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A New Start


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Gaius stared in disbelief at the entire Neo Roman military, he had never expected this many people to agree with him and want to find a new land to call home where they could find excitement beyond their usual antics. Gaius was approached by one of his generals who informed him that they had full military strength, while some didn't come, their spots were filled by trainees nearing the end of their training. Gaius was about to ask how he was supposed to move all these men with him when he notice multiple white dots coming over the horizon, cruise ships were arriving in large numbers. Gaius could hardly believe it had all begun after mentioning the idea to a few of his trusted generals whom he knew agreed.

As Gaius boarded the NRS Gaius, the Imperial II Class Grand Carrier from the 3rd fleet he noticed a ballistic submarine being loaded with nuclear missiles, earlier he had also noticed that hydrogen bombs were being loaded onto B-11/E Strategic Bombers, this was beyond what he had even dreamed of happening. Within 24 hours the fleet had left Neo Roma, depleting the nation of its military and leaving the lands in the very capable hands of the Umbrella Commonwealth.

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[b]Post Election in the Hudson Bay Federation[/b]

In retirement, Dale Everett enjoyed his time forming the Hudson Bay Federation. In the deepest of secrets, Everett traced his roots back to South America. The exodus of Neo Roma out to the sea distressed Mr. Everett while read the Great Northern Times on this large exodus and thought to himself, "There's more than enough land for them up here in the area. I'll have convince the Saskatchewan populace to it... but that should be too hard, they didn't like joining the Federation too much."

He strolled back inside to his personal office and jotted down a letter.


A concerned citizen of the world wishes for your presence in Saskatoon at your earliest convenience to discuss new homeland. Will need to pull some strings but possible.


Mr. Everett

He folded up the letter into a security envelope and gave it to one of his trusted couriers. The courier would board a flight to Panama and make initial contact with the flotilla to arrange a helicopter transport to the floatilla.

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As Gaius read the letter he gained more interest in the idea, he knew North America wasn't nearly as stable as the South. Gaius boarded one of the helicopters on the carrier which flew him to Lima, UC, from which he boarded his private jet which flew him to Saskatoon, he had been in Saskatoon for a summer ages ago but so much had changed since then, the city was booming. Meanwhile the fleet turned directly west, after a while it would turn north.

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[b] Saskatoon, Saskatchewan[/b]

A nicely suited chauffeur waited at the Saskatoon International Airport with a dready white signs scribbled 'Gaius' on it and Gaius would spot the man where they would exchange pleasantries. He would pack in the luggage and drive Gaius north someways away from Saskatoon towards the residency of Dale Everett.

"Sir, the Dale Everett residency," the chauffeur monotonically said as the car came to a stop.

"Thanks," replied Gaius.

Dale Everett appeared out of the front double doors of his house and strolled up to the car.

"Gaius, I presume?" half-questioned Everett, "Welcome to the Hudson Bay Federation and my home, let's step in."

The two men walked inside the low-key mansion in the Saskatchewan plains... well, it was more like a big house surrounded by wheat fields. Everett broke into the bar and offered a couple drinks to his guest and himself before sitting down on a large couch.

Everett opened, "I've heard you've left South America and it seems like you and your exodus needs someplace to go. Any ideas on where you wanted to go?"

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Gaius looked out the window "Actually, I was thinking about Saskatchewan, I came here many years ago for a summer and still have many great memories of the region" Gaius paused for a second before continuing "I am also interested in a small parcel of land in the Arctic to build a coastal base for the naval assets which we would connect to Saskatchewan by road and rail"

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As her husband set sail and left South America, Alice shed a tear. They didnt see eachother often and now he would be away for even longer before his next visit. She did have a duty to uphold though. On her orders, the First Light Corps began deploying South into Neo Roma. Deploying mainly into Argentina, elements moved South from Bolivia and Chile.

Because relations between both countries had been so close, the soldiers were greeting warmly, and after they had held talks with local police forces and local Government preparations were made to bring Neo Roma into the Empire proper. North Argentina and Chile would be granted the same autonomous status as all the other countries in the Imperium.

[b]Public Announcement [/b]

The Imperial Commonwealth of Umbrella has deployed forces into Neo Roma to ensure its stability and well being after a mass exodus of its military and some high ranking Government heads. As of this announcement, Neo Roma is hereby intergrated into the Imperium proper and is to be afforded all the rights and benefits as the other Imperial territories.

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[quote name='jeff744' timestamp='1343104011' post='3014132']
Gaius looked out the window "Actually, I was thinking about Saskatchewan, I came here many years ago for a summer and still have many great memories of the region" Gaius paused for a second before continuing "I am also interested in a small parcel of land in the Arctic to build a coastal base for the naval assets which we would connect to Saskatchewan by road and rail"

"And that's why you're here today Gaius in Saskatchewan. The folks here aren't too keen on the whole Federation unity thing since I've stepped down from office. It's gotten more brazen lately. The Socialists control the government now and are bent on keeping them in line, but my senses tell me otherwise. I think that's you fit in the whole scheme of things. I know the support of a breakaway is possible here, at peaceful and I can convince the folks in Winnipeg to see it my way," Everett replied.

I think between you and the Federation in an Arctic port is also doable. Although a right-of-way smack through the Federation territories to the north for a controlled road and rail line isn't possible, I could convince them of a treaty of some sort to ensure free access and initial right-of-way for both nations to construct a route to the port north... or additional port access along the Bay itself could be possible," continued Everett.

