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Commander John

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Posts posted by Commander John

  1. Once upon a time there were two fish swimming in the ocean. One was a large fish. This fish had been around the ocean a few times and knew the general layout. The other was small fish, just barely out of its minnow stage and still learning the layout of the ocean. Because they lived in the same area of the ocean and seemed to have similar views on important things like what kind of plankton to eat and who to swim with, the big fish and little fish started to hang out together. Eventually, they even created their own school. Together they swam happily for months until changes in the ocean made the little fish feel like it had to swim to another part of the ocean. The big fish was comfortable where it was and didn't want to leave.

    After its attempts to persuade the big fish to come with failed, the little fish decided to swim to a new part of the ocean to an area where it could feel more comfortable. As the months in its new home passed, the little fish grew up and and developed its own way of swimming and made many new friends in its new home. However, it never really forgot its friends in its old home, even though the distance between them made communication very hard.

    One day, little fish, who was now not so little, swam back to the its former home to visit big fish. Unfortunately, little fish soon discovered that in the time apart, it had developed a way of swimming that was very different from the way that the big fish swam. Soon, the two fish discovered that they now had very little in common and the bond that they had shared while they were in their school together no longer seemed to exist. This fact was very distressing to both fish as they both fondly remembered the good times that they had together. At this point, they knew that they could either swim apart forever or try to recapture some of the magic that there once was between them. Unwilling to totally cut ties, the two fish decided to try to talk to each other again to see if they could pick up where they left off.

    As little fish and big fish tried to work on their differences some of little fishes friends made there way over to the the big fishes part of the ocean and decided that the water was warmer and nicer and soon realized that they swam more like big fish than little fish. Little fish became very angry when her friends decided to stay in Big Fish's home and began to say very mean things about big fish and even threaten to hurt big fish. Big Fish was deeply saddened by this and began to talk to all the other fish around big fish's reef. All the sea creatures in big fish's part of the ocean voted and decided that little fish had said some things that were way over the line and decided that Big fish and his friends should no longer have contact with little fish and will not invite little fish back to swim in the beautiful aqua colored waters around big fish's reef.


    The Aquatic Brotherhood is hereby canceling its MDoAP with Zenith for reasons discussed in private chambers.

    HT to Duncan King of Zenith for the storyline!

  2. Whos "The Aquatic Brotherhood"?

    I believe the proper vernacular you are reaching for would be "What is The Aquatic Brotherhood?" for we are an alliance not a personality, but then again, are you sure you really want to know the answer to that question? One should not ask pointed questions like that unless they are truly prepared to find the answer!

    Edit: Forgot to answer his question. hmmm. On second thought he should find out on his own.

  3. I am so glad that TAB decided to stick their necks out and sign a PIAT with us all those months ago. Without the bravery and moxie of that fine alliance, I do not know where we'd be today.

    Honestly, that post above was a bad idea and I think you should think things through before posting such nonsense. TAB should not feel slapped in the face by this cancellation, but if you'd like to air dirty laundry from the past we can go there. Your rant is off-base, insulting, and does nothing to help RoK/TAB relations.

    The only decent nugget from that statement is that communication is a two way street and we do not lay the blame solely at the feet of TAB. Our two alliances have not had a conversation of any kind for months before tonight and this is the right decision.

    It was not my intention to air any dirty laundry nor do I see any dirty laundry there. I was not speaking as TAB but as Commander John from the Isle of Roisin who happens to be a member of TAB. My intentions were not to be insulting but rather thought provoking. Maybe in our reorganization we have not been very outward focused. But in those months of a lack of communication RoK did not come knocking on our door and say " hey, haven't seen you in a while is everything ok." I understand that at times alliances will drift apart, go different ways. And that is fine.

    All I was saying was that before you canceled maybe you should have popped your head in and said hey guys whats up were feeling the cold shoulder and would like to try to rebuild our relationship. I don't feel that the rant was off-base. I was approached minutes before this announcement was made and told that the treaty was being canceled, no way of redeeming the relationship just the decision has been made and we are announcing it. Personally, I don't feel that is very diplomatic. That is all I was saying. Anyways that is my two cents worth. I have not discussed these posts with my alliance, they have no knowledge of my actions. I am speaking as the Leader of the Isle of Roisin not as a government member of TAB.

    Having said all of that I totally understand that our relationship is not what it once was and do not fault you for canceling the treaty. I along with all of the members of TAB wish RoK the best. You have been great friends to us in the past. Fare thee well old friends!

  4. I personally am very disappointed that RoK would chose to cancel its oldest treaty instead of trying to reconnect.

    TAB was the first to offer you a treaty, Hoo even in the midst of our war with \m/ where RoK got its beginnings we looked past that fact and saw a great leader regardless of the alliance tag. I have personally been your biggest fan.

    I guess when you get so big you forget who your friends are.

    Communication is a two way street. I hope we can renew our friendship down the road.

    Really a slap in the face to the ones who pushed for that treaty in the first place.


  5. <Sargun> can you get rid of the site but not the server?

    <Jake[Pen|GFX]> Yes

    <Jake[Pen|GFX]> As far as I see, no backup were made

    This is false. I host TAB on 2 different servers. one is a constant redundant back up of the main server. to ake the tab site down you would have to target 2 servers. since my servers are located in different Access Centers that would be nearly impossible. Also there is a server side back up done 4 times every day at random times. TAB site is secure.

  6. Apology Accepted.

    You are forgiven of your crimes against The Corps and removed from our Perma-ZI list.

    Thank you TPF and TAB for your help in resolving this.

