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Operation Reclamation

Zoot Zoot

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[b]Great Britain[/b]

German troops continued to pour into Britain, with tanks and other vehicles pouring into the major cities of the Reich. Eighty percent of the country, including the capital, was now under complete control. Soldiers were ordered to stand-by. Tanks were ordered to drive with their guns pointed in a non-offensive manner, with soldiers pointing their assault rifles downwards. Life for the British would continue normally, albeit with a German flavor added to it.


German Special Forces, from the Kommando Spezialkräfte, began to move into strategic positions around the Albion government palace. The elite soldiers, from the Wehrmacht, had already taken preliminary steps from the upcoming operation. Communication lines from the palace were cut; while, all exit routes had dedicated snipers for them.

Fifty commandos were positioned to make the push into the palace to arrest the leading government members. In the meantime, the commandos would have to wait until the deadline was over. There was twenty four hours left.

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As the German soldiers poured into the country, their gestures and mocking meant nothing to Imperial Forces. Murderers dont get the satisfaction of having attention paid to them. The balance of Armies shifted day by day and after the third week of withdrawal operations, 75% of all Imperial Forces had left the Isles, with only token forces in Scotland remaining, waiting for the next convoy of transports to arrive to take them home. The Army of Britain was finished, the first defeat in the Empires history had left a sour taste in the mouths of many, the massive loss of life had planted the seed of mental health issues and post traumatic stress in thousands more.

In Portugal, operations had been underway to vacate the airfields that the airforce was using as temporary bases. The last squadron of bombers left Portugal after leaving behind a token of appreciation for Athenian Forces. A free, all inclusive holiday in Rio for all serving Athenian soldiers for one week aswell as a bottle of wine for each airbase commander for allowing Imperial Air units to shelter on their base.

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With the deadline now over, the Kommando Spezialkräfte went into action. From their positions, the Kommando's rose up and began to seize the government headquarters. Before entering, the Kommando's tossed in smoke grenades, which would catch the occupants off-guard and allow for the Kommando's to operate in a, somewhat, stealthy environment. The men entered swiftly, shooting targets thought to be armed; while, subduing those that surrendered. The Kommando's would clear the building floor by floor, tossing flash or smoke grenades into rooms and clearing them swiftly. The main officials were not to be eliminated. Instead, they were to be arrested and escorted out of the government residence. Albion government officials would be allowed to continue life as normal civilians, albeit under house arrest.

On the roof of the government headquarters, Helicopter Gunship transports landed, unloading more men from the Kommando Spezialkräfte. These troops were to proceed with secondary mop up operations, seizing computers, data drives, and other items labeled as important. These items would be turned over to Reich Intelligence for decrypting and analysis.

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There were no Albion government palace, since the Revolutionary Council of Great Britain operated out of the homes of the members. Only William G. Black was in any danger of being captured or killed. To avoid bloodshed, the rest of the Council, whose identities had not been revealed, simple stopped government work. Black will be the sacrifice. The rest of the country went about its regular business, pretty much ignoring the Germans since they had been part of life before.

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The Kommando Spezialkräfte achieved moderate success. A number of documents were captured, and a leading member of the rebel government was liquidated. As for the other members, they would continue to be in the sights of the government, with police and other intelligence services investigating every possible lead.

With the entering of over thirty thousand troops, peace and order had been restored to Britain. Much like before, a provisional British government would be appointed to operate the protectorate. After the provisional government had taken over some of the essential functions of government, the German force would begin to withdraw, leaving a force of ten thousand troops in Britian to provide defense.

Edited by Malatose
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