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Joint Announcement from Greenland and Mexico


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In Eyvindsson City, in front of crowds of news reporters and foreign diplomats at the Kristjan Eyvindsson Royal Palace, Chief Praefect Harold Vilhjalmsson would make a public announcement, with Secretary Patricia Espinosa at his side.

"It is a pleasure to announce that the Federal Republic of Greenland and the United Mexican States has taken the historic step in merging their respective doctrines, the Vilhjalmsson Doctrine and the Calzada Doctrine, into an unified document. The Vilhjalmsson-Calzada Doctrine/Calzada-Vilhjalmsson Doctrine will serve as the basis of a more lasting peace in North America and the Caribbean. Greenland will work together with Mexico in executing this Doctrine in the interests of North America."

He would then briefly explain the nature of the doctrines before reading out the details of the new Doctrine.

[quote][b]Vilhjalmsson-Calzada Doctrine
Calzada-Vilhjalmsson Doctrine[/b]

[b]Article I:[/b]
The North American continent and the Caribbean will be considered a joint Sphere of Interest (JSI) of Greenland and Mexico, and both nations will ensure the stability of the JSI through whatever means deemed necessary to secure their interests.

[b]Article II:[/b]
As per the JSI, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Maine will be Greenland's sphere of influence.

[b]Article III:[/b]
As per the JSI, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Oklahoma, the Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, certain parts of Louisiana, Panama, the Caribbean, and Alaska will be Mexico's sphere of influence.

[b]Article IV:[/b]
As per the JSI, Georgia, the Carolinas, the Virginias, Maryland, District of Columbia, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York State, and New England minus Maine will be the joint sphere of influence of both nations.

[b]Article V:[/b]
This Doctrine will be activated when the government of a territory outlined in Articles II, III, and IV cease to exist within the JSI for any reason. Greenland and Mexico will immediately move in to establish order in their respective spheres of influences as well the joint one.

[b]Article VI:[/b]
Should a nation act against the interests of the JSI, Greenland and Mexico will have the power and right to intervene through any means necessary to end the action as swiftly as possible.

[b]Article VII:[/b]
Future colonies, military movements and economic activities that go against Greenlandic-Mexican interests and the JSI will be considered an aggressive act, and will be dealt with as such. Current colonies, as of the issuance of this doctrine, will be considered stable areas of the JSI.

[b]Article VIII:[/b]
This doctrine can be amended after consultations between the two nations.[/quote]
A copy of the Doctrine would duly be sent to all foreign Embassies in the Greenlandic capital, and so would a map delineating the Greenlandic and Mexican spheres of influences. Purple denoted Greenland's sphere of influence, golden yellow denoted Mexico's, and pink denoted joint spheres of influences.


Edited by JEDCJT
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Tianxia wonders why in the hell Mexico or Greenland is making claims of a Sphere of Influence of Tianxia territory and its traditional sphere of influence. I suggest you make changes [i]quickly[/i] as well as apologize.

-Yuan Jia, Emperor of Tianxia

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"The Carolinas accept the two nations SoI hoping this is used for peacekeeping and not as an excuse to remove people the two nations dislike. Though we dont understand your claim over sovereign nations lands and territories, could you please clarify what is considered a "threat" to your JSI. Claiming an entire continent is rather rash since the continent, save foreign aggressors, has been a relatively peaceful continent."

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"Newfoundland&Labrador approves of this Doctrine as a decent attempt to ensure stability between said countries, and the rest of North America. However, we would have to ask, in 'Article VI', what exactly do mean when you say "Should a nation act against the interests of the JSI, Greenland and Mexico will have the power and right to intervene through any means necessary to end the action as swiftly as possible.". Does this mean should a nation attack you, you have the right to attack back? As should be the right with any country. Or if a nation were to attack someone in North America other than Greenland and Mexico, that you have the right to attack the aggressor nation? In the later case, would it not be easier to sign the defense related treaties with those in the Americas?

And in 'Article VII', when you say, " military movements and economic activities that go against Greenlandic-Mexican interests and the JSI will be considered an aggressive act..", Isn't that just the same as in Article VI, with some differences in wording?"

~~Harley Kokoro, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Edited by Shadow hawk
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"The relatively loose terms of this doctrine, basically asserting legal right of both signatories of this doctrine to intervene in the affairs of sovereign nations in North America, finds an abstaining of recognition from Colombia. The hegemonic underpinnings of this doctrine will not receive any support from the República de Gran Colombia."

[i]Prime Minister Salvatore Torres[/i]

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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"The Hudson Bay Federation is wary of such a statement between Greenland and Mexico. While the Americas has been a unstable, the lack of trust to other American nations is unsettling. We'll be distancing ourselves further from this joint influence sphere over the Americas, if it was for peace... they could be more communicative to regional governments. We're sorry to see this even be brought up in the first place."

- Chancellor Fred Logan to GBT journalists

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