    Lets all go eat some people feet :)

    They really do taste like chicken

  7. o/ Emperor Cowboy Cornholio

    Lead Strong, Above all Lead with a servants heart. Sacrifice much. Serve well and with dignity. You will take Phantom to places I would have only dreamed of. May you be blessed in all of your affairs.

    I will be around some so don't be afraid to ask for my help if needed.

  8. The stress of the day is over, And calm is the evening time; Behind are the heights that this man has scaled in his pride and prime.

    At noon was the smoke of battle, Its tumult, its crash and roar; But the boom and the musket's rattle The veteran hears no more. In the peace of the quiet evening, with the warfare over and done the old soldier sits dreaming of victories nobly won.

    He dreams of a fierce, wild charge, The screaming of shot and shell, The roll of drums and the shouting?The agony of Taps playing in the distance. He may be the first of many, but who can tell'? He feels the cold come creeping with the sun so low in the west? Nay! though his locks are frosted

    The heart is warm in his breast. Soft is the glow of the sunset,And it touches him tenderly; Bright was the day that morning but long will the twilight be.

    "Give someone else the shield to bear" He shouts "Give someone else the Bugle to Blow" "Many battles I've fought and won" he says " And Many I have fought and lost, I would not have you loose at any cost." "Give someone else the banner to carry" he says" Give someone else this burden to bear. I have climbed many hills and taken them for you. Where is my rest?, Where is my Embrace?" A requiem for a dream he somberly quotes as he draws his family close. To the grave he rattles on. "Goodbye my friends my final breath is drawn. My Final Battle has been Won".

    With this I say goodbye to Planet Bob. I will not make a long drawn out speech. A few shout outs and such. It has been a fun year but all good things must come to an end.

    o/ Count Rupert- without you my nation would still be nothing

    o/ Crushtania- I will miss you but hey you joined my facebook so I will see you around

    o/ Cowboy Cornholio- My Friend, My successor, Stay Strong, Build the corps.

    o/ King Xander- thanks for being there for Phantom and TAB as we grew together

    o/ Joque Straap- Stay Secksi baby

    o/ Mordecai - Gonna miss ya buddy. we will talk in MSN.

    o/ BlackJackCF- dont worry I will still do you calculus homework for you only we have to do it via Facebook

    o/ Sargun - A true Friend, I will miss censoring you in IRC

    o/ Tiberivs- Man I m really going to miss that latin stuff and our talks about RL stuff too.

    o/ Sorum- Keep Rockin Bro!

    o/ Aaannndddyyy- Dude I almost forgot you, Im sorry, I really appreciate you. You have been a good friend

    o/ TAB

    o/ TCB

    o/ The Phantom Warrior Corps

    o/ The Renegades

    o/ The Axis of Silly

    Goodbye :(

  9. 1) We aren't at war with Legendis so you failed there. We are just holding him until we can clear him.

    2) You are claiming a great victory, yet you attacked a 7 member alliance that has only 3 active members.

    3) All you have accomplished is to make many alliances hate you.

    4) Once you are revealed, you will surely be destroyed.

    I think I remember reading something about creating fake system reports is against the rules.

    Oh yeah there it is.

    IMPORTANT: Do not send fake system reports of any kind including fake battle and peace offer reports. Do not use any form of mass messaging script to send mass messages to other users in Cyber Nations. Do not use any form of software with this messaging system. Do not spam other members inboxes.

    Someone want to ban these jokers so I don't have to waste my nukes on them?

  10. Bully topic Didnt you attack them without solid proof.

    We had other reasons for that war. Which was all laid out in that thread and the others that went with it. Yes we tied the spying to that but we knew it was circumstantial but with all of our other reasons it made sense. What we have posted tonight is pretty solid in our eyes and if by odd chance we have the wrong guy still this is a process and no one has attacked legendis yet. We are just holding him out of peace mode until we can be sure it is correct. I am willing to answer any questions you have in private channels. But for reasons of security will not answer anything here.

  11. I don't know how. I use to get on through cnatlantis.com java application (old Atlantis forum), but I guess it just recently shut down. Any other way of me getting on without downloading the program? I tried it once, and It screwed up my computer.

    go to www.cn-tab.net and click on Chat

    it will take you to the TAB room. You will find me there.

  12. I understand you thinking he was dumb to announce it to the world, but ypu guys have no place to call him dumb for spying off your nukes, I mean he got you to get a protectorate cancelled and go to war with the wrong guy lol!

    You obviously don't know the whole story between Phantom and DOOM, so go troll elsewhere.

  13. well this is a load of bull crap why would someone blur instead of erase unless they were framing or just idiots. Obviously PWC never took this into consideration or maybe they did do this whole thing to start a war for themselves that seems like they are the good guys.

    Hold on there buddy, We have screenshots of 5 nations all which indicate your alliance, McGuffey as an active participant in this. If we wanted a war we would have just brought it. However, Mogar told me to look closely and the nations we suspect as GTN all were part of your alliance but apparently ghosting or changed team color to attack) except one. Now we did not go to war with Legendis, We simply declared on him to keep him from going to peace mode since 2 of the GTN leaders are in peace mode already, while we sort this out. If Legendis has solid evidence freeing him from wrongdoing we will gladly let him go. If he can not produce such evidence we will ZI him. so before you start throwing accusations you might want to make sure that McGuffey is free of all GTN operatives since all screen shots posted showed all attacks on The Corps coming from within your alliance.

  14. That's good.

    Thoughts on my crazy theory?

    These guys are not that smart. Did you read the thread that was posted by them. They can't even spell "our". I doubt they would think of this plan of yours. These guys seem impulsive at best. I really don't think they are that smart.

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