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Posts posted by memoryproblems

  1. STA this month is exactly why I cringe whenever someone calls me a moralist, lumping me in with these dupes.  I have never seen such shocking honor blindness in my life, and I'm eternal.  You're so caught up in honor, where honor is whatever benefits yourselves, that you wouldn't know the difference between objectively right and wrong if I tattooed it across your chests.  You're brainless, you literally base right and wrong on what a treaty says. 
    In STA's judgement system, IRON was at its most honorable when they were curbstomping GPA because, as DarkMistress put it, they were just honoring their treaty.  That's the kind of honor that makes me cackle when anyone says the word "honor."
    It has to be a joke.

    You know Schattenmann, I'm glad to see that joining "the man" hasn't changed you.
  2. Just out of curiousity, how long has it been since Tela earned this opinion from you?

    a while, give or take.

    Ya know, I've absolutely no problems with either STA or TPF. We're merely honoring our treaty with NADC. That said, I know I speak for the other 11 members when I say, "Bring it sunshine."

    Yeah, you know, I really love what you did with the place.
  3. Oh, please, if this war had gone off the way NG wanted, TPF was already pledged to go with the optional Fark treaty over all the NG-side mutuals you have (unless you all were lying to CoJ).
    I've refrained from commenting on TPF gov posts like this so far because I respect TPF, but with a post like that you guys have got to the point where I'm not going to sit around and let you pretend that TPF are the flag-waiving patriots you're acting like over there.

    You wound me, sir.

    But actually, it wasn't until the day before we entered that we decided to be on the NPO side. I have no interest in pretending to being flag-waving patriots, perception means very little to me, but I still can't pretend like this is anything more or less then IRON deserves. When you act like a fool, there are consequences, and IRON has been very foolish lately.
  4. *Down declares against an inactive an already committed opponent*
    *Wonders why he does so good*
    *TPF logic*

    You know, I really love when people make excuses.

    Since we were basically already fighting against TOP's money, we might as well be fighting against TOP anyway.

    Edit: Alyster, please do me a favor and attack me when I fall into your range.
  5. uh oh... TPF is in for a rough ride... show them the nukes!!!
    o/ NPL!

    I think we'll be fine, considering that we have more then twice as many nukes as NPL. In fact, we have more nukes then NPL & MI6 combined. ;) I just need to ride asses to make sure those nukes get used. Should be a fun ride for all those involved.
  6. Yeah, I am doing more damage in both of mine too. In fact, I am doing 8 times the amount of damage in one of them. As it stands, before last night, y'all only had MI6 to fight. We were fighting NPO and were heavily engaged prior to TPF hitting us. Yet, you could only muster up doing 1/3rd more damage than us? I would say, y'all doing pretty shitty mate. If this had been reversed and MI6 had hit TPF while y'all were heavily engaged, well just look at our damage output to NPO for that revelation mate. 


    So, I would suggest getting off whatever high horse you are on and realize that y'all should be doing a whole lot better than the performance you have managed. 


    As for TOP giving MI6 aids, I think everyone in MI6 wants to get aids from TOP. 


    You'll excuse me if I don't buy into the thoughts of your undoubtedly great military mind, but something you should consider is how while MI6 had the oppertunity to nuke every nation we had at war with you, in several of the MI6 targets we took, NPO was still doing some of the nuking, so there is always that to consider as well.


    And I'm glad you've got such a great ally such as TOP to aid you, looking at the intelligence we've gathered, there are several of your nations who would be in a pretty sore spot without it. (including yourself, before too long.)

  7. Good luck. I'm sure it'll be a glorious battle.


    That aside, this has got to be the stupidest fucking thing I've seen all day. NPL MnD's, LoSS oAs, MCXA oAs, and NADC oAs, and NADC is the only one attacking (so far). The day may soon come where we can remember this, but until then, good luck, I'm sure your warriors will do you proud.

  8. TPF_War_Flag.png

    The Phoenix Federation
    Declaration of War

    The past few months, with the past few weeks in particular have been a trying time for The Phoenix Federation. We have found ourselves torn between allies and between paths towards the future. If you walk on both sides of a barbed wire fence far enough, you're eventually going to be castrated.

    It's hardly a secret that we haven't always been big fans of the actions of the New Sith Order and Non Grata. Several months ago they actively worked to plan a war against the New Polar Order, a war which we believed to be unnecessary and misguided. We had hoped that such a war could be avoided, and made it clear that should it occur, we would not be a party. Indeed, we made it clear that we would have defended our friends and allies in Fark rather then support such an attack.

    Obviously the circumstances have changed, and the hunters have become the hunted. We have wrestled with a decision for quite some time now, a decision that would affect us for this war and beyond. We were prepared to stand and lose beside Fark, but were we willing to win beside them as well? Were we capable of turning our backs on the New Pacific Order in their hour of need?

