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Magadan Oblast military news and movements


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"The first infantry division has just come out of boot camp today and has taken has the spot light to the recruits still in training. The infantry took a march threw the capital, Magadan city to celebrate and has become the symbol of our independence."

The new troops out of the academy will be deployed across the country to keep peace and replace peacekeepers being pulled out.

The MNSA has finished construction and know works under the following main branches

Military: The main branch keeps records and channels orders from the government to the military. Preforms both defensive and offensive actions.

Intelligence: All Intel. we acquire goes here. Also includes special ops.

Internal: Keeps communications with police and provides support to highly hostile situations. Also specializes on anti-terrorism.

International: All non military international information comes here.

The navy is looking to purchase two corvette class ships for defensive purposes.

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With tensions between us and the USRS lowering the majority of the magadan oblast armed forces have returned to training camps. 10,000 troops remain at the defensive line and have begun the deconstruction of major fortifications in the area.

To ensure the security of our borders the mnsa has deployed extra border police along all borders of the nation. The military will also begin preparations for more radar stations and more powerful and sensitive radars.

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Military Advancements

New assualt rifle Crysis

Weight: 4kg (rounded) 9lbs.
Rate of Fire: 2,000 rounds per min.
Range: 550-650 mm
Other info: The first "invented" gun by the Magadan military. It is to replace the current standard military Assualt rifle AN-94 shortly. Increased rate of fire along with accuracy, range, mobility, and handling makes this gun a better match against the former majorly used AN-94.

Radars are being upgraded across the country. These radars will help detect threats from a longer distance and with my clarity. These radars will also hold a better chance at detecting stealth ships/aircraft.


A test flight was conducted today of two newly built Stealth superiority fighters YF-23s. The test flight was only to conduct tests on stealthiness, agilibility, manuverbility, etc. The fighters proved to be more superior in all of these categories than currently used fighters in the Magadan airforce, however these fighters have yet to be tested under battle conditions and there are no guarantees that these fighters will be joining the airforce.

edit: taking chinese advice

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Radar improvements

Tests of the newly improved national radar systems has proven to be a big success increase radar effectiveness almost 50%. These new radar systems are being implemented in radars across the nation has well has in aircraft and other radar using equipment.

Tests continued on the YF-23 stealth fighter including several battle simulation tests. Military observers noted that the YF-23 exceeded expectations and that it was highly recommended for integration into the magadan airforce. With every passing test it becomes more likely that this fighter will become actively used.

Navy officers and sailor training has begun with the anticipation of the new corvettes that will be coming into navy use.

Highly classified
Air defenses
Preparations for new air defense weapons and systems are underway.

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Cyber security branch

The MNSA has opened a new side branch off of the intelligence branch. The cyber security will be put in place to ensure communication security has well has protect the nation from cyber threats.


The F-23 has been effectively added into the Oblast airforce with the planes under large scale construction.


With technological has well has economical advances being made in the nation the navy is once again looking into ships. This time battleships, and this time made inside the nation.

Coastal defenses

The nations military weakest spot would be in the water, with many neighboring nations having large and powerful navies, and some of them not thinking very highly of use, has caused the military much concern. Plans are under way for defensive anti ship, anti air, and anti missile defenses along the coast. No construction has begun yet but already military officals are looking at key areas along the coast to place defense sites.

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Nuclear defenses:

With our neighbors going nuclear the nations military has become increasingly nervous. Has a result manufacturing of battle radiation suits has begun has well has the formation of the nuclear division, who will be trained and prepared to go into radiation zones to do a number of activities ranging from engaging enemy forces to protecting citizens in these radiation zones.

The government has also begun stockpiling both military has well has essential civilians supplies for survival incase of a nuclear attack. These stockpiles will become activated in the case of a nuclear attack.


The military has turned to the Crysis, the nations leading weapons manufacturing company, to look into battle suits capable of anti-radiation and to provide soldiers stronger defense against enemy military weapons.

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Nuclear defense: Anti-missile positions are being put in place in the mountains of the nation has well has along the coast. Further info. to come.

Technology jumps: The nation is now going threw a major technology jumps and becoming more of a modern nation. With these increases in technology the military is once again preparing to upgrade military hardware. Radars are currently undergoing a upgrade which is estimated to bring the efficiency up massively again. The nation is also looking into newer aircraft and better land weaponry, along with the plans to begin a navy capable of protecting the nation.

