisions, Commonwealth troops began disarming and detaining the mercenaries sending them to be processed at a field POW center set up for the temporary holding of the prisoners for the time being.  The center was surrounded by hesco barriers and concertina wire and watchtowers while being patrolled and monitored by Commonwealth troops.  Prisoners were provided with field shelters as well as medical care and food.  Military intelligence began to conduct interrogations of the captured militants in order to determine their origins and intentions.  While this occurred all captured weapons and equipment were cataloged, accounted for and impounded.

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