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In search of an alliance

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Hi everybody. I am in search of an alliance. But, I don't like all those messages in my inbox offering crap. I would like to know which alliance it would be the best for me. I'm not in a hurry I will check this post daily to see alliances responses if you do want to recruit me.

So here's what I'm looking for:

1. An alliance with not much drama. The friend who told about the game gave me a few hints on what to expect and what to do to advanced, but he also told there's a lot of drama. :(
2. I would like the help in doing business for my nation. But, at the same time I don't want restrictions in with who I should trade or sale technology.
3. As any other person I would like to advance, meaning a higher position in the alliance. So, I would love to be an alliance in which I could really advanced and with time be part of the leaders group. Mika, told me there's a lot of closed group in power.
4. Finally, I know a few thing about the game like the trade circles and about selling technology and a few other things. I also find the Cyber Nation Wikia, which I hope it says the truth, since I had red a lot from there :) But, anyway I would like a good schooling system since I know I need to learn a lot.

You may think how he dares to ask so much. But, I will offer help for the alliance, in war, your affairs and I don't know anything else. I enjoy reading and maybe that could also counts. Well I don't know what else to say so please if anyone is reading, now is your turn.

Thanks! :)

Edited by LordGecko
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Glad your taking your time to find the right alliance, not many people do.

To put it simply, I'm in Oceania would welcome you to be as well hopefully addressing your concerns below will assist you in your decision. :)

1. An alliance with not much drama. The friend who told about the game gave me a few hints on what to expect and what to do to advanced, but he also told there's a lot of drama. :([/quote]

Valid concern. In Oceania, we've never had any "drama" and we don't anticipate that we will anytime soon.

[quote]2. I would like the help in doing business for my nation. But, at the same time I don't want restrictions in with who I should trade or sale technology.[/quote]

In Oceania, you are pretty much free to deal with who you like, just know that we can set you up with trade circles and tech deals if you don't have enough time or experience to do so on your own.

[quote]3. As any other person I would like to advance, meaning a higher position in the alliance. So, I would love to be an alliance in which I could really advanced and with time be part of the leaders group. Mika, told me there's a lot of closed group in power.[/quote]

There are a lot of alliances in CN that don't like to deal out any real amount of power, this isn't the way in Oceania. All that we ask is that you show that you are active and that you are decent at the job in whichever department that you choose, before moving up in the chain of command.

[quote]4. Finally, I know a few thing about the game like the trade circles and about selling technology and a few other things. I also find the Cyber Nation Wikia, which I hope it says the truth, since I had red a lot from there :) But, anyway I would like a good schooling system since I know I need to learn a lot.[/quote]

Oceania doesn't have an academy system, although we do have guides that allow you to learn at your own pace. Along with this there is always someone that can give you advice if needed.

If you need more info PM me or stop by our forums.

[url="http://www.edsmatrix.net/adude/"]Forum link[/url]

Edited by ADude
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Back off ADude, he's mine! :P

[quote name='LordGecko' timestamp='1331011506' post='2934447']
1. An alliance with not much drama. The friend who told about the game gave me a few hints on what to expect and what to do to advanced, but he also told there's a lot of drama. :(
Drama is of course but an element in the game, though there is a difference between inner-alliance drama and drama caused by foreign actions. The Imperial Order is very much seeking a more active role in foreign situations so you can expect drama on that front, but as far as drama or conflict between members, there is some head butting from time to time. This is to be expected though when members are allowed to freely voice their concerns and influence the decisions within the alliance.

2. I would like the help in doing business for my nation. But, at the same time I don't want restrictions in with who I should trade or sale technology.
We allow you to remain quite independent as far as tech selling and trading is concern, though we have a Finance department dedicated to alleviating the burden of piecing together such deals.

3. As any other person I would like to advance, meaning a higher position in the alliance. So, I would love to be an alliance in which I could really advanced and with time be part of the leaders group. Mika, told me there's a lot of closed group in power.
As it stands now, The Imperial Order works as a meritocracy, where hard work and commitment is rewarded with higher authority and rising responsibilities. If you show exceptional ability, you will be rewarded.

4. Finally, I know a few thing about the game like the trade circles and about selling technology and a few other things. I also find the Cyber Nation Wikia, which I hope it says the truth, since I had red a lot from there :) But, anyway I would like a good schooling system since I know I need to learn a lot.
The Imperial Order, like most alliances, has an Academy in place with tutors to ensure that you get the proper teaching and know-how necessary to run your nation at optimum levels.


Edited by MitchellBade
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Hello LordGecko :)

It's always good to see a new ruler join Cybernations, and I'm glad you're sensible enough to make clear what you want and expect from an alliance.

I could give you the same reasonable, standardized replies everyone has given you (or will give you). But that won't help you much in understanding what an alliance is, or how it works, and if it fits you or not.

