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Declaration from Zimbabwe


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[b][color="#008000"][font="Times New Roman"][size="5"]Zimbabwe Declares Independence : Nyawela Ibori declared Head of State[/size][/font][/color][/center][/b]

[font="Times New Roman"]Under the African Unity Pact, Zimbabwe has long been a colony. It's rich history includes being a land owned by "Arctica" and "Transvaal" for a long long period of time. Zimbabwe hereby declares its unique independence as a complete nation who hereby is a Sovereign state. Zimbabwe has deemed a current regime, lead by Head of State, Nyawela Ibori to be in complete control of the new sovereign land. Zimbabwe's world goals are to ensure its people unity, protection, security, and the pursuit of happiness. Zimbabwe will be also be administered by a unique group of citizens deemed as Ministers and leaders of Zimbabwe. They each have a sector of responsibility and have all taken the Oath of Fealty to deem themselves as Progressive Leaders in order to bring Zimbabwe as a whole back to a mighty sovereign state. The current diplomatic path is to continue to stay on a neutral level and eventually pursue a friendship with its African Neighbors, and pursue a relationship with The African Unity Pact, who has been in control of Zimbabwe until this time. Nyawela has began construction of a large capitol building in Harare in order for the Government to establish their offices and progressively run the nation to the best of their abilities. The Government's number one goal so far will be to assist and eventually end the food crisis in Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe allows any and all peoples to visit and enjoy the rich lands of Zimbabwe. We invite all foreign government officials to visit and establish a relationship with this new unique sovereign state who has arisen in the world. Any and all questions will be answered to the best of the government's abilities. It shall also be noted that this is a personal Declaration of Sovereignty and Independence from Zimbabwe and has not been officially acknowledged by the African Unity Pact, as it has been a one-way communication established in the African Unity Pact discussions. Zimbabwe hopes to meet all of the world's leaders and government in order to ensure Unity and Happiness throughout its new neighbors and friends.

Acknowledged on the Twenty Fifth of April, In the year of Two Thousand and Twelve, Zimbabwe hereby declares its independence from the African Unity Pact under the leadership of the following;[/font]

[b]Head of State:[/b] Nyawela Ibori

[b]Minister of Foreign Affairs:[/b] Nsonowa Alakija
[b]Minister of Defense:[/b] Kirabo Biobaku
[b]Minister of Economics:[/b] Ibrahima Saro-Wiwa
[b]Minister of Internal Affairs:[/b] Kibwe Jomo-Gbomo
[b]Minister of Education:[/b] Lesedi Yar'Adua
[b]Minister of Health:[/b] Berko Sylla
[b]Minister of General Welfare:[/b] Kobina Awolowo
[b]Minister of Social Services:[/b] Nosipho Ironsi

Edited by Rotavele
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[quote]"The Republica do Pará wishes to congratulate Zimbabwe on their new-found independence, being a relatively newly established sovereign entity ourselves. And we wish Zimbabwe the best of luck in the admirable endeavour of ameliorating difficulties with food supply; if necessary, you may count on Pará to aid you in this regard."

- Premier Isabelle Vieira[/quote]

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[quote]"The Republica do Pará wishes to congratulate Zimbabwe on their new-found independence, being a relatively newly established sovereign entity ourselves. And we wish Zimbabwe the best of luck in the admirable endeavour of ameliorating difficulties with food supply; if necessary, you may count on Pará to aid you in this regard."

- Premier Isabelle Vieira[/quote]

Zimbabwe is over enthusiastic about the kind nations of this world. The Republic of Para is already seen as a friend of Zimbabwe as of their kind words to us. Zimbabwe hopes to pursue relations with The Republic of Para, and seeing as they are also a new sovereign entity, We will aid them aswell if they need it in their future endeavours.

- Head of State,
Nyawela Ibori

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[quote name='Evangeline Anovilis' timestamp='1335456766' post='2959758']
"France recognises this state and welcomes it, hopefully further helping the African community with its stable rise to prosperity."
-[font="Monotype Corsiva"][size="3"]Charles-Louis d'Orleans-Autriche-Este[/size][/font]

We thank France for their recognition and good will towards our nation and people.

[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1335463283' post='2959787']
The Principality of Aeon is honored to be the first of the AUP to welcome Zimbabwean independence. Let your rise and future success be a testament to the undying African will of self determination and prosperity.

We thank Aeon, for their recognition and their approval as a part of the AUP on our independence.

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