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Everything posted by Xanatos

  1. I sense a decent gain for Viridia in the close future. A little birdie told me so.
  2. I don't see why we'll need luck. Our community may be small now but we are all likable and welcoming people. Our protectors are one of the finest and most honorable around. Plus, aside from you and your lot posting, it doesn't seem as though we have very many enemies nor do we intend to make any. Just because you have issues with one member of our government, don't bash our alliance as a whole. Your quarrel is personal and belongs in private; I ask once more to refrain from your negativity with Arrnea in this thread.
  3. Ridiculous. Reality alterations can remove your ability to use lightning in the first place.
  4. If you would visit the anime channel more often over the past few months that could have been changed
  5. Both. I'll have you know perform the Hare Hare Yukai on a daily basis.
  6. Now you're going to confuse people as to my gender. I can't return because you still owe me Hank's as Arrnea says, the SOS Brigade can't function without a mascot
  7. I demand to know who your comment was directed to so I may check it out myself!

  8. Oh baby, we can let you lead us on a little for a short time at least ;D
  9. Dragonknight where are you? It appears that TOOL and Viridia are once again in an unbreakable love dance
  10. My basic ideas and principals are shared with Xanatos, but our personalities branch out. Where I may have difficulties approaching new people or voicing my ideas, Xana is more than capable of making conversation. Things that I am able to type up for Xana when in character would be to formal or strict for me to talk like in real life. Things such as this separate us. So aside from minor details, inside we are the same person.
  11. Jorjor, why do you make me hate you more every day?
  12. tl;dr: YouMaka is awesome, iFOK is awesome, Rebel Virginia is crying a river.
  13. My admiration for the NSO grows by the day. Obligatory not the same view as my alliance disclaimer blah blah.
  14. I lost the game! Congrats on three years
  15. And our ANS continues to rise \o/
  16. Quarter of a point loss, ouch.
  17. I love Akki and he loves me back

  18. I, for one, look forward to the day when Polaris holds the number one spot
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