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Operation Exodus

Evangeline Anovilis

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As the [i]Erzherzog Eugen[/i] and the [i]Stefan Sarkotić[/i] passed near Cap Verde they turned East. The Croatian Ministry of the Exterior had contacted them, to check up on the nearby nation of Govakia, as no contact could be made and it was suspected that most likely the nation had fallen into anarchy. Without a proper government, this nation would be a danger to all other nations around and also to itself and its citizens.

As the ships arrived, it seemed as if it was so, and the complement of around 2500 sailors occupied the nation, setting up a Croatian flag and giving out the following message.

[i]The Croatian flag[/i][/center]

[quote][center][font="Times New Roman"][size="7"]Proclamation by the Duchy of Croatia[/size][/font]


As of today, the Croatian Crown claims the lands of the former nation of Govakia, which has fallen into anarchy and civil war. To end the lawlessness and to counter the threat of possible piracy near this major trading route, our forces have occupied the country and we declare it a territory of ours.

We are sure that other nations may bring forth claims, however, we would like such nations also to bring forth an explanation how they could have let this chaos last this long without proper action. Croatia also ensures that the country will be enjoying Croatian law and no native shall be hurt unduely. A local administration will be set up to help the integration of Govakia into Croatia. Should there be any other problem, the Croatian Duchy is always open for diplomatic contact.

[i]Ban Milan of Senj[/i]
[b]Regent of Croatia[/b][/quote]


The [i]Svetozar Boroević[/i], the [i]Hrvatski[/i] and the [i]Slovenci[/i], as well as a convoy of transports carrying the 3rd division of the Croatian Ducal Army leaves Koper to reinforce the garrison of Govakia.

[b]OOC:[/b] As far as I see it, that nation is inactive for longer than 25 days, I have ships in the region and noone else did a thing. Therefor I claim Govakia as my first colony.

Edited by Evangeline Anovilis
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