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The End of West India

Joel James

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Unknown to the world, the government of West India was extremely unpopular in the eyes of the citizens. While riots were popping up all over the country, the West Indian goverment used their extensive military to put down the riots. After so many civillians had died, the military turned against the goverment, telling them that they would not attack the citizens of West India. Knowing that he had lost, Joel James and his followers packed up everything they could and used the military airccraft, transports, helicopters, and ships to flee the former territory of Wesst India. To spite the citizens one last time, Joel James sent one final message to the Imperator of The United Federation of the East:

[b]To: The High Command of UFE
From: Joel James[/b]
The former territory of The Republic of West Idia is now returned to the Protectorate of UFE

When Joel James and his followers left West India, they already had a destination in mind-the calming land of South America. They already ha some land set up there, south to the Lunar Republic. The new name of the country-The Solar Kingdom.

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[b]To: The Great Khan of the Horde Yuan Jia
From: Charlotte de Nouvelle-Châteaudun
Subject: Vicidalian assets

Honorable Khan of the Tianxia, lord of the lands in the East, I write you this letter in order to settle the question of Vicidalian posessions in West India. We currently posess a trading post and a small garrison in the region of Goa, these were build by the Grand Principality according to a treaty we had with the West Indians. However, the government broke down and now, the land was given to the Tianxia as a tributary. What does the Great Khan plan to do with the trading post of the Vicidalian Grand Principality? Should it be recquired, I can also see the Khan or any of his emissaries personally, to talk about this issue.

With regards and many well wishes,

[font="Vladimir Script"][i]Charlotte de Nouvelle-Châteaudun[/i][/font]

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[quote]To: Charlotte De Nouvella-Chateaudun
From: Yuan Jia
Subject: Regarding your Holdings


You are welcome to come to the Great Tent, currently on the Kazakh border. At the moment I am dealing with a multitude of problems. I am not quite sure what you mean by trading posts, I do hope you do not mean forward outposts like the Europeans used to carve up the sub continent. From Urumqi Internation Airport you can likely catch a right on a feed stock truck to the Great Tent.[/quote]

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[quote name='Evangeline Anovilis' timestamp='1325088655' post='2887985']
[b]To: The Great Khan of the Horde Yuan Jia
From: Charlotte de Nouvelle-Châteaudun
Subject: Vicidalian assets

Honorable Khan of the Tianxia, lord of the lands in the East, I write you this letter in order to settle the question of Vicidalian posessions in West India. We currently posess a trading post and a small garrison in the region of Goa, these were build by the Grand Principality according to a treaty we had with the West Indians. However, the government broke down and now, the land was given to the Tianxia as a tributary. What does the Great Khan plan to do with the trading post of the Vicidalian Grand Principality? Should it be recquired, I can also see the Khan or any of his emissaries personally, to talk about this issue.

With regards and many well wishes,

[font="Vladimir Script"][i]Charlotte de Nouvelle-Châteaudun[/i][/font]

The Democratic republic of Gallifrey also has a port and baracade in WI and would like to know the actions the protector plans for this region,so far the troops havnt left to assure it is not ransacked as valuable items in this port.
-Theta Sigma

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1325095009' post='2888038']
The Democratic republic of Gallifrey also has a port and baracade in WI and would like to know the actions the protector plans for this region,so far the troops havnt left to assure it is not ransacked as valuable items in this port.
-Theta Sigma
OOC: Since when does Gallifrey read others diplomatic mail? I see this as an intrusion into my internal matters and you will get punished accordingly!

Once I find out, that is.

Edited by Evangeline Anovilis
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OOC: Evangeline, I can have you punished as well. No one should have known that I gave the land back to Triyun until he came and took it back. All I said was that I sent one final message to Triyun. Don't threaten Isaac when you are guilty of doing the same thing.

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[quote name='Joel James' timestamp='1325101056' post='2888109']
OOC: Evangeline, I can have you punished as well. No one should have known that I gave the land back to Triyun until he came and took it back. All I said was that I sent one final message to Triyun. Don't threaten Isaac when you are guilty of doing the same thing.

OOC: Once you reroll out of the nation, you give up the right to this entire thing being private, ergo, it is public to the rest of the community. What Isaac's message was, was responding to Evangeline's private diplomatic correspondance to Triyun, or so it seemed to Evangeline, which is [i]not[/i] readable, and thus would be considered a "metagame".

[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1325102190' post='2888122']
Ooc:that part was suposed to be OOC to show what i was talking about...dont be a !@#$% about it please....and in the same way this was IC to tryin and not you so you have read mine aswell...we could RP this out or drop ot....honestly i dont have the time to RP it.