What I can offer you is an invite: [url="http://www.rnr-alliance.org/index.php?showforum=18"]R&R will be glad to welcome you.[/url]

We are a close bunch of people, we are quite big at 220+ members, and we can provide [u]all[/u] the things you asked for. But it's up to you to come and see if we are what you are looking for.

I'll be glad to introduce you to your (potential) new brothers, if you decide to stop by ;)

Hoping to see you soon,


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Deinos is a pretty laid back and friendly group, so there isn't much drama. We educate you, and are very good at building up small nations. We're also both relatively young and democratic, so a smart, talented and hard working member can work his way into leadership.


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Thanks all for the responses. I will keep reading for now. I believe I will wait until Saturday 10 to change to war mode. I think that by then I would have to enter an alliance. I'm not ready to war yet. :) But even though I am training a few geckos on martial arts and nuclear technology. LOL

Well from what I had red until now, I thinking seriously in a small to mid alliance since I think I would have more chances to enter higher ranks. Of course with hard work. :)

Anyway, thanks for the help and sorry for the trouble.

P.S. Please, no drama in the thread. LOL


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Heya, since you're following up on this thread, I thought I'd expand on my PM reply a bit since I ... ran out of room. :ph34r:

1. Drama. We watch it from a distance, but we don't post much on the OWF because of it, and we haven't had to put up with it in the alliance itself. We're blessed with members who aren't afraid to debate, but in a respectful way. - Not a lot to add to that one, actually. I :wub: my folks.

2. We assist in finding tech deals and trade circles if needed, and try to help fellow members and friends first as much as possible. However, we have no restrictions on who to deal with. - Our Civics Corps helps to bring folks who need tech deals to my attention, and as a black team trade coordinator, I'm forever fixing trade circles. :lol1:

3. Advancement is based on merit and activity, though we remain a "schedule friendly" alliance. There's plenty of room to assist, and to work your way up to being appointed to higher government. - We encourage and help interested newcomers to dive right on in and get their feet wet in the area of expertise of their choice. High government department heads will even be happy to take you under their wing. If you work for it, you will definitely be rewarded. And in time, you may even decide to run for Director. Watch out, Ernie!

4. We have an entire department devoted to auditing member nations and helping them with suggestions for growth. We have training, guides, and helpful mentors. - Even on your first day as an Initiate, you'll have helpful beginning information available to you, and our folks are ready to answer any questions you have along the way. The Initiate stage with us can be as brief or as long as you need it, it's at your own pace. There are no tests, but our Professor and his assistants will check over your nation when you're ready to advance, to make sure you're on the right track. Upon graduation from Initiate to membership, you'll have access to even more helpful information, which we are even now in the process of updating for accuracy and ease of use. After 30 days as a regular member, you will be considered a member of the General Assembly, with full voting (and other) privileges.

You also made a good point about alliance size. We're still a modest sized alliance, I think. About mid-sized, some might call us, though it feels cozier to me because I'm familiar with every single member. I believe, since you've indicated that you are willing and eager to put the work into it, you will not have any difficulties at all advancing up the ranks with us.

That, in its entirety, surely would not fit in one PM, and that's still not everything we have to offer. We actually have a few other areas touched on in our Frequently Asked Questions area of our forum, which you don't need to register to view:


Don't be alarmed: Yes, we are the premier Steampunk themed alliance in town, but we do have sane members who prefer not to wear goggles with their top hats.

I actually opt to leave my goggles at home, because my sunglasses sit perfectly in that spot when I'm indoors.

Anyway, I like that you're taking your time to do this the right way, and it sounds like you have quite a lot to offer the lucky alliance you ultimately choose. I'd be honored if it was The Apparatus, but if you have any other questions or want to get to know us better, let me know. I'll be happy to field any additional questions you may have.

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Thanks to all the alliances who respond to this thread. Some send me PM and others made a post. This had been very helpful.

I finally decide to enter The Apparatus. Mr. Randalla answer this questions and others I send him to his inbox.

Anyway thanks to all and good luck.


P.S. To the moderators this thread had served its purpose. If you want close or locked the thread. Thanks as well for letting me to post.

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[quote name='LordGecko' timestamp='1331136044' post='2935049']
Thanks to all the alliances who respond to this thread. Some send me PM and others made a post. This had been very helpful.

I finally decide to enter The Apparatus. Mr. Randalla answer this questions and others I send him to his inbox.

That's Ms. Randalla. :P

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She's the boss either way... and you have chosen wisely, The Apparatus is a solid alliance, not too big, yet not teeny weeny with many friendly knowledgeable people both in the alliance and who visit the alliance forums regulalrly. I am sure you are in safe guiding hands there.

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