Fleet designs (not including the two cruisers already built)

Kirov-class battlecruiser (1)

Burevestnik class frigate (2)

MO1-battleship (3)

The next to be updated would be the airforce.

Edit: Estimated time for completion of all ships is about a year.

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Once again with Magadan Oblast militarising the border, this time placing what SATINT believed to be either long range missile platforms, SAM sites or missile defences along the borderingountain range the USRS was forces to play it's hand.

The Seventh Army was once again returned to the border, spread out in marching forts along key mountain passes in Legion size to bolster the First Shock Army which was also on the border completing mobility exercises.

A flight of TU-160's that were not yet on nuclear duty were armed with conventional air to ground munitions and were ready to be deployed should the need arise.

Two squadrons of MiG-56 fighter jets were ordered to keep the border under their watchful eye, being careful to remain at least ten miles inside USRS airspace from the border.

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If you look at a geographic map of our region, our entire border is a mountain range. Your post also says "Are being put in place" which essentially specifies that your deployments are taking place. That and even if your post is not exact on the locations, my Satellites would track them anyway so...

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OOC: I know but the borders aren't the only place in my nation that has mountains. And you are basing the "playing of your hand" on the fact that we are militarising the border, even if your sats can track them if they aren't in the borders you can't use that has an excuse.

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Classified: With reports of USRS military once again being placed on the border the nation re-deploys the the defensive line for the third time. 50,000 troops along with anti-aircraft weapons were positioned at the line and once again began fortifications. Meanwhile the 20,000 troops still along the border were bringing to a higher alert. The national alert was raised to 3.

Along the coasts (still classified): 50,000 troops where stationed along the coasts, backed up by Oblast armor,artillery, airsupport, and anti-aircraft weapons. The corvettes were placed in shallow waters, out of range of any submarines. Any hostile ship that entered Magadan Oblast waters would be hit by Magadan artillery.

Message to USRS:
" Once again you have stationed a large number of troops along the borders. We can only assume you have hostile intentions, and we will defend ourselves."

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No response was returned to the Magadan Government. All previous orders that were given were copied and archived for later usage, as were satellite images. With the Magadan now deploying en masse towards the border the Eastern Command decided to deploy the entire force to the border. The Seventhth Army Group wa part of Central Command, but for the minute was placed with the Eastern Generals. Cossack Command, which handled the Shock Forces also deployed the Second and Third Shock Armies to the border alongside the Eight, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Army groups, a force of 288,500 men.

Five squadrons of TU-160's were in the air over the USRS armed with standoff air to ground munitions, the remaining squadron was to remain grounded until any intel came forward of a Magadan Biochemical weapons program, something that was deemed highly unlikely. Two more squadrons of Mig-56 jets were ordered to patrol the border, as one was squadron of PAK-FA stealth fighters.

In the Sea of Okhotsk, the small force of Corvettes and Cutters moved together to form a single naval formation for maximised protection. The Independance Class Helicopter Carrier remained well out of range, as did its submerged escort.

[b]Messages were sent to Cyrantia and Vaule[/b]
We have Satellite images which show what are possibly long range missile platforms being deployed against our and Cyrantias borders in the mountains. In response to this threat, the USRS saw fit to deploy the Seventh Army back to the border. In response to this deployment, Magadan Oblast has deployed an estimated further 60,000 men to the border, bolstering their forces to up to 80,000 at a rough estimation.

In retaliation to this, the entire eastern command has been deployed to the USRS/Magadan Oblast border and our heavy bombers are in the air ready to begin an air campaign against the Magadan Military should they become aggressive. We urge Cyrantia to take similar measures to the USRS for self protection, and we request that the Serene Republic reason with Magadan Oblast to stand down.

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MNSA command: "This does not look look good, sir." A military adviser said while handing radar scans and eye witness reports of large amounts of USRS military along the borders to the chancellor of defense. "Right now all we have going for us is our defensive position in the mountains. They have our troops heavily out classed. I hate to say it sir but if they invade they will break our defenses." Fedor, the chancellor of defense took this silently, his eyes on the reports. Without looking up he asked "How are our fortifications coming along?" The advisers looked at each other before one spoke "There underway but there going much slower than planned. I would suggest we strengthen our defensive line." Fedor looked up at him, an angry stare in his eyes " and where has that gotten us? To the point were at now." He looked down again studying the reports. "Place another 10,000 troops outside the defensive line, keep them spread out and well hidden."

