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Cuban news and events


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The construction of the Cuban armed forces are well underway has a steady stream of recruits pour into bootcamps. It is estimated that the nations armed forces will be at full capabilities within 6 months (2 weeks).

The government is looking to purchase a navy capable of defending the nation from any outside threats. The nation at this time does not have the ability to construct there own. The current requirements are has follows

3 corvettes
2 landing ships
3 Battleships (possibly)
3 cruisers
2 Frigates
2 Destroyers
2 submarines

Other news
The construction of a national highway is underway in order to connect the nation and economy with a dependable transportation route. Several new ports are under way along with the expansion and revamping of current ports in major cities along the coasts such has Havana and San Jose.

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[b]Classified to the Cuban government[/b]

The Compagnie du Commerce et des Colonies Vicidaliénnes is currently in posession of unused [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=107637&view=findpost&p=2882105"]Cologne-class[/url] corvettes, which it could sell to Cuba for a price of 160,000,000 Union Standard per ship. For all other ships, we would be ready to enter into talks, but no ships can be constructed easily, given the yet still uncertain relations between the Vicidalian community and Cuba.

With regards,

[i]Georgette Lemare[/i]
[b]Secretaire de la CCCV[/b]

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[b]Private reply[/b]

We are interested in purchasing the corvettes, however, we would like to wait for any other potential offers before making a definite decision. We also would like to invite a representative from your nation to Cuba to talk discuss about the ships and to discuss relations between our nations.

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[b]Project Eagle Eye[/b]
Highly classified
The Cuban military has begun project eagle eye which is the installation of the national radar and anti-missile defense. It will also in time come to incorporate air defenses has well. The defense system will use advanced AESA and PESA radar systems. A fast and continual tracking system will be used to track incoming missiles and aircraft. Installation of the Cuban anti-missile system is underway. Based off the Russian A-135 missile defense system the C.A.M system will be able to track engage and destroy both long range and short range missile attacks. It will be capable of engaging both nuclear and non nuclear threats. The C.A.M sites will come with there own AESA radar tied into the system, incase of the event communications go down the C.A.M will be still be able to engage threats. Note that its effectiveness will be diminished has it would not be able to coordinate with other C.A.M defenses. However, when not jammed a system connecting all the C.A.M sites is used to coordinate anti-missile strikes. F-23s will be fitted with AESA radars has wells, along with its own secure communications system. In the event National communications go down, F-23s will still be able to remain coordinated to some degree. ( All this will be completed in a week to a week and a half, when I reach 1k tech)

Edit: Said F-17s for some reason instead of F-23s.

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  • 1 month later...

The entire Cuban airforce is undergoing modifications with new more advanced engines, radars, weapons systems, etc.

With no evidence of anyone wishing to sell a navy to cuba a navy has been constructed.
Milgem class corvette 3
modernized Iowa class Battleships 3
Ticonderoga class missile cruisers 3
Type 23 Frigates 2
Doria class Destroyers 2
Collins class Submarines 2
Gerald R. Ford class aircraft carrier 1

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With the nation now helping in the construction of the space elevator ports and industrial centers are being expanded and modernized with the latest equipment available to the cubans.


The nation Cyber security division has now been completed.

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With the conflict raging to the nations south military alertness has been increased and security Tightened. The navy airforce and first reaction forces are on standtby and ready to move should the war start making its way north towards cuba. Eagle Eye has also been brought online and will monitor the air and waters around cuba.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The nations infrastructure has again taken a leap with new and more efficient technologies coming out. The nations industry is growing and improving and the nations ports are growing fast. Air Incorporated and Wind Surfing, have built the first of what is hoped to be many windmill farms, replacing older and less clean power stations which have been shut down.

A new soldier suit is close to being accomplished. It is estimated within the next month it will be ready to go into mass production for cuban soldiers to give them heightened situational awareness and hopefully an advantage against their enemies. Plans are also underway for a new, domestically designed and built stealth fighter. It will begin replacing older SU-35s once completed. Along with the fighter, the design and construction of a new domestic attack helicopter is on the way.

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The new battle suit has gone into mass production. The suit gives the wearer an up to date view of friendly positions, keeping friendly fire at a minimum and is even capable of, to an extent, identifying enemy troops positions and distinguishing them from civilians. (I say to an extent, basically it can tell who is shooting at who.) Connected by a brand new satellite that has been launched, the suits are always in constant communication with each other. Should one suit be attacked, other suits nearby will know of it in less than a second. This provides the occupant a large situational awareness of both his comrades, and his foes. In the event the suit gets penetrated, aka if it gets shot, the suit will immediately set out a distress signal and all other systems will be shut down. This way troops near by will know that they have a man down and be able to respond, and also keep enemies who capture a suit from gaining information on troops positions.

