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I'm inclined to agree with MGL. Should they be from another nation he has a point. However, if Mara wishes to claim new forces from the areas she's claiming in her new nation up to the max she can have IG, she's allowed.


Also 1-30 failure 70-100 success 45, so success for the spyroll.

Edited by Triyun
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1-30 = failure

31-100 = success


36, you have yourself a success.


Now, in regards to Mara:


I have a hard time believing that Tanis and Eva have gotten such a large protectorate area so well enforced within such a short period of time that zero weapons have slipped past them. So long as Mara is using her IG soldier numbers to account for the people with weapons then I am inclined to agree with her that there are ways in which weapons can be transported within the protectorate regions. This being said, if any weapons traverse areas that are not within the newly established protectorate area, and thus not subjected to the two week disputed rule, then the nations that control those territories will have the ability to detect the weapons movement and Mara will need to take spy rolls if she wishes to ship weapons through those areas.

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Wouldn't that only apply to new forces not ones landing from Africa en masse. A large covert invasion seems silly whereas indigenous is fine.

She specifically referenced the territorial capital in Kansas as the source of the weaponry and observers. Perhaps I missed it, but I don't see where she has large mercenary forces in that area supplying the weaponry. Could you link me?


Here is her post with regards to weaponry:


A number of requests were sent to the Republic's Kansan temporary capitol for arms and observers, however, in case the oppressors were to become brutal.
Edited by Yawoo
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Can I get two spyrolls to uncover the true identity of Mara's leader's "African Connection"?
Also I do want to call into question her movement of 35,000 troops into Florida.  How does one move that many troops unnoticed, especially when my nation has set up a large amount of ocean surveillance measures.

Isn't that what this is or are Kansas just totes following an African? Which admittedly is fine legally
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Requesting two spyrolls on Evangeline, 70% odds of success (will edit in a picture here in a few minutes to prove I have the odds...)




1st roll is to discover civilians being sent to work in uranium mines against their will...

2nd roll is to capture video of her soldiers forcing said civilians into trucks to be transported there.


Edit: Added screenie

Edited by Mara Lithaen
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I've been informed that to get the "signatures" Eva requires in the Conference thread, I have to have 1.5 million IC troop count to be able to roleplay the signatures. This is a problem. I have only 580k IC troopcount.However, Zoot's volunteered the use of some of his troop count to get the signatures required. Is this permissible or no?

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I don't think Zoot is a party contesting the claim. Thus, I'd argue that this is not much different as if I'd contribute soldiers to some other person, while RPing them as coming from their land. I'd think to do this, either Zoot contests the ownership (which would, as far as I know, also need an IC action), or he has a clear link to his current nation, which I'd call electoral fraud.

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Well, I got the right to post even if noone asked me to. Especially given that I view my point as a valid counter-argument to this blatant troop gifting you are proposing here. And even if we never had it before, allowing this to happen will set a precedent for future cases. When some country goes inactive in the Middle East and a totally unconnected nation starts an uprising there, that is not backed by a claim of the main nation of the RPer and can't be traced back. Holy, this will be a great way to annoy the established powers by raising a rabble, then leaning back and not getting hit for it.

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I do have a somewhat related question regarding this conflict that I'd like to get settled before things go on, and I'm not doing this to pick a fight I feel it is an issue that needs to be dealt with before rp can continue..  What is the extent of Mara's control over the civilian population?  Is that limited to her troop count or what?  I would argue against her having total or even majority control over the populace given that we began our peacekeeping operations before she did anything about it ig but I'm willing to abide by whatever decision the GMs come up with.


EDIT: I would also against the ridiculous scope and time frame mara uses to justify her supposed "control" over the populace.  The amount of time she would have had to organize such a large scale and coordinated movement is, in my opinion, nonexistent. 

Edited by MostGloriousLeader
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Requesting two spyrolls on Evangeline, 70% odds of success (will edit in a picture here in a few minutes to prove I have the odds...)




1st roll is to discover civilians being sent to work in uranium mines against their will...

2nd roll is to capture video of her soldiers forcing said civilians into trucks to be transported there.


Edit: Added screenie

Just to ensure GM's don't make a mistake, in the future, please ensure you hover your mouse over your spy odds so the percentage is shown.


1-30 = failure

31-100 = success


1. 90

2. 95


You have yourself two successful spy rolls.


I've been informed that to get the "signatures" Eva requires in the Conference thread, I have to have 1.5 million IC troop count to be able to roleplay the signatures. This is a problem. I have only 580k IC troopcount.However, Zoot's volunteered the use of some of his troop count to get the signatures required. Is this permissible or no?


After consulting the other two GMs, we have determined that since Zoot does have an IC presence, this will operate much like how private military corporations work. Zoot will be allowed to volunteer the use of his troops to Mara, but the same rules apply as usual, with those being: Zoot must maintain control over his soldiers, and he must deduct their number from his troop count. 


I do have a somewhat related question regarding this conflict that I'd like to get settled before things go on, and I'm not doing this to pick a fight I feel it is an issue that needs to be dealt with before rp can continue..  What is the extent of Mara's control over the civilian population?  Is that limited to her troop count or what?  I would argue against her having total or even majority control over the populace given that we began our peacekeeping operations before she did anything about it ig but I'm willing to abide by whatever decision the GMs come up with.


EDIT: I would also against the ridiculous scope and time frame mara uses to justify her supposed "control" over the populace.  The amount of time she would have had to organize such a large scale and coordinated movement is, in my opinion, nonexistent. 


Any nation currently in the disputed region will have control over the civilian population equal to the IC soldier count. 

Edited by Yawoo
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After consulting the other two GMs, we have determined that since Zoot does have an IC presence, this will operate much like how private military corporations work.

It's not a ridiculous amount, when put in relation to the ridiculous amount of people you are trying to get into one nation by your claim.

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So, PMCs don't need some IC link to the nation they hail from?


My apologies, I should have clarified better in my original post. There must be a link between Zoot's IC presence in Mara's nation, and his IC nation. Now, this can be as simple as his nation bribing people in Mara's to get inflated numbers, or more complex that is up to the two of them. Because of the rule saying you can only RP one entity (hence the reason PMCs are required to have a connection to the RPer's nation) there must be a tangible IC link.

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If Eva were to want to discover it, would she require rolls on Zoot to make it happen?


That would depend on what you and Zoot determine is the IC connection. A straight up PMC? No, that probably would not require a spy roll. 

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