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Posts posted by Chimaera


    This is unfortunate. Damn near every quality leader who has joined MI6 has morphed into an insufferable !@#$%. Honestly, Hoo, there's a reason so many people simply can't stand them. You should've done your research.


    Van Hoo III: future insufferable &^%$#

  2. You sure you want that? Friendly reminder: You have no allies to save you this time considering they all just went to war while yall sat on the sidelines busy licking your wounds from raiding 2 man AAs.


    Don't be so sure, Smurf.  GOONS won't be alone in a defensive fight as long as MI6 is around.


    That's a bit more complicated than you are letting on, let's say for example I bought tech inadvertently from a multi ring (I didn't know), then they all get deleted and I lose all the tech they sent me.  If I had not been scammed by multis, I would have found legitimate tech from alternative sources, so I am being punished for something I was not aware of.  So by doing anything to the receivers, you risk hitting innocent people.


    Better to let a thousand guilty men go free than incarcerate an innocent man, etc.


    That principle does not and should not apply to Planet Bob, not to mention the abject idiocy of suggesting people are being 'scammed' by people who are sending them constant free technology.

  4. I have perspective just fine. Chim is bitter because he got cancelled and is taking it personally. Which is fine, but MI6 treaty was the least personal of cancellations, and he's the only one making a fuss about it, so eh.


    Look, I was going to leave it be until you went and attacked me here.  I couldn't possibly care less that the treaty was cancelled; it was best for both our alliances but MI6 would never have done such a thing after going to bat for you this war.  Politically untenable locally, shall we say; my membership thought the world of you guys until three days ago.  And it's posts like these that make me sorry to have defended you to them in the first place.


    I thought Yeru's post was low and baseless against the rest of your ex-allies, so I interjected myself into the discussion.  Nothing personal whatsoever; I found the sentiment remarkably distasteful and unfitting to the quality I believe of Yeru as a leader, so I had something to say about it. 

  5. You're right. The honourable thing would be to refuse to enter in the assistance of our blocmates for weeks, or to divert support from them, and to insist on permawar for ourselves, while claiming our actions as a part of a bloc have no impact on anyone else. How dare Sparta be the last alliance on its front to initiate peace talks. What horrible scum we are.


    By all means, make sure you include MI6, who went to absolute hell and back to defend you, in your current evisceration of those who considered you allies, Yeru.  We'd all be greatly amused.


    To see it come to this from you is sad indeed.

  6. Next week, on MI6: The Show!


    Can MrHiott's Pidgey ever do anything of value?  

    Will we catch a caterpie, name it Salajol, and watch it turn into a beautiful Butterfree?


    Can Carter defeat Brock?


    Is Duelking's Mankey going to get released?


    Tune in and find out!

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