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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. I don't think it was incompetent. You're reaching. They did what they thought they had to do to prepare for a possible global wide war. If it was peace or war last night at update because of the timing of a greater plan then what was supposed to happen in that situation happened. All Moo's crappy inet connection did was cut short what could have been the critical peace making minutes before that deadline hit. Which is very tragic indeed.
  2. No, I'm saying the execution order was a bad idea compounded by the extenuating circumstance of Moo getting pinged from IRC. The attacking NPO nations had no way of knowing that negotiations were ongoing. I'd really love to see the logs of that convo after Moo got pinged.
  3. I'm saying there is an explanation and not that they meant to purposefully attack during ongoing negotiations which has been a regular chant around here as of late.
  4. Actually the war was on all of those nights and someone kept calling it off to give OV more time. I was there waiting with everyone else to hear news if the thing was going live or not. I think the maximum time to wait just finally ran out last night.
  5. Was it a clusterschmuck? Yeah. A lot of !@#$ all went wrong at the wrong time. It's fairly obvious Moo woulda heard you out if he had the chance. The choice to attack at a certain time unless Moo said no was imo a bad move in retrospect but I'm sure you can understand that planning ahead is part of the game. This is going to be a huge war. The timing I'm sure was critical to what Pacifica had planned. If there was no deal by deadline then war was imminent. It seemed to me that Moo was hoping you would accept the 7 day deal there before he got cutoff. He did seem to be in a rush like that deadline was coming and he wanted to give you every chance to get a deal before it hit. Unfortunately fate chose otherwise it seems.
  6. Look we all know Pacifica is a stickler to detail when it comes to military action. Odds are this was the final night of negotiations per their plan. As the punishment was all the way down to a 7 day war I don't see how much farther down they would've gone since OV was so hard pressed to attack Mhawk for things he apparently never did.
  7. I actually believe they were being done in good faith. Moo seemed in an awful hurry. Asking if they accepted the 7 day war before the OV member could even get out what they were trying to say. I think there was a time limit. If moo didn't call off the attack before a certain time the attack was a go. It's that old military idea of acting with orders in hand unless you get new orders. I think Bigwoody did wait but since NPO had gone off attacking on orders they had in hand he had to give the order to attack per the plan I suppose. Then waited for Moo to reconnect and see WTF happened before posting his DoW. Plausible no?
  8. I'm guessing Pacifica moved without Moo to keep in the time frame after not hearing that peace was achieved. Goddamn horrible time for the net to go down.
  9. Mhawk didn't spy. If you all were in #VE at 4 AM this morning you would know that. Pfft going to bed early. You miss all the good action.
  10. What I saw was Moo saying "Do you decline the 7 day war as well?" Then OV saying they wanted Mhawk's head for some reason.
  11. Question why did they retract after they had agreed to a ZI and then later refuse a simple one week war session. If you have valid reasons I can respect that. I'm just wondering.
  12. Taking as in receiving.........
  13. Was there no one in VE's public chan early this morning?
  14. I'm sure a deadline was set and that prepes were made incase war happened. If Moo really pinged out then that is the most horrible luck ever, for all sides concerned. What I think happened was that Pacifican forces knew the time to go unless they heard otherwise. Of course if Moo pinged they didn't hear otherwise. (If that's the case then it was bad planning as they should have been waiting to be told to go instead of being told not to go) NPO got in quite a few declarations before TORN got one. Bigwoody seeing that Pacifica had attacked not knowing that Moo couldn't confirm or deny an attack released his hounds as soon as it became apparent that there was no going back. Bigwoody probably delayed in his posted DoW so he could see wtf happened to Moo at the end there. At least that's how I imagine it went down. I could be really wrong.
  15. Ask anyone who read the logs posted in VE's public chan last night if TPF had anything to do with "spying". OV wanting Mhawk's head was actually pretty baseless.
  16. Ahh ok. I always took the WDC to be like GPA's DoN. Color me sheepish. Eh? Eh? No?
  17. Actually no but I'm sure those logs won't take long to come out either.
  18. Of course I am but I'm sure the spy lover's commitee will protect me.
  19. It's ok I didn't ask for them some guy just came up to me and said hey here's some screenies of The Gremlins forum. I said thanks. It's pretty much common knowledge that Gremlins hoards their cheese. I wouldn't be suprised to hear of 10billion warchests out of that out fit.
  20. I guess it depends on your version of harsh compared to NPO's. Also I always thought of Doitzel as a sadist only.
  21. Ok don't scare me into thinking you guys will turn into what you hate if you win.
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