OOC: In the future, to avoid mix ups and avoid charges of metagaming, do not quote someone elses' post unless you intend for them to think it is aimed at them. Watch the language you use in your post, because in all honesty, it seems like you're backtracking now that you're getting accusations of metagaming, because in your IC language, you use words that relate the message that Evangeline uses.

Calm yourself down, kiddo.

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OOC: But Shammy, I am calm, I think. :P I am just making a statement of fact. If you think I need to calm down, then I will try to calm down even more. If I offended anyone with my previous post, please allow me to apologize. Thank you for telling me about the loss of privacy. I will keep that it mind.

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OOC: Or it is common sense where the land goes to. It surely won't be Cambodia. And I'd notice as soon as a bunch of Monghols/Chinese/other Asians Tianxia has liberated is standing in front of my Warehouse.


Altough still noble, Charlotte was surely not Louise. She had seen many parts of the world and was travelling between the continents often enough as Directeur general. Her success was dependant on her willingness to suffer even the greatest ordeals. Her newest one was to get through Kazakhstan.

Up till Urumqui, the modern world had let her travel fast and comfortable, but now she sat on a haywagon, travelling through the endless steppes of Central Asia. To the left there was grass, to the right, there was grass. And this was just some 'small' part of the Silk Road. At least the driver was speaking Arabic, not really common in that region, so she hadn't to bother learning one more language.

OOC: I'll stretch it as it is a long way in a hay wagon.

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The Great Tent of the Imperator, lay at the center of the Mongol Encampment. It had stretched out for miles, with units drilling constantly both with modern weaponry, and melee and horseback weapons of old. Many areas smelled distinctly of yak and horse, combined with the pungent spices of central asian cooking. Mud would periodically wash up into the wagon.

As she reached the perimeter around the Great Tent, a magnificently large yurt decorated with the finest silk embroideries woven into the outer layer, two grey four legged figures sulked out of the tent. The two wolves Theresia had brought back from her travels across Central Asia went up to the hay wagon, circling it slowly.

The driver turned to her, "The Khagan does not like being kept waiting, go inside."

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Gulping upon seeing the two wolves, Charlotte slowly dismounted the wagon, slowly going to the tent of the Khagan, always looking to the sides to watch out for the wolves. If she hadn't had a letter confirming her status, as well as her passport, it would have been hard to tell that this was Charlotte, noble from Vicidalia, given that her choice of clothes matched the choice of means of transport. Therefor, instead of a simple suit, she wore an oriental woolen shirt and vest, wide trousers and some crude leather shoes. Her hair still had pieces of hay sticking in it and overall, it was a dirty road, regardless of how refined the goods where that were traded on it.

As she entered the tent, she bowed to the earth and began. "Oh great Khagan of the Tianxia, Overlord of the East, Father of many tribes and people, Yuan Jia. I came before you seeking an audience and hereby I politely ask for you to lend me your ear and gift me some of your precious time." Then, she awaited the Khagans response, still kneeling low.

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Jia was seated, looking bored, in his crimson armor. He watched amused in his throne as the two wolves walked back in, circling around the fire finding spots to lay down, before watching with their eyes fixed on the guest at all time. He rose from the throne he sat looking at the newcomer. [i]Hmph.[/i] he thought to himself, remembering back to his stint as a proper European noble.

"You may arise." he said. "I understand you wish to speak to us about the issues in South Asia. You may dispense with the formalities and pleasantries. I am a man who goes straight to business. So what is it you wish in South Asia exactly?"

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Charlotte stood up and pounded the dust off her clothes.

"What I came to ask for is for us Vicidalians to please keep our little trading post. Of course it is nothing like colonial Goa, a complete city under Vicidalian rule. It is just a mere building complex, housing a warehouse, some administrative buildings, an embassy and a garrison, the later two were built in the time of the West Indian Republic and it housed never more than 250 armed troops to secure the area. As I guess that the Khagan's troops will now look that our trading post would not be attacked, we see no reason to have troops stationed there, guessing that Tianxia may not be welcoming armed people of other countries in its tributaries. However, the trading post is an important keypoint in our trade with Asia. After all, the sea route to India, and further, China is important, as the alternative is the long and, ahem, uncomfortable Silk Road, where a whole herde of camels is needed to transport the cargo one simple ship can take. Not to even talk about savings in time."

Charlotte knew already how hard that bit of the road was that she had wandered along to get to the Khagan, but she was sure the Khagan himself would know a good deal, if not the whole rest of the Sil Road and its unpleasentries well enough.

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Yuan Jia smirked as the woman seemed to rush to recite her buildings features. It was a bit amusing. Afterall, this sounded very much like the infamous factories of China that the West used in their storage depots of China. Jia sat back down rubbing his chin for a deliberately long silence.

"These, facilities... how many do you have and why can you not use regular docks?"

