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A Rather Undignified Ending


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Operation: Citadel was launched immediately following the implosion of the Canadian government under stress. Imperial troopers laid claim to the provincial capitals of the Northwest Territories, Yukon, British Columbia and Alberta, working outward from there to restore government and control to the region, though thankfully the population was spread enough that no widespread civil disorder occurred.

Empress Mara stated to the press, "Though at a high cost in lives and materiel on both sides, our nation has won this war decisively, and the newly-conquered lands shall be integrated into the Imperium, and lands distributed among the new nobility, yeomen, and common people who desire it. This is a momentous day in our history, and we have proven to the world our mettle. Long live the Empire!"

Roughly half of the Imperial military was stood down from combat operations, returning to maintenance and repair bases that had been hastily constructed near airfields to rest and repair, and three divisions of now-hardened combat troops were outfitted with the new BASALT armor system and assigned to MP duty, changing out their heavy weapons for Mk 23 carbines and pistols, with the very occasional .50 cal among them in the event a civilian resistance (should there be any) take up old Canadian equipment. The division was divided up into patrol platoons, with each platoon headed by actual MPs who would control and coordinate the operations in each group's assigned AOR.

The Imperium also, of course, sent Foreign Minister Kehenna to the summit to represent them - though, as it stood in a practical sense, for four provinces of Canada the matter was sealed and settled.

Edited by Mara Lithaen
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[quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1331162356' post='2935237']
[center][b][size="4"]Confederation of Greater New England Official Dispatch[/size][/b]


With the apparent dissolution and collapse of Canada, the Confederation of Greater New England hereby annexes New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island into Greater New England, given our unique and similar cultures, these annexations are only logical and these two provinces are to be granted emergency statehood pursuant with GNE sovereignty legal procedures. The standing governors and any legislative bodies that are sitting now are to be kept until elections can be arranged for the new states. Pursuant with the request by the Bloc Quebecois, the nationalist sovereignty party that has assumed leadership over Quebec, Greater New England will gladly assume a state of protection over the former Canadian province. All sitting municipal and government leaders are to be kept until further notice, and a military governor will be appointed to command all units that are dispatched to ensure the protection and sovereignty of the people of Quebec, we see the Quebecois French as neighbors and partners in culture and historical experiences, we will stand ready to protect them of any external threat.

On an unrelated note, as per regional requests for peacekeeping and protection forces, the Armed Services of Greater New England are hereby ordered to begin sovereignty assurance operations into Western Canada, these sovereignty assurance operations will extend to the following former Canadian provinces; Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, the Northwest Territories, and Alberta. We call upon the [b]EMPIRE OF PRAVUS INGRUO[/b] to dispatch military forces for similar peacekeeping operations in these regions, working alongside ASGNE Forces in ensuring the protection of Canadian citizenry. At this time, we cannot dispatch our forces into the Yukon and British Columbia due to the obvious aggressive military operations that have been opened against these two provinces. We hereby request for local police forces to ensure local law and order and remaining Canadian military forces to stand down and only engage in constabulary operations unless fired upon.

On a further note, we [i]urgently[/i] request the presence of delegations from the [b]Northern Imperium[/b], [b]Chancellery of Cyrantia[/b], [b]Marscurian Siberia[/b], [b]Tianxia[/b], the [b]Empire of Pravus Ingruo[/b], and the [b]Californian Republic[/b] at an emergency summit in Halifax, Nova Scotia, to discuss the future of North America through diplomatic means. We also urgently request that all offensive operations end against former Canadian military forces, and constabulary operations to protect citizenry in occupied territory begin in the Yukon and British Columbia until this mess is settled.


Martin Gibbs
President of Greater New England
Ranking Member of the Honorable Parliament[/i]

[b][OOC: Actions to come][/b]

The highest number of immediate forces the Empire can deploy to the region is 9,000 Marines stationed at IMB:CP off the British Columbian coast. Further reinforcements will take time to move into the region, say nothing for the logistics of getting them across Canada.

The Empire will dispatch a representative to the summit in Halifax immediately.

(OOC: Recommend putting it in a different thread. It's gonna get lost in here)

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