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[b]Classfied - Bunker, Eastern Command and Control Center[/b]
"Sir, Satellites report further mass troop movements, but it seems we are learning, we have no good intel on how many." said an aid as he read the latest reports from Military Intel.
"How can we not have a near solid number for this newest formation?"
"Well Sir, they were part of what looked like one mass deployment before dipersing across the mountains which is when we lost track of them. Unless we had an aircraft over the area with thermal imaging, I doubt we would have decent numbers, however, from their first deployment we can place it anywhere between ten and fifteen thousand men, including hardware." he responded quickly before looking back down at the report.
"Well, we cant send a spy plane, if it was discovered then its game over for us. Didnt R+D send up a new satellite with a multispectral thermal imager?"
"Yessir, do you think we can pick out their positions?"
"I dont know to be honest, but we wont know until we try, when is the orbit due to take it over the border areas?"
"Six hours Sir, I'll make sure the feed is connected"
"Excellent Sergeant, carry on" replied the General.

[i]Six Hours Later[/i]
The MTI Satellite slowly made its way across the border region picking out large thermal blooms where Magadan Forces had made camp, ten thousand extra men had been send to the border bringing the total force to roughly 80,000 men give or take a few hundred who had been efficiently hidden from view. Using this information, targetting data was send to land based artillery platforms and cruise missile firing positions, aswell as the fleet of airborn TY-160's. The positions would focus mainly on armoured vehicles and anti air positions. RADAR Locations were always kept under a close eye by SATOPS and were already pin pointed out. With the new information gathered, the Eastern Command simply sat and waited for Magadan to make the next move.

[i]Sea of Okhotsk[/i]
One of the Corvettes which had been struggling with a damaged engine had been failing to keep up with the rest of the small flotilla when its second engine shaft broke down turning the warships into a large metal raft. The oceans current, and the warships dangerously close position to the edge of the EEZ meant at somepoint it would drift into Magadan Maritime territory, the other ships in the Flotilla couldnt come to the ships aid for fear of breaching the boundry themselves. The Commander of the small group concluded it would be to much risk to tow the ship back away from the boundry because it may be seen as the entire flotilla trying to make a move on the Magadan Coast. The Flotilla moved ten miles further back away from the boundry and watched their striken comrades drift closer and closer to the maritime border.

Onboard the drifting vessel the Captain tried in vain to contact the Admiralty but failed due to bad weather conditions, hopefully the other warships could get a message through as soon as possible to avoid a major incident.

"Captain!, Captain!" a sailor called from the bridge causing him to run back to the command deck.
"What is it Yuri?"
"GPS marks us as now traspessing on Magadan Oblast Maritime Territory"

A Nimrod maritime survailance jet in the area had been monitering the ship and tried in vain to contact its Captain, instead he sent a transmission back to the Eastern Command, Cyrantia and Vaule. Wether it managed to get through was a different matter.
===Coded Transmission===
Republican Vessel Siberia has appeared to have broken down.
Republican Vessel Siberia has breached Magadan Oblast's EEZ.
Communications failed due to adverse weather conditions. Believe warships reciever has been damaged in the storm.
Vessel in need of immediate assistance.

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A confirmation would be sent from the B.S.N. Vaulian Naval Base acknowledging the message. The battleships BNS Jupiter and BNS Invincible were ordered to set course for the Sea of Okhotsk to render assistance. The BNS Jupiter would fly the flag of the [url="http://i328.photobucket.com/albums/l358/ImperatorAzenquor/VauleImperialNavy-1.png"]Vaulian Navy[/url], while the BNS Invincible would fly the flag of the [url="http://i328.photobucket.com/albums/l358/ImperatorAzenquor/OZNavyStandard.png"]Organization of the Zodiac[/url]. The ships would travel at full speed from the base to the border of the Magadan EEZ. Given the time it would take to arrive on scene, the Jupiter would launch a single manned helicopter which would attempt visual location of the USRS ship and would attempt to make direct contact.