A new satellite has been launched today, tied into the new battle suits systems.

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With lots of military movement throughout the Caribbean and south Atlantic military alertness has been raised, defenses brought online, and forces were ready to deploy at a moments notice.

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[quote name='supercheese' timestamp='1337913343' post='2971864']
The NC order for F-23s has been completed. 5 squadrons would be sent to NC. Cuban air force engineers would fly into West Virginia to teach and assist them in building F-23s.

"We thank the Cuban government for this and the required pay will be met. We hope our nations can do business again in the future."

All planes from the Cubans will be hidden under heavy camo and shut off to avoid detection.

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Several aircraft maintenance crews would be flown in to the Carolinas to assist in keeping the aircraft in effective conditions until they are capable of handling it themselves.

Troops and equipment would begin pulling out of Jamacia with native forces taking over control of the region.

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A early warning system has been put into place using OTH radars, extending radar coverage through most of the Caribbean and surrounding areas. Plans for a underwater SOSUS system for detection of submarines are underway.

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Several new navy ships have been cleared for operation today.

Littoral Combat Ship (corvette) 1

Modernized Montana class battleship 1

Gepard class frigate 1

kirov class battlecruiser 1

zumwalt class destroyer 1

Wasp Class amphibious assault ship 1

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War Prep

The reserves have been activated, radars brought to full alert, naval and air patrols around Cuba at all times and the mobilizing of all military forces have begun. Intelligence satellites have turned their attention to north eastern America and the preparations for a intervention force to move into the Carolina's has begun. Should it come to it, we are prepared for a war.

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  • 2 weeks later...


With Kingstown in a state of complete ruin do to the recent anarchy, project rebuild Kingstown has begun to return the city to its former glory then to surpass it. Residential areas were the least damaged, the damage in these areas would be the quickest and easiest to complete first. The political and industrial zones however, were not so lucky. Entire skyscrapers and factories collapsed or were torn down during the anarchy that had occurred. New more efficient and reliable factories are being built. Strong, tall, and stable skyscrapers being rebuilt. Expansions of the industrial and business areas are beginning. The docking areas were also hit bad but like everything else it is being used has a opportunity to improve the docks for better shipping. By the end of the reconstruction of Kingston, it is believed its economical ability will be one that could rival Havana and the reconstruction of the city is stirring jobs both locally and nationally.

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A coastal defense network has been completed today, something that has been a must for Cuba, being a nation of island. Static launchers for BrahMos missiles would be positioned on the beaches for a permenant defense. The missiles would be tied into the OTH radar network and Eagel Eye, along with its own radars to provide near pinpoint accuracy against ships. These sights will be covered by anti air defenses, again tied into OTH and eagle eye. Mobile launch platforms will also be made, in the event the static launchers are destroyed these will be hidden around the coasts and in military bases to be quickly mobolized and used to defend against a naval attack.

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Classified me/kitex

20 cuban citizens walked into the Revolutionary Journals, headquarters, signing up to be guards for the journalist. They will be trained in tactics and military weapons. They will be responsible for these mens actions from here on.

OOC: I give kitex the right to rp these troops. They will come out of my troop count.

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[b]Breaking News[/b]

Angelo Garcia, the founder and leader of a terrorist organization attempting to overthrow the government for more then a year now has finally been located and arrested. He is currently being held in Combinado del Este under heavy guard with evidence suggesting a possible escape attempt in the near future.

He was located during a drug raid by police who were surprised to see the most wanted man in Cuba in the middle of the operation. "We have reason to believe his organization was leading drug sales for one of their sources of cash." Said the head investigator of the operation. "The arrest of this man means now all citizens of Cuba can rest easier tonight." Said chief of police in Santiago de Cuba.

Currently investigators are pulling together all evidence for the case against Angelo Garcia and have already confirmed he was behind a number of attacks and murders including the attempted assasination on President Marco a few months earlier. Black Wasp guards are watching Angelos cell and the entire prison and an increase number of guards and an increase in police alertness in and around the prison has occured when the chief of the prison stated that evidence had come to their attention that there would be a attempted break in the prison. Police refuse to say more on the situation.

Edited by supercheese
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