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Everything posted by Loucifer

  1. Yep, propoganda. Stand by... I need to find my script. Please direct me to anywhere I may have posted propoganda. Actually, the quoted post proves my earlier point perfectly.
  2. No, it is some opportunist who thinks he/she is cool by stealing a well known name.
  3. Sorry, the bait is not tempting enough.
  4. While it would be entertaining to engage you folks in thoughtful discussion, any argument I might offer at this time will be twisted and shouted down by those who feel they must spew hatred and bile at every opportunity. I tend not to come to this arena very often for that very reason. If you are sincerely wanting an answer to your questions, you are free to find me on IRC. I will make an attempt at answering your questions. Although if it involves anything considered to be privileged information, I will not be able to answer you. Thank you and have a better day. Loucifer NPO Imperial Officer
  5. This may be a silly question, but, I have to ask... What is that other stuff that represents IRON? It kinda looks like scrambled eggs, but on a grill?
  6. In no means is this meant to try and dissuade you from your opinions, but, I will try to answer your concerns as much as Operational Security will allow me to. If you had left before we were in a state of open warfare, your leaving would have been met with "sorry to see you go" or other neutral comments. Unfortunately, you decided to leave during a full scale war, and then come here and make claims that really should have been left between you and us. You have been around long enough to know our policy for those who leave in the middle of a war. Unfortunately, most alliances are military based alliances, joining them means you will need to fight for them at some point. You stated on your application that you would do so. Now, in that respect, we expected you to fight when we either declare war or are declared upon, which, this time we got both options, how lucky is that? Always good to have options If you are referring to making a forum post and calling an IO out, most certainly it garners you some disrespect and a lot of members take umbrage at that. If you had approached one of us privately, we are not hard to talk to, In fact, I answer anyone who contacts me, be it on IRC, or PM you will get a response. Ask anyone who has dealt with me if you dont take my word for it. I don't need to do that, as a bit over 2 years ago, I was in your spot, well not exactly, but a new member as you were. I lurked around the forums for a while and then found something to do within the alliance that interested me, at the time the department was led by Doitzel (who is now Vox), I will always have some respect for him as he gave me that chance to participate. (OOC: Don't get all mushy Doitzel, I still despise your character ). All it takes is a little initiative and you can gain a position within the alliance, its not all that difficult if you truly wish to work with those you have decided to join. That is one I cannot answer, for I have never felt the need or desire to switch alliances, or been disillusioned enough to want to try and ruin my chosen alliance. So this is one mindset I cannot see. If i had to guess, I would say boredom, wanting a new challenge, expecting something from the NPO that wasn't there, or not accepting that alliances sometimes can and must change over time. OOC: I hope when you choose your next alliance, you consider my words, and take an active role within your new alliance, it will not only make this game more fun, but it will also allow you to see that sometimes things have to be done for the sake of the alliance, and that the officers are not some lofty position to rule the members like serfs, they are players like you doing the best they can for those who have put their trust in them. Thank you for your time. Loucifer NPO Imperial Officer
  7. Sileath, You left the NPO on moderately decent terms. I still like you even though we may not be on the same side, but, I would ask you to not try and dictate our policy or anything else pertaining to our government from your position within another alliance. Thank you Loucifer NPO Imperial Officer
  8. Jocko, While I can understand your point of view, I do take umbrage at your methods. You have been a member of the NPO for over 5 months, but you could not bother to get involved in your alliance. Yes, you did a fair number of tech deals with NPO members, although that is helpful, it does not involve you in the day to day operations of the alliance. We have a large number of our members who devote a large amount of time to try and keep the alliance running. Maybe, just maybe if you had felt the need to get involved, you may have seen how and why we do things. But, as a semi-active alliance member, you have jumped to conclusions that I and many others within the NPO disagree with. So you wanted to leave, that is fine. But, you could have done it with dignity and respect for the rest of us who still care to be here. Instead you decide to come to this arena and attempt to degrade us with cheap shots and blatantly out of context quotes from unrelated topics. I would like to remind you of the one quote you seem to have forgotten... Lastly, did you bother to talk to any of the officers about your concerns? Did you even try to understand what we are doing? Unfortunately it seems you did not, as none of the officers remember you asking them about anything. I am trying very hard to be polite here, your actions have upset me quite a bit, and I don't usually get upset about things very easily. Loucifer NPO Imperial Officer (I will not argue the political aspects of the NPO here, not my forte.)
  9. I'm not going to argue the politics involved with the Moldavi or Revenge Doctrine, but, I had to point out this utter fallacy of your argument. What was reported in Vox's propaganda piece as a call for a red militia was one members idea. If you could have read the entire thread, you would see it was shot down pretty quickly. I suppose noone in your alliance ever had a silly idea and never posted it either. You must be more of a tyrant than they claim us to be. Just remember to believe everything Vox tells you and you will do fine. Now, anyone seen Kane around?
  10. Bwahahahaha. Blacky, your always good for some entertainment. As for your assertions up above, you keep telling yourself that, and someday, even you may believe it.
  11. Let's bring this back to the masses, who may have been wondering how to join us.
  12. I was browsing through the new forums here and ran across this once again... I get it, really I do. What I would like clarified is, does this apply if you have nation sat? If it does apply, maybe you could add that in. If it does apply,it seems to be a harsh restriction for helping out a friend. Although understandable.
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