    I cannot fault the rationale of the New Polar Order in attacking the New Sith Order, but the extent to which the New Pacific Order has been countered has determined our course for this war. We understand the positions of all those involved, however we are not going to allow an ally to burn while we stand on the sidelines.

    The Phoenix Federation declares war on MI6.
    It's time to roll the hard six, Acta non Verba.

    Roadie, Evil Overlord
    Judge X, Evil Underlord

    Leeguy, Phoenix Magistrate
    memoryproblems, Phoenix Magistrate

    JBone, Ember
    mhawk, Ember
    grahamkeatley, Ember
    Admir, Ember
    BioBomber, Ember

    Tim, General
    Kilkenny, General
  9. I for one know that you planned to hit some of us and considering the nuke advantage and your WCs from sitting for 30+ days would have been trouble for anyone. Then you and D1 merge and barely any explanation at all, what were We to think?

    My intention was not, nor was is it ever, to destroy warriors, unlike the proven track record of your new members towards OP.

    So war is to continue?


    Well I can't and don't speak for the Warriors, but what you think is really no concern of mine, nor the actual tW government I'd assume, similairly I'm unsure as to why you would think you would receive an explination, I wasn't aware it was necessary for tW to broadcast it's internal workings to the world. To assage your concerns however, I would say that from what I know (which while not everything, is a fair bit), the merger was not a one-round strategy ploy, it was something to fit into the long-term vision of Clash and to address certian issues with tW leadership.


    That you attacked us is not the concern I have, rather what bothers me is the manner in which you went about it. I think you know full and well that 2 of the four alliances fighting us could have made for a good war, minus the nukes issue, but you can't honestly tell me that in your infinite wisdom you couldn't have found a more equitable way to address that factor? I'm generally not a party to whining, but that you assembled a group of alliances with more then twice as many members as tW, that you presumably chose the best equipped, the best trained and most active of that pool to attack us is frankly shameful.


    That all said, I don't speak for tW, so my comments should not be taken as an official opinion, and if you honestly want to evaluate the timetable of this war, I can't imagine it'd be too hard for you to find the proper people through message. (Although to be honest, I couldn't even really tell you who that might be these days.)

  10. It's a shame that I'm no longer involved to the extent that I once was. I find it absolutely ridiculous though that you want to talk about how you only have certian members engaging tW. You combined the forces of 4 of the top 7 alliances in the game with a combined membership of roughly double that of the Warriors.


    You can talk about how you're not all engaged, how you've only sent certian nations, but what I'm sure you didn't take into account is to make your assembled forces have similar demographics to our alliance. Like any alliance, we have a mix of well-built nations and not so well-built nations, of good fighters and not so good fighters, of active players and not so active players. I can only assume in building your forces, you chose the well built, the good fighters, and the active players, so where your numbers and size may be accurate, it is far from a fair engagement.


    You talk about not wanting to destroy the warriors, but the evidence of your acts demonstrates otherwise. I'm no longer party to the decision making in tW, but if I were, I'd begin work immediate, and my intent [b]would[/b] be your destruction, or at the very least to make you unable to perpetrate any such cowardly and despicable actions in the future.


    We're all for good war and fair play, and this is neither. Matters such as these are not quickly forgotten.

  11. OOC: Clash has been very busy with RL, maybe that's why no wars.


    But dear lord, you guys sure assembled a lot of resources to come after us. I had thought higher of you, I honestly had. It's a shame that I haven't been as active as I should have been, it's a shame, but shortly i'll be out of anarchy and able to come after your nations and ensure that this endeavor isn't forgotten by all of you ;)

  12. Ah yes, it all makes sense now.

    Isn't Kevanovia the guy who founded more than 10 alliances already and managed to fail with all of them?

    8 years? Those three were all founded within my five. And let's not forget that you were pretty much the Carly Rae Jepsen "Merge Me Maybe?" guy for UPN

    I wish I could say I expect great things from Atlas, but I just don't. Good luck though, I could be wrong.
  13. I don't know how you gleamed out of what I wrote anything about moralism.

    I don't know any better, so I wonder how good you are at reading. What I actually said is that we feel that their actions should have consequences. I don't think it's a big secret that we aren't terribly big fans of theirs. At the beginning we were mostly just raiding them, attacking and offering peace, but we dropped the pretense some time ago as we sought to continue keeping them at war and quit offering peace and started working to keep them staggered/following them as they attempted to flee.

    Furthermore, I assure you that it had nothing to do with propaganda, I was simply attempting to be so polite as to lay out what our aims are and what ends we seek.

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