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Beware spies who join your alliance


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Accusations of spying are very serious here as it is considered an act of war and one of the most underhanded things an alliance can do. If MCXA did spy, even on a small alliance like yours, it would have enormous political consequences. Leaving an alliance, joining another and then returning to the original alliance is not proof of spying. Many people do it. They become disenchanted with their alliance, perhaps because of a decision they disagree with or they just want to try something new, join a new one and then realize they've made a mistake and go back. And if you really have proof that MCXA spied on you, then you should probably make it public. If you don't and just believe because of the non-evidence you provided here, then you seriously need to get over yourself. The MCXA would not risk their reputation to spy on a 3 nation alliance.

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First Of I'd Like to opolgize to "MCXA " I shouldnt of joined your alliance without applying, Anyway "MegaBomb" lets get to the matter, I joined your alliance in good faith you pleeded for me to join and now you backstab me?

You left the alliance to join someone elses thats fine I have no problems with that but then accusing me of being some huge spy sping for people is Ludicrous, dude how do you think of these things?Im a small nation trying to play the game gaining some secruitrity by joining a big alliance who will protect me. Really you should just play them game and not try and upset older and more wiser nations than yours, You nation is 20 days old mine 100days old. Just come on and play the game.

Nother note, I have gone through the correct procedure with "ECHELON" and am now a applicant, Please stop anoying people and get on with the game.

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