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Coastal defenses-
"Sir, were tracking a USRS corvette that just passed into our waters." Said the communications officer handing a piece of paper to general Stal in command of the coastal defensive lines. "It looks like its barley entered our waters and moving with the current. Have we been able to send a message to them?" The officer turned back to him "No there not responding." Stal sat back for a minute thinking things over. He had a minute to think, the ship wasn't going any where fast. "Tell our artillery batteries to open fire." He said feeling a little queasy. He hadn't thought that things would actually come to this.

Artillery positions- "Receiving orders to fire at (coordinates)." The artillery shifted in the direction of the ship, loaded with armor piercing high explosive shells. The crews looked at there commanding officer "Fire!" and 1 by 1 the artillery went off.

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The Corvette's RADAR picked up the artillery rounds as they approached and the ships countermeasures were activitated to shoot down the rounds, three rounds were eliminated but the Magadan Artillery got lucky. The artillery smashed into the port side of the ship burying themselves into the hull before exploding. One round struck the magazine and tore the steel bow apart. It was all over in a matter of minutes, explosions and smoke. An oil slick spread across the surface of the water, flaming brightly for miles around torching to death those who survived. After twelve minutes, the ship was gone, its crew was dead and all the remained was a flaming oil slick.

The Vaule helicopter would of witnessed the attack, as did the Nimrod aircraft. Its thermal video feed recorded the entire ordeal.

The flotilla of ships that the Corvette had originally been apart of lost contact with the vessel and dispatched helicopters to its last position, even though the flames from oil slick were clearly visible. The sent back coded messages to Cyrantia and Vaule.

===Coded Transmission===
Magadan Oblast has opened fire on, and sunk Republican Vessel Siberia after it became stricken and drifted into Magadan Oblast's EEZ when its engines failed.

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[b]Dispatch from the Office of the August Imperator of the United Federation of the East:[/b]

The United Federation of the East hereby closes the Sea of Japan and the Bering Sea to passage by non-allied vessels and aircraft involved in this dispute.

Further the People's Liberation Navy aircraft carrier [i]Prince Gong[/i] and its battle group shall be dispatched to the Sea of Oblast to monitor the situation. The People's Liberation Navy and People's Liberation Air Force shall act to preserve the freedom of the sea for economic powers of the region during this time.


The Prince Gong would activate its active anti-satellite and concealment as it deployed from Vladivostok with a force of two similarly equipped destroyers, one xia class battleships, two cruisers, and two frigates.

The reality the UFE patrol was however mostly symbolic, as the UFE air power amassed from bases in the North was the real tip of the UFE spear for this operation.

UFE air patrols would only register their flight plans with the Vauleyons. For the rest, they would be taking active measures to avoid detection as per the usual behavior of the Federation's air forces.

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The ship became easily visible from the shore after it was hit, has general stal watched it erupt in flames. Meanwhile at a nearby airbase a pair of KA-52 helicopters lifted up and would go the wreckage site looking for any survivors, though it was skeptical there would be any.

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The remaining corvettes detected the two helicopters fast approaching the location of the lost vessel and immediatly began tracking them. RV Logashinko launched two Seadart surface to air missiles. The missiles fired off and quickly sped to their max speed before coming around in a wide arc to their assigned targets.

Further Coded trasmissions would be sent to Cyrantia and Vaule.

===Coded Transmission===
Magadan Oblast launched two KA-52 Alligator attack helicopters into the area they sunk RV Siberia. RV Logashinko has responded by firing two Seadart Surface to Air missiles.

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The helicopters arrived at wreckage site but it was obvious there were no survivors. After radioing in to command short range radars went off detecting two anti-air missiles heading for the aircraft. They immediately deployed chaff countermeasure dispensers and pulled back.

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One of the missiles fell for the chaff decoy and fell harmlessly into the sea, but the second missile kept on at the leading chopper as it fled. A second corvette launched two more SeaDarts at the helicopters, determined to avenge their comrades.

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UFE Skyhawk UAV AWACs would be deployed to monitor the situation as F-1s reported signatures of missiles beginning to fly. AWACs were ordered to take measures necessary to avoid jamming either side in a way that may seem hostile. Further radars were to be kept at minimal use. Instead advanced electro-optical IR along with satellite based radar was to be used for detection.

Two squadrons of A-47s were authorized to deploy equipped with NGTAM missiles for combat use.

Further back six Tu-160 Sinos and two Tu-160 Rudolphs were deployed with range to engage any targets in theatre with overwhelming force.

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