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"Both options are acceptable, I simply meant that my people would connect the two regions by road and rail so that neither part is isolated. I was actually thinking of connecting them to Prince Albert so that your nation could also make use of the connection as it would be one of very few all year routes into the north by land."

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"That's reasonable. The Prince Albert launch point can be a great hub for continental traffic and I'm sure the port in the Arctic would be optimal for Federation gas/oil exploration in the region as well as possible refinery hub. I'm certain the Kiliper government will understand... he didn't know that this province was rigged in his favor. I always thought he was weak-minded, easily manipulated," replied Everett.

"One minute friend..." said Everett as he picked up his cell phone.


"When can they be here."

"Good, sooner the better."


"Good news, the prominent leaders of this province and Federation members are willing to agree to this agreement, they shall be here shortly," Everett quipped.

Soon afterward, a small convoy of sedans and some helicopter swarmed the complex and appeared men and women who responded to the call of an independence Saskatchewan. Representing the Federation was Everett, Gregory Rolan and Stephen Gallows.

"We're ready to have this deal finalize."

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[b]Special Courier[/b]

Upon the declaration of statehood by the Neo Roma expatriates within the cold northern regions a massive gift basket would be delivered to Gauis labeled, "To our favorite airplane jumping out of on a horse leader, take care up there, feel free to come down to Vicksburg if you ever want to go catfishing, sip on moonshine, and get out of the cold for a spell.... Raines." The legendary stories of Gauis had preceeded him to North America and let it be assured, his fan base is quite loyal with in the Confederacy as demonstrated by the hundreds of "We :Heart: Gauis" t-shirts and the local Equine Skydiving Clubs started in his honor.

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Gaius smiled "While I am currently ready to sign and begin the preparations for a power transfer, I would like to hold off on a public announcement at this time as my men are still on their way north and I would like to avoid forming the country with no way of defending it until our forces arrive."

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A small shipment of Neo Roman engineers in civilian clothes arrived in Saskatoon by aircraft, they then were transported by vehicles to the Big Quill Lake mine, under the guise of being inspectors they would mark out a section that would soon become a permanent base from which the SDI would operate instead of the mobile version that currently followed the main forces. The necessary satellites followed the fleet while the land based missile defenses were prepared to be rapidly offloaded and moved into position throughout Saskatchewan and the northern arctic base.

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The Neo Roman fleet stopped before passing the Aleutian islands, waiting for a number of icebreakers to arrive to ensure that the fleet would be able to pass the regions safely, for further safety the fleets would move on behind the icebreakers is much smaller formations of five ships. The larger ships would remain behind, instead only following heavy icebreakers in groups of two. The groups would be fairly isolated, while there were security concerns about being spread out there were no enemies in the region and Gaius did not want to have a ship get stuck in the ice, nor would he have the entire fleet travel in a neat line in the event something went wrong with a ship and the rest were forced to stop while the repairs were made and pray they were done before the ice caught them.

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The Neo Roman ships had met their icebreaker convoy as well as the remaining Neo Roman ships, they had just recently entering the Canadian part of the Beaufort Sea, following behind icebreakers despite the fact no ice was yet present, simply as a precaution against icebergs that remained largely hidden underwater, Gaius had told them not to lose a single ship to ice. Those that weren't following the icebreakers used active sonar to detect chunks of ice and their guns to break them up.

Meanwhile Gaius formally signed a document finalizing the transfer of Saskatchewan and a small piece of the Arctic over to a new nation title the Prairie Union, the same document transferred all former Neo Roman forces over to PU control. While Neo Roma no longer existed in any form, a new nation had risen. Within hours of signing the turnover became public, North America had gained a new nation.

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The movements of the fleets were followed by the 25 Seewolf-class submarines. Focusing on the larger ships and what seemed to be massive transports, they waited silently for the majority of the ships to come within range before starting operations. Their goal was to sink the largest ships and the transports, all which could be differentiated from the collection of naval ship movement acoustic records. With Tianxia ships being one of the more numerous ships, it was very easy to know what kind of ships were passing through. Everything will be unleashed when the time is right.....

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The main fleet continued to move in one massive circle with no gap, waiting for the icebreakers to finish transporting the ships and come back for more. Upon the arrival of a a few heavy icebreakers ships began to move with 1 cruise ship, 1 battleship and 1 carrier behind two heavy icebreakers. Behind each three mediums were 2 cruise ships, 1 frigate, 1 destroyer, 2 Littoral, and 1 cruiser. The subs moved far below and almost completely randomly.

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The arrival of the Federation Coast Guard vessels was unexpected. With collateral damage becoming a possibility, the operation to destroy the Neo Roma navy was called off. The ships will silently start moving east, with three subs remaining for surveillance purposes. The thik ice meant that with icebreakers needed to break through, there was enough noise for the subs to hide in. They would go undetected back to Quebec.

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The Federation Corps of Engineers was coordinating with Neo Roma personnel at the Arctic port of Dalsan with the construction of a large airstrip and offloading at the growing port facilities stretching into the Arctic Ocean to get supplies offloaded.

Meanwhile, civilian construction crews building the road between Dalsan and the new Prairie Union was facing stiffer difficulties as crews moved further into Permafrost territory and numerous lakes presented engineering crews with shortages in pre-case concrete panels and steel girders needed to build bridges. It would take at least another three months before a crude gravel road could be usable.

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