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While Jia and Charlotte were talking, chattering sounded outside and as the voices of female soldiers died off the tent flaps opened as a woman walked through dressed in long flowing robes of a Greek fashion. Her figure was strong, tan, domineering and she looked down at Charlotte with a smile having heard her husband was already meeting with an ambassador from South America.

"I heard that you were having a meeting Jia, but I didn't know it was with another woman and someone so young." Theresia said and smiled at the young woman as she sat near her husband. "I hope he's not scaring you dear and I hope I'm not interrupting anything. What pray tell were you two discussing?"

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Jia turned to Theresia, his harsh face, seeming to betray a slight smile before returning to a serious tone, "We were discussing these... trading posts, as our guest calls them that they had with the defunct Indian Regime. It seems they wish to keep these... things in Asia." Jia said, his voice sounding a bit annoyed still at the prospect. In truth he had not quite made up his mind, they were not too big but trading post still had a connotation in the minds of many Asians, even its relatively euro-phile Emperor. "You think that characterization is fair?" he said directing his question to the ambassador.

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Tapping her lip with her forefinger, Theresia stared at Charlotte for a moment and then turned back to Jia. "Well this opens up a rather large problem of other nations wishing to claim land in the Asian sphere. I realize of course the Horde's influence extends far beyond the shores of China, India, and Russia, but that power does not come easily. I think a trading post, as I know of it would be better left under the authority of the regional powers, that of the Horde. That said, I don't see why this opportunity needs to be spoiled. Obviously," she said looking at Charlotte, "You and your nation have a desire to trade with Tianxia and our Indian Tributaries. I say, you relinquish ownership of the territory, rent the warehouse as our sovereign territory and in the meantime we sign a trade agreement between our nation and yours."

Theresia smiled at Jia, "What do you think?"

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Jia looked at Theresia and then back at Charlotte. He seemed to be grumbling, knowing that it was a reasonable enough offer. Letting out a sigh, he shrugged, "Fine..." Jia said. "If you will except the Grand Empress's terms, I can agree to this." the Khagan said, slightly saddened he didn't get to play fear inducing overlord for a bit longer.

Edited by Triyun
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Charlotte was a bit puzzled by the strange happenings in the room. This woman seemed to be the Grand Empress, and recalling from what Charlotte had heard, the wife of the Khagan Yuan Jia was Theresia von Habsburg. Now, this, by far, was not what she thought someone of the Habsburg dynasty looked like, but to be fair, her own appearance at this moment also didn't match a noble, far less so than what the Grand Empress loked like. After all, Theresia was more like what people would imagine as a Lady of the steppes, Charlotte however was more like the Beggar of the Orient.

"These terms sound only fair, Great Khagan. As long as our Grand Principality can trade for the fine goods of your lands, we have achieved our objective. May I know the rent and terms of the trade agreement?"

This time, Charlotte bowed again, altough not kneeling at the floor. She knew not wether the Grand Empress would share the beliefs of the Great Khan or not. And gratefulness was always to be shown.

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Jia laughed at the continued bowing, "I like this woman. She reminds me of the Mascurians, still some aire of humility to her. I think that we can come to fairly generous terms. The terms will be a 15% tariff on imports to Tianxia and its Tributaries, and a 5% consumption tax on goods you purchase from us in addition to regular sales taxes. Additionally no more than 500 armed men should ever be in the totality of these outposts. You are in Pax Mongolica now. You may bear my seal on your land and sea transports shall be able to traverse the lands of the East without the possibility of harassment, save for inspection by my guards. You need not worry about caravans being touched while they carry the seal of the Great Khan. The fate of pirates and bandits... even kings who harass that which carries the seal is quite unpleasant." Jia added for theatrics, he was secretly reveling in the role of Genghis's heir.

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"This is an offer I gladly accept. May your rule last long and bring prosperity and enlightment even to the furthest corners of this globe." Charlotte nodded. If one deducted 20% of the price for tariffs, it could still make a reasonable profit by saving guards and by getting a large enough share at the market. If Vicidalian trade would stand for quality goods, then one could easily specialise on wares. "Where do I sign?"

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Jia chuckled a bit at the statement, "I would be careful with talk of bringing enlightenment to the furthest corners of the globe. We may just take it as an endorsement to do just that." the Imperator said with a smile. Jia snapped his fingers as a court scribe brought forth the trade documents and the Khagan's great stamp. Slamming it down on the document in authoritative fashion he handed her the document to sign.

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Accepting and signing the document, Charlotte looked a bit shocked. "Eh, well, I think modesty can also be quite a virtue." The Khaganat was quite enormous and disrespect for the greatness of it was not something Charlotte would want to be guilty off, however, her own homeland to be under the rule of the far away Khagan, that was a bit too much in her humble opinion.

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